THIS IS US: “Nine Bucks” discussion
Oh the Pearsons, how we’ve missed you making us laugh, cry and just overall feel these past six months! NBC’s NBC’s THIS IS US finally returned Tuesday night and the season three premiere did not disappoint. Join Nice Girls Ange and Karen as they share their thoughts on the episode…
Ange: It’s been six months since we saw the Pearsons and I’m thankful that they’re easing us into this season – my tear ducts are thankfully in tact but I suspect that’s not going to last long. How are you feeling about this episode overall?
Karen: Mine are too, but I fear that wont’ be for long. I was glued to the screen for the entire episode. The writing is impeccable. I love this show SO. HARD. What a premiere.
Ange: Agreed, so impeccable! I sure have missed this show. Another thing I’ve missed these past six months? Swooning over the perfectly imperfectness that is Jack Pearson. The season premiere takes us back to the night that Jack and Rebecca first met and subsequently their first date, which surprisingly (or at least to me), did not go as smoothly and was a bit of a disaster. But as Rebecca pointed out, then Jack just looks at her and it makes her reconsider – not to mention that the guy sure has a way with words! What did you think about the their first date? Were you surprised that it wasn’t exactly smooth sailings? Also, were you surprised to discover that there’s another suitor for Rebecca’s affections in the picture?
Karen: omgrite? I wasn’t shocked, he seems like the kind of guy that might have had a few rough edges.It kinda reminds me of the first date with my husband. He had to sell some trading cards in order to take me out to a nice seafood place – and he hates seafood. I kinda fell for him then and there. We also saw a really terrible movie, and that was rather endearing also. So yeah, I can relate. I was incredibly surprised to see blondie at the end! Who IS this guy? Get OUT!
Ange: Aww, that’s so cute! In the present, it’s The Big Three’s 38th birthday and if we’re being honest, it kind of looks like their birthdays are a bit of a bummer. Let’s start with Toby and Kate, oof talk about not being able to catch a break! And getting such news on your birthday? That’s rough. At least now we have some sort of idea as to what leads to Toby’s dark days that were teased in last season’s finale.
Karen: I’m gonna get personal again, and let you guys know that I’m also overweight and see doctors regularly. I run into issues like this quite a bit. Hubs and I have discussions about whether the doctor will make remarks about my weight being an issue when we know it’s not. I was bristling when her specialist turned them down for IVF because I felt like that should’ve been THEIR choice, even if it meant signing documents to absolve the doctor of blame in weight-related complications. I would be SO ANGRY. But then they turned it around, and now I think it might lead to some of the problems down the road – and I don’t know how to feel about that. The show has always been very even-handed about Kate’s weight issues, and if they hurt her over trying to become pregnant I’ll be super disappointed.
Ange: This show does have a way of making us get personal when we talk about it, doesn’t it? Speaking of Toby, we also see him in a flash forward and he’s involved with the mysterious ‘Her’ also teased in last season’s finale. He’s in a bed all by himself, which I felt like is a deliberate red herring into making us think that the Her is Kate. I’m kind of feeling it could actually be Rebecca. What are your theories?
Karen: Okay, so it has to do with him going off his meds, can we assume that at least? And maybe more fertility issues. Other than that I hesitate to theorize. This show knows how to throw curveballs, and I’ve been wrong every time.
Ange: So true about the curveballs – already in the this episode we were thrown one with blondie in the Rebecca and Jack love story. I was not expecting that! Anyway, moving on – can we please take a moment to appreciate the talent that is young Lyric Ross aka Deja. It’d be easy to play her as a resentful teen who is acting out, but Ross brings a subtle gentleness and vulnerability to the character that I just can’t completely be mad with her when she breaks Randall’s heart (P.S. LOVE that he called her an exceptional person – not a girl but a person like they’re equals. #feels) and was then totally cheering when she told her bio dad that she’s going to go places and both he and her mum are going to miss out. Looks like Randall’s birthday wasn’t such a bummer after all!
Karen: Randall & Deja kinda shone in this episode didn’t they? She is amazing, and such a great actress for such a young age. Especially when compared to the other actors she’s paired with… I mean, for reals? Sterling K. Brown? Stellar. I love her arc, and can’t wait to see more. I’m sure this isn’t the end of the story for her, but it was definitely a bright spot.
Ange: Yes, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how the rest of her story plays out. I suspect it’s not going to be all smooth sailings. That’s not the only drama in Randall and Beth’s household – when she clues on that Kevin and her cousin Zoe are hooking up, she is livid and it’s pretty entertaining. I do love a good dose of Beth sass and Susan Kelchi-Watson plays it so well! I also enjoyed the real talk between Beth and Kevin and the fact that Oprah Beth acknowledged that is their schtick.
Karen: Were you shocked that she was angry because ZOE was the unworthy one? Did that get mentioned before and I missed it? I love that Beth kept saying “Knocking Boots” too. So cute. Beth was fired up and wasn’t going to give them an out. Again, incredible writing paired with A+ acting = riveting TV.
Ange: Oh yes, totally surprised. I totally thought she was protecting Zoe from Kevin not the other way around. I do like Zoe though and am intrigued to learn more about her. Beth had some great lines (as usual) this ep and “Knocking Boots” was definitely one of my faves!
THIS IS US airs Tuesday 10/9/c on NBC.
THIS IS US: “The Wedding” discussion
The Nice Girls Reveal… Our #couplegoals – feat Randall & Beth