ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Backed Against the Wall”, CHICAGO FIRE “This Isn’t Charity” and CHICAGO P.D. “Ride Along” Episode Round-up
Missed what went down in the ONE CHICAGO world this past week? We’ve got you covered with our latest CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE and CHICAGO P.D. catch up!
Comings and Goings

CHICAGO FIRE — “This Isn’t Charity” Episode 704 — Pictured: (l-r) Christian Stolte as Mouch, David Eigenberg as Christopher Herrmann — (Photo by: Adrian Burrows/NBC)
On Med we finally meet the mysterious Bernie, aka Dr Choi’s sister’s baby daddy and Ethan is a little stunned to find that the man is a little different to what he envisioned – he’s got a stable job and a little closer to their father’s age than Emily’s. Although Choi has his doubts, it does seem like he respects his sister’s partner a little more by the end of the episode when Bernie pleads his case to him.
Over on Fire, it’s Lieutenant Herrmann’s first shift leading Engine 51 and while he expected there to be some resistance and hazing, it’s gone one step too far when one of the guys makes one snide remark to many and also puts Herrmann’s bugles down the urinal. Ick. After fair warning and show the team who’s boss and that he won’t stand for disrespect and unhealthy team morale, Herrmann transfers the troublemaker to another firehouse. This now frees up a spot at Firehouse 51 and what do ya know, Ritter, the young candidate from the crossover happens to pay Mouch a visit at the Firehouse and reveals that he’s left the CFD but appreciates everything Mouch has done for him. Mouch isn’t done mentoring him yet though and makes introductions between Ritter and Herrmann. After a little coaxing, Ritter agrees to come back to the CFD but also doesn’t understand why Mouch is sticking his neck out for him. Mouch tells him that although he froze during the incident, he also got back up and that’s the hardest part. Also popping up on Fire, an old friend of Kidd’s. Although Severide seems to think he’s more than just a friend, or at least wants to be more…
Risky Business

CHICAGO P.D. — “Ride Along” Episode 604 — Pictured: Jason Beghe as Hank Voight — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Following last week’s Med episode revealing that Will Halstead has unintentionally been doing business with a gangster and has now gotten himself on the FBI’s radar, the stubborn doc stands his ground against Intelligence boss Voight and his own brother Jay Halstead, refusing to become an informant. He’s also hiding this info from fiance Nat but given how on edge he is, it’s only a matter of time until she finds out.
On this week’s Fire, it’s certainly risky business with the firehouse tending to two calls involving grenades from the ’70s in the space of one day and then realising a third one is still on the loose. They end up in Casey’s hands, who handles them very carefully as we all watch and hold our breath. Thankfully he pulls it off and no one else is injured. Phew!
Over on P.D., you’ve got to feel for Burgess this week who finds herself in a bit of pickle. What starts out as a harmless favour to Deputy Superintendant Brennan with doing a ridealong with a 12-year-old girl, escalates when a shooting occurs while the girl is in the car with Burgess. Before she goes to investigate the scene, she tells the girl to get down and stay in the car. After the incident, Burgess returns to the car to find it empty. Thankfully the girl ends up being safe at home after fleeing the car in fear. Burgess has to face IRT to let them know what happens. Vought tells her to own the truth and admit that there was a civilian in the car. Yet when Burgess goes to see Brennan, she tells her to leave the girl out of the story – things are so much harder for women. Burgess ends up taking Brennan’s advice, which ends up backfiring on her when it turns out that the girl saw the guy as she was fleeing and because Burgess left her out of the report, both of them would be unreliable witnesses. When Burgess shares her concerns with Brennan, the older woman denies ever giving Burgess such advice. During all of this, Voight has been watching Burgess and shares his concerns with Platt and asks her to call in a favor to get Burgess out of the mess. He’s not exactly thrilled with Burgess’ choices and shares as much with her. In the locker room, Platt is a bit more sympathetic and tells her next time she’s caught between Brennan and Voight, she should take the cop’s advice.
Also on P.D., it looks like Antonio Dawson’s shoulder injury isn’t healing as well as he makes it out to be to Ruzek. At the end of the episode we see him popping some pills before calling his doctor for another prescription. Uh oh…
Tension in the Air

