ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Who Can You Trust”, CHICAGO FIRE “You Choose” and CHICAGO P.D. “Trust” Episode Round-up
Drama was high this week in the ONE CHICAGO world! Read on to see what went down in the latest CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE and CHICAGO P.D. episodes…

CHICAGO P.D. — “Trust” Episode 611 — Pictured: John C. McGinley as Brian Kelton — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein)
Last week we mentioned that new character Phillip Davis would have a guest arc on MED, this week he pops up in a short scene looking for Dr Manning but she gets called away. We couldn’t help but notice his disappointment, so we’re saying watch this space! On FIRE, Severide is bonding with rich boat guy’s son and Gordan AKA boat guy is clearly threatened by this and pretty much goes Jekyll and Hyde on Severide this week. By the end of this week’s ep, we wouldn’t be surprised if this was the last that we saw of the father and son. On P.D., Antonio is back and looking much better – a haircut and shave can really do wonders! We also finally meet Brennan’s boss, Superintendent Kelton, who has a big part in this week’s ep.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Trust” Episode 611 — Pictured: (l-r) LaRoyce Hawkins as Kevin Atwater, Jason Beghe as Hank Voight — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
On MED we have Bekker going against both Rhodes and a patient’s wishes and while she may think that she has good intentions, we know that this is not going to end well. Speaking of defying, on FIRE Foster isn’t afraid to speak up when she thinks something is wrong, even if it means questioning the reputation of a renowned doctor and getting herself and Brett into trouble with the paramedic chief. He tells Brett that she really knows how to pick a partner, but this isn’t Brett’s first rodeo with a headstrong partner and she has Foster’s back. In the end the Chief apologizes to Foster as she was onto something. Meanwhile on P.D., Atwater is shot on the job! (He’s okay though.)

CHICAGO MED — “Who Can You Trust” Episode 411 — Pictured: (l-r) Nate Santana as James Lanik, Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson)
SO MUCH tension in the ONE CHICAGO world this week, particularly on MED. Will Halstead is back at work and as much as he tries to deny it, he is affected by everything he’s been through. It starts off with him getting agitated with a doctor cutting in front of him in the coffee cart line to throwing shade at Nat that she threw him out of the house when she expresses her concern. Then he’s assigned to a case involving a surrogate carrying twins who doesn’t agree with the birth parents decision about a procedure. Although she signed a contract, she refuses to have the procedure, which causes lawyers to get involved. Will is on the surrogate’s side arguing that it’s an issue of consent. Unfortunately the contract that she signs, nullifies that but Will isn’t having any of it. Goodwin then has to intervene and take him off the case and even then he goes behind her back with an alternate procedure that thankfully works. Goodwin warns him that it was this behavior that nearly got him kicked out of his residency and he needs to be better than that now that he’s an attending. She then goes to Dr Charles to seek his advice and it turns out Manning also sought out Dr Charles. So it’s off to mandatory counselling for Halstead now and he is not happy about it.
Elsewhere on MED, there is a lot of tension surrounding April and Dr Choi. When Choi and his girlfriend Vicky bring in an injured veteran and Vicky tries to give April some orders, April looks to Choi to make the call rather than taking them from her since she doesn’t actually work at MED. When test results come in, April is hesitant to share them with Choi in front of Vicky and when he questions April about it, she says she is just following the rules. Later when the patient’s condition worsens, Dr Lanik is brought in and he tells Choi to save their limited resources for patients who have a shot. Choi turns on April for getting Lanik involved and accuses her of doing it as an act of revenge against him. She is outraged that he could accuse her of being so petty and unprofessional and things get so heated that Maggie has to intervene and tell them to take it outside. Maggie then later decides that moving forward, she’s going to schedule April on alternate shifts to Choi but he tells Maggie that unless April requests not to work with him, he would prefer to continue working with April.

CHICAGO FIRE — “You Choose” Episode 711 — Pictured: Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris)
On FIRE, rich boat guy Gordan is not happy that Severide is bonding with his son and uses the excuse that Severide’s paint job is terrible to fire him in front of his son. Later 51 get a call to Gordan’s house where a fire has broken out in the garage where the boat is held. Gordan arrives on the scene and goes off at Severide and accuses him of setting the fire. It’s revealed that the son did it (something that Severide suspected) and when he bids farewell to Severide with a hug, Gordan gets snarky. It goes to show that money really can’t buy you everything. Also on FIRE, the house is treading on eggshells in the aftermath of Severide and Kidd’s break up. So much so that Kidd feels that she needs to clear the air with the house and tell them that she’s fine and that the breakup isn’t going to affect their work – in fact she’s going to train dalmatian Tuesday for the Fire Dog Show, despite Ritter’s reservations.
On P.D., following the aftermath of Ruzek covering up what happened with Antonio to protect the unit, Voight is pretty peeved. Ruzek questions why it has to be Voight that protects them and why is it so wrong that he does instead. Voight plays the whole I am the leader of this unit card but all that tension is put aside when Voight ends up going head-to-head with Kate Brennan. In fact, things get pretty heated with the sergeant and superintendent’s right-hand after Atwater is shot, that Voight decides to go expose the superintendant. Thankfully Halstead shows up to stop him from doing something he’ll regret. On a smaller scale of tension, Antonio is back but his partner Burgess is wary of his return and admits that she doesn’t completely trust him just yet, especially with pills that are evidence. I think it takes a lot of courage to be able to stand up to your partner and be truthful like that, so good on Burgess.

