Take Two: Thoughts on Taken

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Take Two this week has everything you could hope for in a mystery: a nemesis, a kidnapping and the mob.

Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good

The way Sam is incorporated into this kidnapping and the whole case. It’s only the third episode and we’re getting so much good backstory on everyone! Do I need more of this backstory to still be interested in some slightly awkward case, yes, I do.

The Bad

I wish the mob didn’t get used so quickly, but I guess it’s a natural progression after some other organized crime group is taken down in the pilot. It was realistic, but now what are we using next, some gang that is selling drugs where they shouldn’t? LA has so much to offer for crimes that aren’t that tired.

Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good

How funny was it that Eddie figured out what Sam was doing that was so “dangerous?” And, watching her dance around in that pizza costume? Priceless!! Also, it was a nice twist of her being in costume since we were just talking about how that could get old real fast. This was a funny way of still using that trope without it being overused. I also liked the chemistry between Monica and Berto; that little interrogation scene over coffee was actually pretty fun to watch. PS: I loved that Jesse Hutch was in this episode.

The Bad

Where was Jordan Gavaris?! I really missed him in this episode. I’m not big on the mob being used as a story idea either, but at least it wasn’t a full-on mob story but rather the “save the mob guy’s kid who doesn’t know he’s the mob guy’s kid.”

Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good

Rachel Bilson always nails the more vulnerable moments of her characters – some of my favorite scenes from her career are when her characters give emotional speeches, so I thought one of her stronger moments this episode was when Sam tried to talk the mob guy out of going after then man who kidnapped his secret son. You can’t go past the cute scene of Sam chasing Eddie around in her pizza costume. Oh and Berto and Monica – his infatuation with her is pretty adorable and I love how she plays it cool!

The Bad

The cheesy crime music? I have to say I don’t love it. That opening scene where the son was kidnapped – I actually thought it was a scene from Sam’s show at first because of the background music. Also, I agree with Rueben, I felt the absence of Jordan Gavaris this episode! (But then again, I guess they weren’t investigating a death this episode.)

TAKE TWO airs Thursday 10/9c on ABC

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at