CHICAGO MED — “Backed Against The Wall” Episode 404 — Pictured: S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
This week on Med, Dr Manning is treating a woman who needs a stem cell transplant and her brother is a match but both are undocumented. After much hesitation, she talks the brother into the procedure, only for him to be detained by ICE officers right outside the hospital. She and Goodwin are furious that the new CO allowed them on the premises after the new ED chief misguidedly informed her of the situation. (In his defense, a pill-popping patient put in a complaint and he wasn’t aware of the full story.) Once again Goodwin and Gwen Garrett go head to head. Bro trouble was also the unofficially theme of Med, with a patient’s husband taking a swing at his brother-in-law and then the Halstead brothers not seeing eye to eye on Will’s latest predicament.
The disrespect amongst Herrmann’s new team isn’t the only tension happening on the latest episode of Fire, Brett and Foster tend to a call involving an injured 12-year-old gymnast. Brett is pretty impressed with Foster’s knowledge and how she managed to keep the young patient calm. When they bring the patient to the hospital, Foster is greeted by her old surgical colleague who isn’t impressed to hear her suspicions that the young girl is taking steroids. He brushes her off since she’s just a medic. This doesn’t stop Foster from confronting the mother later on, which doesn’t sit well with Brett and she tells Foster that she’s not a doctor anymore and that once they hand off the patient, that’s it. (Brett would know from previous experience.) In the end, Foster is right – the young gymnast was given performance enhancers but not by her mother, it was her coach! Brett apologizes to Foster and tells that she should have had her back. Foster accepts her apology and also lets her know that she has her back.
Romance Roundup

CHICAGO MED — “Backed Against The Wall” Episode 404 — Pictured: Brian Tee as Ethan Choi — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
In the Med world, although they’re no longer together, April is there when Choi meets Bernie for the first time, courtesy of Emily’s sneaky plan to have her act as a buffer. Also despite them no longer being together, that doesn’t stop Choi from seeking ex out as a sounding board while he wraps his head around the new man in his sister’s life. Also on Med, Bekker and Rhodes clear the air after last week’s disagreement only for tensions to rise again, but things are all good again by the end of the episode, or at least for now.
On Fire, Kidd is excited for Severide to meet her high school bestie who is town. When Tyler shows up, Severide doesn’t exactly go out of his way to befriend the guy, instead observing him from afar. When Kidd shares plans for her old high school gang to go hang out for the weekend, it’s then that Severide tells her that Tyler’s in love with her. Although he doesn’t stop her from going out with her old friends, she decides not to anyway, something that Tyler confronts Severide about and tells him he’ll never be out of Kidd’s life. Hmm…
This week’s P.D. opens up with Ruzek being all flirty with Upton, which is put to a stop when Burgess pops up. The two exes then walk and discuss the upcoming detective exam. Burgess downplays her desire but Ruzek knows her better than that and remarks that she’s not fooling him – he knows that this is something she’s wanted since her academy days. Before they can discuss any further, she’s summoned to see Brennan.
Crossover Count
Both P.D.‘s Voight and Jay Halstead pop up on Med to try and sway Will Halstead into being a CI now that he’s unintentionally gotten himself involved in this local gang boss mess. I’m all for more Halstead bro scenes (and yes please keep them coming), but why is it that we learn more about Jay Halstead’s background on Med than in the six seasons of his own show?! Med‘s Nina Shore ends up on Fire, having a drink at Molly’s at the end of the episode, while P.D.‘s Burgess and Atwater also pop up on Fire to work the grenade case.
Worth Mentioning

CHICAGO MED — “Backed Against The Wall” Episode 404 — Pictured: Colin Donnell as Connor Rhodes — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
The ER’s new hybrid OR officially opens up on Med this week and Dr Rhodes is putting on the charm for local reporters, which Goodwin is pleased about and tells him so, to which he replies “Ms Goodwin, you built me Xanadu. I’d sing and dance if you asked.” Considering Colin Donnell’s musical theatre background, that’s something we wouldn’t mind seeing. 😉
Although a dark episode of P.D., there were two bright spots – seeing Atwater look out for Burgess and check in with her that she’s doing okay during everything that’s happened. It’s nice to know that he’s still got her back and their scenes together are a lot more rare than what they used to be during their patrol days. Then there’s of course the Burgess and Platt interaction in this episode – another thing that we’ve missed since Burgess moved up to Intelligence. Platt can deny it all she wants but we know that she has a soft spot for Burgess and now that her blinders are off, we hope that Burgess looks to Platt as a role model rather than Brennan.
CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE and CHICAGO P.D. air Wednesday nights on NBC.
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