CHICAGO FIRE — “You Choose” Episode 711 — Pictured: (l-r) Teddy Sears as Kyle Sheffield, Kara Killmer as Slyvie Brett– (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris)
It’s not exactly smooth sailing for any of our MED ships this week. We’ve got the awkward love triangle between April, Choi and Vicky, which involves a very heated argument between April and Choi and then ends with a kiss when he later goes to apologize. Oh and Vicky shows up just moments after the kiss (and after April flees). Things are not good between Nat and Will after last week’s gun incident and now her talking to Dr Charles, which leads to Will being forced to go to counselling doesn’t exactly help his anger against her either. However, she’s also frustrated with him because after all this time, he’s still keeping her in the dark and won’t let her in on what he is feeling. Dr Rhodes and Bekker are seemingly in a good place at the start of the episode (most definitely in comparison to the other couples) but when she goes behind his back on a case because she knew he wouldn’t be on board with what she did, things go south. She argues that the end justifies the means and while we can read between the lines and know what she’s referring to, does Rhodes? Apparently so, or he at least has his suspicions, because he goes to see his dad after their arguement. Oh boy! Side note, we’realso intrigued by Lanik’s comments to Rhodes when he questions whether Rhodes and Bekker are a thing and he says, “give me a heads up when she dumps you.” Does Lanik know something that we don’t?
On FIRE, the breakup between Kidd and Severide has resulted in weird vibes in the house. After Kidd overhears Mouch remark “try riding in truck next to her,”, she’s determined to prove that she’s fine and that the pair can be professional. A call puts the exes working together and they prove that they can work together. However, Severide’s lingering looks don’t go unnoticed by us and after much support from Herrmann, Kidd quietly admits that she’s not okay but with time she will be. Thank goodness for Brett and the chaplain because we all the angst going on with the rest of the ONE CHICAGO couples, their sweetness was much needed! The pair have gone on a couple of dates now and are clearly a thing, especially if he understands her passion for House Hunters. There is potentially romance in the air for her ambo partner when the doctor that Foster accused of negligence, asks her out after they clear the air. Talk about a meet cute!

CHICAGO FIRE — “You Choose” Episode 711 — Pictured: David Eigenberg as Christopher Herrmann — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris)
The support in the ONE CHICAGO world is what produced all the feels this week. First we had Herrmann on FIRE looking out for Kidd after her breakup with Severide, despite her telling him not to fuss over her. That didn’t stop him from arranging his wife to bake muffins that Kidd likes and then later telling Kidd that everyone deals with breakups differently and that if she wasn’t okay that was fine and it doesn’t make her less of a bad ass. She then admitted she wasn’t fine, but that she would be. Aww, you guys! On P.D., we had Burgess supporting partner Antonio as he returned to work and helping him keep it together. Then the scene where Platt goes to visit Atwater in the hospital after he was shot and tells him that she was worried, tugged at the heartstrings. Always love it when Platt shows that she’s secretly a teddy bear!
Surprisingly all the characters stayed on their original shows this week and there were no surprise mini crossovers. The closest thing we got was a mention in MED that Will was staying with his brother, P.D.‘s Jay.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Trust” Episode 611 — Pictured: (l-r) Jason Beghe as Hank Voight, Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Some of my favourite ONE CHICAGO moments are when characters share things about their past or fun facts about themselves. On MED, we have Choi opening up with a patient about his experiences in the navy. On FIRE we learn Brett is a massive House Hunters fan when she takes it upon herself to find Casey the perfect new home. “I’ve watched so many episodes that I’m a certified realtor.” Ha! Sure Casey opted to stay with Severide a bit longer in the end, but we adore how Brett took it so seriously – she even made spreadsheets! Other fun facts we discover – Brett’s coffee order is a latte with skim milk and Tuesday loves peanut butter.
On P.D. I do love a good excuse to see Intelligence get all dressed up. This week, they’re donning their official blues (or whites in Voight’s case since he’s of higher rank) for Superintendent Kelton’s gala. The other point I’d like to raise about this week’s episode – we’re seeing Jay Halstead being the level headed and reasonable one two episodes in a row when he talks Voight out of exposing Kelton and to play the long game. I am so here for this more mature version of Halstead! (Also enjoying seeing Halstead and Voight on a more mutual respect level after all these years.)
CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO P.D. and CHICAGO FIRE air Wednesday nights on NBC.
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ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Backed Against the Wall”, CHICAGO FIRE “This Isn’t Charity” and CHICAGO P.D. “Ride Along” Episode Round-up
ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO FIRE “Going to War”, CHICAGO MED “When to Let Go” and CHICAGO P.D. “Endings” Episode Round-Up