THE GOOD PLACE Roundtable: The Snowplow
The Good Place was all new – let’s see what the Nice Girls thought was SASSY about this episode:
Roz: Larry’s sad ego. He’s perfectly fine, but why he can’t see that compared to his brothers is stupid (if anyone should feel ashamed, it might be the actors). It was just a long joke that I wish hadn’t been made at all. Props to the team for putting Larry’s photo in a magazine the week before, though.
Cay: It started out a bit funny, but then went too far and for too long.
Cara:Yeah, Larry’s self esteem issues went too far. I didn’t enjoy it.
Roz: Jason talking about zones of time and why he was sad to watch Jaguars games at 3AM on Mondays. He was so confused at how to explain timezones and I just wanted to explain it to him very slowly.
Cay: I got a kick out of Michael and Janet’s surveillance suite, particularly the holiday decor. I also loved Jason’s Jacksonville Jags outfit/paint. Janet’s lack of powers but not knowledge was entertaining and useful.
Cara:Jason was a better part of this episode. I also really enjoyed Simone talking Eleanor out of the bush. Simone doesn’t bring big laughs, but she’s so dry and sharp all the time. I loved how she can get a “sick burn” in on Eleanor, but still actually help her at the same time. I think Simone was a wise addition to the show.
Roz: Eleanor’s outrage at the fact that Tahani is leaving. It lead to a good personal growth moment, but it was awkward to watch her fall apart when we know how much she means to the group and the group to her.
Cay: Michael’s Australian accent is wearing out its welcome fast. And is it just me or has Tahani not seem to have changed at all? Ok, maybe Jason hasn’t either, but…he’s Jason. Eleanor and Chidi seem to have had all the growth.
Cara: Eleanor’s break down was pretty mediocre. Although, I did enjoy her farewell: “Pip pip, too late. Farewell my liege. And a jolly good St. Ploopingtons day to all over you. USA! USA! USA!” I agree about the accent too. I just don’t think Michael’s bad accent is as funny as it’s intended to be, so it just ends up being annoying. Janet’s attempt to shut it down are good, but the accent gag isn’t working.
Your Thoughts/Favorite Quote:
Roz: The exchange about the floor Michael and Janet are using being the journalism wing was genius, if sad. Poor sad journalism departments! Also, Heir BnB!
Cay: Where does the show go next??? How do they reboot things from this point, on Earth, when Michael and Janet have no powers?
Cara: It will be interesting to see where the show goes from her. I also enjoyed this moment, Michael: “Shimp?” Eleanor: “Always.”
The Good Place airs Thursday 8/7c on NBC