MURPHY BROWN: Beat the Press {Recap}
Murphy Brown took on Trump’s hateful rhetoric towards the press this week by showing a situation where a reporter is attacked at a Trump rally. See what Roz and I thought was old news and new news this week on Murphy Brown.
Old News
Cara: I really loved learning about the relationship between Avery and “Uncle Frank.” It’s nice to imagine little Avery growing up surrounded by a close knit group of people who loved him, and it’s wonderful to see those relationships continue. So many of us make our own family in this world, and this show has always shown us a little bit of that on the screen as well.
Roz: I never really imagined that Frank and Avery would have had a relationship until this showed me how much they interacted with each other. It’s sweet to see Frank be an uncle to this kid. Without Edwin, it’s great to see how Avery interacts with all of Murphy’s friends. Is Corky a cool aunt or a mean aunt?
New News
Cara: Nik Dodani is still one of my favorite new things about this show. I also love the set director/manager that always gives us a little sass about what’s happening behind the scenes at Murphy in the Morning. I haven’t been able to find his name, but I’m a little in love. I also really enjoyed seeing a little bit of vulnerability this week. Murphy, and Frank, are both so tough and fearless, but I think a lot of us are feeling shaken by the world we’re living in, so it’s reassuring to see characters typically known for being strong waver a little, but then remind us why we can’t let our fear make us small. A free press is an essential part of any democracy, and this show gave us a little insight into how threatening that looks on a more personal level. We only have a few episodes left, so I think the show is doing a good job of taking on some key issues while they have the chance.
Roz: Given what had Frank in so much trouble, I found it terrifying that so many of the Trump supporters told Avery that the press was the enemy of the people. I know people believe it, but that doesn’t mean that I want to hear it. Nik and that set director are gems each and every week. I almost want Nik to talk to that set director more.
Murphy Brown airs on Thursdays at 9:30PM on CBS. Check out all of our other coverage of Murphy Brown here.