THE BOLD TYPE: Entanglements from 2×05: “Stride of Pride”
There were A LOT of things happening on this week’s episode of THE BOLD TYPE on Freeform, so we’re breaking them down for you…
Sutton is back in the dating game…
As we saw in last week’s ep, Sutton was ready to swipe herself back into the dating game and this week’s episode opens up with her waking up with a cute stranger before she realizes that she is late for work and more importantly, a pitch meeting. In true Sutton fashion, she manages to turn a “walk of shame” into a “stride of pride” and may even turn it into the next big trend when Oliver approves it as a pitch idea.
But he’s married
Before you get too excited about Sutton’s new beau (whom she invites to karaoke night with the girls as date number two – bold), things go south quickly when she spots a text on his phone from another woman and he reluctantly confesses that he’s married. Boooo! (Side note, who didn’t love the ABBA karaoke scene between the girls?! In case you didn’t know, Katie Stevens, who plays Jane, is an American Idol alum and Meghann Fahy, who plays Sutton, has a Broadway background, so yep that’s them singing for real!)
And it makes her rethink her situation with Richard… who has moved on.
Guilt ridden, Sutton decides to reach out to her fling’s wife and tell her the truth face-to-face. The wife is surprised by how nice Sutton is laments about deserving better and finding that someone special. Realizing that she had that someone special, Sutton catches a cab to Richard’s and as she’s across the road from his building she sees him arrive… with another woman. Oh Sutton!
Jane is applying for a new job…
Thanks to a lead from Pinstripe, Jane applies for a job at another magazine and is excited, even more so when she goes in for the interview and gets along well with her interviewee. It’s safe to say that she’s feeling good and thinks she has this in the bag.
But does not get it.
Imagine Jane’s surprise when she receives a call from Pinstripe after karaoke and he gives her a heads up that she didn’t get the job. Yes, they loved her but the company is also doing a diversity push so they went with another candidate.
Her reaction causes drama between her and Kat.
Kat and Sutton find Jane right after she hangs up with Pinstripe so emotions are pretty raw. Jane tells her friends that she didn’t get the job and starts ranting about how unfair it is. Kat, who is having her own issues at work with corporate and their company policy, is pretty disappointed with Jane’s behavior and accuses her of white privilege. Jane gets worked up that Kat is insinuating that she’s racist, while Sutton us trying to just diffuse the awkward situation.
Kat fights the board (and Jane)
Kat’s been trying to find the next social media guru to join her team but hasn’t been impressed by the applicants that are coming through from HR, so after a chat with Alex and Oliver (PS more scenes with these three together please), she takes matters into her own hands and tweets a callout instead. It has the desired effect and just when Kat thinks that she has found the one, HR rejects her because she doesn’t have a college degree. (She had to drop out because she couldn’t afford it.) Kat is frustrated so Jacqueline advises her to fight if she’s so certain that this person is the one. So Kat begs Richard to arrange for her to plead her case with the board. There are some hiccups along the way but long story short, Kat wins this battle.
While all this is going on, so are the tensions between Kat and Jane. A first attempt to mend fences doesn’t quite go that well with some harsh truths shared between the friends – Jane’s sense of white privilege and Kat’s own financial privilege, but when Jane helps out Kat’s protege, all is right with the friends again.
These are not the only dramas Kat is facing though…
Adena is out of town and Kat runs into her friend Leila from last week’s episode, who wants to swing by and borrow Adena’s tripod. Things seem fairly innocent (although Leila was a little too friendly and we totally got vibes from her) until Kat has a sex dream about her! Say what now?
THE BOLD TYPE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
Related links:
THE BOLD TYPE: Seven Developments from 2×04: “OMG”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four Invaluable Learning Experiences from “The Scarlet Letter”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four Lessons Learned in “Feminist Army” & “Rose Colored Glasses”
THE BOLD TYPE: Refresher and Sneak Peek
THE BOLD TYPE: The evolution of the leading ladies in “Carry the Weight” (and why we need a Season 2 already)