Nice Girls Talk

Sierra Burgess is a…

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Fresh off the heals of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Netflix released Sierra Burgess is a Loser a few weeks later. Many of us loved To All the Boys…, and had high hopes for Sierra’s story, especially as her story represents one not seen often in films – a plus-sized girl as the lead.

Sierra’s story is not so simple: she’s catfished into talking with a jock from a neighboring high school and needs the help of a cheerleader (who the jock thinks he’s talking to) to keep the facade going. But the way it’s told is anything but simple. Find out how three Nice Girls, Roz, Rueben and Ange, thought of the film below.


I wanted so much to like you and your story. On the outside, it was a story that I wished had happen to me in high school; I’m still overweight and I wish some good looking jock would have talked to me (even if it was a catfish scheme). Your tale looked like a story that would make me feel better about my life back then, but then…

The problem with your story is that you’re not someone I want to emulate. You’re mean to your friends when you’re flirting with Jamey, and your relationship with Veronica turned into something less than ideal (I wanted you to get Veronica some help and to empathize with her and what her life is like), but your desire for more of Jamey’s affection ruined too much else in the narrative. You let this relationship taint other relationships that had stronger roots, but in the end, Jamey still likes you.

Is that what we want to set as an example for other big girls? That you can be horrible and still get the good guy? I’ll pass.



Much like Roz, I really, really wanted to like your story, and I went into watching your story with as open a mind as I could offer. Unfortunately…your story was a big loser. I’m sorry, but with all of your intelligence, you didn’t use those smarts to help Veronica let alone help yourself.

Granted being a teenager is NOT easy whether you are the popular girl or the unpopular girl in school; whether you are the smart girl or the not so smart girl who could actually be smart if she just applied herself; whether you are the plus size girl who gets overlooked or the plain girl who is virtually invisible (except to your closest friends – that would be me by the way!).

But, you were almost wise beyond your years – and with all those brains – you could have handled the situation with Jamey so much better than you did; and you could have actually been a better friend to Veronica – putting that picture up online was just LOW!

I was hoping for so much more, and was – quite frankly – very disappointed!



Oh Sierra, it hurt to watch your story. When I joined you on your journey, I respected the way that you stood up for yourself and seemingly didn’t care what others, particularly Veronica, thought of you. In fact, it was nice to see the two of you develop a friendship – it was such a strength for the first two-thirds of the film until it wasn’t. I liked how you helped Veronica see that she could be a better person and was stunned to see you go in the opposite direction and how easily you turned on her without hesitation. What you did to Veronica was pretty horrible and if you ask me, she forgave you way too easily. Did you even apologize to her for humiliating her like that? Maybe we didn’t see it but I feel like you didn’t, which makes me even more disappointed in you. Not to mention, you were a pretty crappy friend to your supposed best friend Dan, but you’re pretty aware of that so I’m not going to get into that.

I get that crushing on someone can make you do stupid things, especially when it’s someone as cute as Jamey. I’ve watched seven seasons worth of MTV’s Catfish to understand the motives of people who catfish, how situations escalate and how the catfish struggles to get themselves out of the mess they’ve made – we’re all human and we make mistakes. Yet as the film continued on, I just couldn’t bring myself to feel sorry for you. Then that moment when you pretended to be deaf, knowing that Jamey’s younger brother is truly deaf, all my compassion and sympathy for you went out the window. Not cool. I’m sorry Sierra, I really wanted to be on your side but I just can’t!

I can see why you did the things you did but I had high hopes for you. Despite what others may think, you are beautiful and you’re clearly an intelligent girl. I wanted your story to be cute and sweet, to empower girls similar to you and give them hope. Instead, at the end of the film all I had was a bitter taste in my mouth and a lot of disappointment. This makes me sad; I wanted your story to be better. We may not see the rest of your journey or where your future may lead, but I hope you learn from your mistakes and genuinely try to be a better person.

All the best,

You can see how you feel about Sierra Burgess is a Loser on Netflix.

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at