MURPHY BROWN: Three Shirts to the Wind {Roundtable}
This week Murphy has to make a decision between integrity and ratings when asked to do an interview. Roz and I break down what we thought about the old and the new of this week’s Murphy Brown.
Old News
Roz: JIM DIAL!!!! I’ve missed him so much! He’s also speaking truth about the problem with giving certain ideas a normalized voice, which we need to have in faces. Let’s call a racist a racist when they say words that are racist.
Cara: I’m with you. It was great to see Jim, and I loved his no nonsense responses. It was great to see Murphy stick to her guns about her journalistic integrity.
New News
Roz: That takedown of Ed Shannon is what I’ve missed from the show; it’s not a nuanced attack of an idea that is anathema to Murphy Brown, it’s blatant and obvious and hits you over the head with how clearly Murphy has a point of view and will stick to it. For someone who seems to be a stand-in for Steve Bannon, Shannon’s ideology is what we’re seeing now and I appreciate seeing someone else take down that series of ideas.
Also, a remix of the takedown warms my heart.
Cara: Yes, this week made me feel better about what this show could do, and how they could do it. I can’t believe I didn’t get the 3 shirts reference when I saw the title. It was unambiguously a shot at Steve Bannon, and his ilk, and said what a lot of us are thinking. I liked that they drew attention to the flaws of his argument, but also of the media environment that gives people like him air time.
Murphy Brown airs on Thursdays at 9:30PM on CBS.