ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “All the Lonely People”, CHICAGO FIRE “Inside These Walls” and CHICAGO P.D. “Brotherhood” Episode Round-up
Happy New Year! CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE and CHICAGO P.D. are back for 2019. Let’s dive in and see what went down in the ONE CHICAGO world this week…
Time Lapses

CHICAGO P.D. — “Brotherhood” Episode 610 — Pictured: Jason Beghe as Hank Voight — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Both FIRE and P.D. pick up right where their fall finales left off – Casey realizing his apartment is in flames and Antonio shoving a perpetrator off a building site and causing his death, respectively. On P.D., it is revealed that it has been six months since Olinsky died. MED has a bit of a time jump – we’re not entirely sure how long but Will Halstead has been witness protection during this time.
Comings and Goings

CHICAGO FIRE — “Inside These Walls” Episode 710 — Pictured: (l-r) Kate Villanova as Naomi Graham, Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
On MED, Choi’s former ex Vicky is still on the scene, Rhodes’ dad makes an appearance thanks to a fancy event held to recognize the hybrid OR, and we meet a new recurring character – Phillip Davis, a man who loses his wife after their baby is born. He bonds with Dr Manning and happens to be played by PRETTY LITTLE LIARS star Ian Harding, reuniting him with former co-star Torrey DeVitto. As mentioned, Will Halstead has been in witness protection but returns to Chicago this week.
Over on FIRE, we say bye to Casey’s fling Naomi, who after the whole arson saga has a new assignment that takes her out of the country to Zurich. Kidd’s friend Tyler also leaves to go back to Texas. Amongst these departures we do meet a new character though with Severide getting back into the boat restoring business when he’s not on shift and taking on a big project for a wealthy man (played by Jordan Belfi who actually guest starred in an episode of CHICAGO JUSTICE.) We’re keeping an eye on the new guy cos we’re getting vibes from him…
On P.D. Dawson is taking time out after the whole his daughter getting kidnapped incident last year. What the rest of Intelligence don’t know is that he’s actually in rehab, a result of Voight’s promise to help him get back on track.
Risky Business

CHICAGO P.D. — “Brotherhood” Episode 610 — Pictured: (l-r) Jason Beghe as Hank Voight, Patrick John Flueger as Adam Ruzek — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
We’re calling it now for MED – Bekker lying about not sleeping with Connor’s dad is not going to end well. Yes Rhodes Senior is pretty skeezy but her telling Connor that his dad has been telling people that they slept together and she’s denying that it’s the truth when it is true that she slept with him, not a good move. On FIRE, Casey and Naomi made it out alive from the fire that was arranged by Mayfield thanks to Casey’s quick thinking of creating a hole in the wall using the wardrobe pole. It was a close call though!
As for P.D., boy was this episode filled with risky business! First you have Voight and Ruzek trying to cover for Dawson after the whole bad guy falling to his death thing. Voight decides to take the fall and plans out a cover story for Ruzek, who disregards it and decides to take the rap himself. Needless to say, Voight is not impressed and tries to sway Ruzek to change his story when IRT gets involved and is begging him by the end of the episode but Ruzek is just as much big on loyalty and protecting his colleagues as Voight is and is still sticking to his story by the end of the ep. Upton is not impressed with Voight and Ruzek’s antics and argues with Ruzek about it. Guys, you may think you’re being discreet going to another area of the building but you’re not. You guys were yelling so I’m not surprised that Halstead could hear you from the stairwell and told you guys that you guys can’t be doing that at work. You’re also lucky that it was only Halstead that caught you guys. (We hope that it was just him, because frankly who knows if anyone else also overheard their very loud conversation.) Jumping in on the risky business, Platt asking a favor from a friend at IRT to take over on the case involving Ruzek. We trust that he has their back but what happens if someone finds out that Platt orchestrated the switch? :/
Tension in the Air

CHICAGO FIRE — “Inside These Walls” Episode 710 — Pictured: Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
You could probably fill the tense level of this week’s MED from med student Currie alone – she’s pretty on edge with juggling working at the hospital with her PHD work that provokes her to lash out at both Dr Charles and a patient. Reallllllly hoping that they’re not trying to position her to replace Reese as Dr Charles’ new protege because I am not a fan of her. We could also feel the tense vibes radiating off Choi when he had to treat the guy that shot at April. Plus there was Rhodes decking his dad at a gala event after Bekker cried wolf to him about his dad.
On FIRE, things are super awkward between Severide and Kidd and even before they officially break up, he decides to take on a project that he knows will not leave him with any spare time. Was this his way of sabotaging their relationship before Kidd could call it quits? Speaking of Kidd, looks like her and Tyler’s friendship is on ice after he confesses his true feelings for her and tries to kiss her. She’s pretty mad and immediately pushes him away and orders him to leave. Before he does, he spits that this is all Severide’s fault. Casey all got pretty fired up when he confronted the guy who set fire to his apartment and caused him to lose so many momentos (*cough* last traces of Dawson* cough*). Grabbing the guy’s shirt and getting all in his face was very P.D. like!
Speaking of P.D., you could cut the tension with a knife prior to Upton working up the nerve to confront Voight about the Ruzek IRT situation. Oof that sideeye! Elsewhere, while questioning a suspect with Atwater, Burgess gets pretty aggressive forcibly knocking over equipment in order to get answers out of him. She was pretty mad!
Romance Roundup

