THE BOLD TYPE: Six Times The Girls Had Each Other’s Backs in 2×06 “The Domino Effect”
One of my favorite things about Freeform’s THE BOLD TYPE is the friendship between Jane, Kat and Sutton. It’s always nice to see females supporting one another and having each other’s backs. This week’s episode had plenty of that, so let’s break them down…
True friends are ready when you’re hungover
This week’s episode opens up with Sutton feeling a bit worse for wear after a night out with influencer Brooke. Luckily, besties Jane and Kat know the tell-tale signs and are on Sutton’s tail as she races out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. The speed that they are able to follow Sutton and hold her hair back she pukes is quite impressive!
They don’t judge you about the way you handle heartbreak (or try to give you a not-so-nice nickname) and support your decisions to take the high road
As if seeing Richard with a new girl wasn’t hard enough, this week Sutton is assigned the task of dressing the woman who is attending a prestigious awards ceremony with Richard. Kat suggests she dress the woman up in an unflattering outfit, but Sutton takes the high road and does her job to the best of her abilities. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt though and as she shares her heartbreak with her new friend Brooke, the influencer is pretty flippant about Sutton’s feelings and tells her to stop moping about and get over it. She also wonders about a new nickname for Sutton – Slutton, which she thinks is hilarious, but Sutton is not impressed. Not cool, Brooke.
True friends share your excitement even if they’re not sure what exactly it is you’re excited about
This week Jane is nominated for a Mandy award, which is a prestigous award in the journalism world, for her ‘carry the weight’ piece that she wrote about Jacqueline while she was at Scarlet. While Sutton and Kat have no idea what the award is, they can see how significant is to Jane and are happy for her.
They will encourage you to tell the truth rather than sugarcoat difficult decisions
When Kat ends up going out with Adena’s friend Leila and meeting other women, while she’s a bit intoxicated, Kat ends up kissing another woman. When she shares this info with Jane and Sutton (who already know about the sex dream she had last episode), they tell her that she needs to tell Adena the truth. Yes the truth hurts, but it’s better in the long run. They have Kat’s back as she tells Adena and things become messy.
True friends are more concerned about your feelings than theirs
As much as Jane would love her friends to be at the awards ceremony with her, she recognizes when they are hurting and that getting dressed up and going to a work event is the last thing that they need. So she puts their needs above hers and tells them to stay in and don’t worry about attending the awards ceremony, besides she has cute doc Ben going as her date.
They will always show up in the end
However, as much as Jane plays the matyr, Kat and Sutton realize how important this night is for Jane and pull themselves together and make it to the ceremony in time to see Jane win the award! When Sutton spots ex Richard in the crowd, Kat takes Sutton’s hand and gives it a squeeze in support. The following day, Jane is called into the Scarlet’s offices and good news – Jacqueline is offering Jane her job back. (Personally, I didn’t think that lasted very long and would have liked to see Jane explore the freelance life for a tad bit longer but hey, the trio are reunited!) The episode ends with the girls jumping for joy inside the fashion closet.
THE BOLD TYPE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
Related links:
THE BOLD TYPE: Entanglements from 2×05: “Stride of Pride”
THE BOLD TYPE: Seven Developments from 2×04: “OMG”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four Invaluable Learning Experiences from “The Scarlet Letter”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four Lessons Learned in “Feminist Army” & “Rose Colored Glasses”
THE BOLD TYPE: Refresher and Sneak Peek