CHICAGO MED — “All The Lonely People” Episode 410 — Pictured: (l-r) Nick Gehlfuss as Will Halstead, Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
On MED Will Halstead was finally released from witness protection and was able to reunite with Manning. Prior to this, the FBI lady did warn Nat that there would be a period of adjustment for Halstead and boy was there. His not so usual behavior indicates PTSD and he now has a gun to protect himself and Nat, something that she is not happy about and will no doubt cause problems in the future. Speaking of guns, Choi was pretty protective over April after she was shot, which probably doesn’t help her efforts to get over him but hey him caring is a good sign right? Bekker and Rhodes are pretty loved up, especially with him referring to her as “my girl” but how long will the honeymoon bubble last? It’s not going to be pretty when he discovers she lied to him.
On FIRE we have two breakups with Naomi and Casey and then Severide and Kidd splitting. With the latter, she tells him she still loves him but she can’t be with him because after her ex, she vowed never to be the lifeline for a drowning man ever again, which is pretty much the position Severide is in right now as he pushes her away. (The drowning metaphor is pretty ironic seeing as he’s now working on fixing a boat.) We are also glad that she shut down Tyler though when he tried to make a move on her!
On P.D., we get confirmation that the thing between Ruzek and Upton isn’t as casual as they made it out to be with her admitting that she didn’t think “this thing was going to turn into anything” and also going to confront Voight in order to protect Ruzek. Both Voight and Halstead know about the pair dating so it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the unit knows including Ruzek’s ex-fiance Burgess. We wonder how that’s going to go down…
All the Feels

CHICAGO P.D. — “Brotherhood” Episode 610 — Pictured: Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Amongst all the drama, we did get a bunch of sweet moments this week. On MED, nurse Monique breaks down and blames herself for April getting shot because she turned the shooter down when he asked her out for coffee. Maggie and April have her back with April telling the young nurse that it’s not her fault, reasoning that “so guys should shoot us if we turn them down?”, and then Maggie reassuring her she does have friends when she claims she doesn’t. Nat reaching out to Phillip, knowing what it’s like being a widow with a newborn tugged at the heartstrings too.
On FIRE, Hermann passing the boot around to help Casey out was sweet and Casey was clearly touched by the gesture when Hermann’s wife Cindy arrived with essentials she had bought from the funds they raised. On P.D., I liked that Halstead didn’t judge Upton and Ruzek and understood where his partner was coming from. “I get it… We’re good. We’re always going to be good.” Aww! I really like the relationship they currently have where they are platonic partners that have each other’s backs and I need it to stay that way. All the reminiscing over Olinsky in this episode also hit the feels, from Ruzek and Platt’s conversation at her home at the end of the episode to Ruzek reassuring Voight that their current situation wasn’t going to be a repeat of Olinsky covering for Voight and paying the price for it. Don’t even get me started on the fact that Voight keeps a photo of himself and Olinsky on his desk. I’m fine. Everything is fine…
Crossover Count

CHICAGO MED — “All The Lonely People” Episode 410 — Pictured: (l-r) Oliver Platt as Daniel Charles, Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Both Brett from FIRE and Burgess from P.D. appear on MED courtesy of the shooting incident.
Worth Mentioning

CHICAGO FIRE — “Inside These Walls” Episode 710 — Pictured: (l-r) Joe Minoso as Joe Cruz, Christian Stolte as Randy “Mouch” McHolland — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
- April was pretty bad ass on MED, dashing straight into action and running over to the guy who just shot at her and her fellow nurses before flipping over a car. Did we mention that she copped a bullet to the arm?
- I have a bunch of questions for FIRE this week – did we know that Severide used to be in the boat restoring business or did I just block it out somehow over the last seven years? Speaking of sidejobs, when was the last time Casey actually did some construction? If the seniors come every couple of years, how is it that Mouch was the only one that knew that these seniors were actually senior citizens rather than high school seniors? The show has been on air for seven seasons now so you think that Brett, Otis and Cruz would know. I’m definitely surprised that Hermann didn’t!
- Bless Brett and her naive belief that a cheer would win over seniors (both the high school and senior citizen types). Not to mention Cap pumping out Salt’n’Peppa’s ‘Push It’ as the seniors arrive to get them pumped for the ninja warrior course.
- Naomi and Casey calling employee phone numbers to identify the mystery voice from the voicemail was smart. (Also required a lot of patience and persistence, not to mention potentially one heck of a phone bill!)
- On P.D., I’m glad they found a way to utilize Platt more in this ep with her getting to team up with Voight seeing as he was two men down. Then her calling in a favor and asking her friend to be reassigned to Ruzek’s IRT case so they have more of a chance of getting away with the Dawson cover up was a nice twist even if I am concerned that this situation could backfire.
- I really did enjoy that final scene between Platt and Ruzek but it was also nice to see that she still retains her sass, snarking at Ruzek “You want a tour?” when he comments on her home. That made me laugh.
- “Voight is Voight. He’ll find a way to survive.” – He’s like a cat with nine lives but at which point will his luck/lives run out?
CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO P.D. and CHICAGO FIRE air Wednesday nights on NBC.
ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Death Do Us Part”, CHICAGO FIRE “Always a Catch” and CHICAGO P.D. “Descent” Episode Round-up
ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Backed Against the Wall”, CHICAGO FIRE “This Isn’t Charity” and CHICAGO P.D. “Ride Along” Episode Round-up
ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO FIRE “Going to War”, CHICAGO MED “When to Let Go” and CHICAGO P.D. “Endings” Episode Round-Up