THE BOLD TYPE: Seven Developments from 2×04: “OMG”
Before we tune into tonight’s fresh episode of THE BOLD TYPE on Freeform, let’s break down the seven key developments from last week’s episode…
Jane + Ben – They’re a thing!
We were delighted to see self-confessed nerds Jane and cute doc Ben on a date early on in the ep but it wasn’t exactly smooth sailing though. Tiny Jane tried to keep her feelings to herself when the doc prayed before eating during their lunch date, but later wigged out when she saw that he had a tattoo of a cross on his wrist. Please don’t make this a dealbreaker, Jane – we like having the adorkable doc around and this Nice Girl is amused to hear a familiar accent on the show.
Pinstripe is back
Confession: As cocky as he is, I have a soft spot for this writer. Dan Jeonette, who plays Pinstripe – sorry, Ryan – is just so charming in the role, dammit! Pinstripe is back on the scene as a helpful “friend” while Jane goes through her career crisis. She may deny that anything is going on between them but we’re with Sutton on this one and can totally see a triangle forming. Oh, we’re so torn!
Insight into Jane’s past informs her present
The real reason why Jane wigged out at the fact that Ben is religious? It draws up some painful memories about her late mother’s battle with cancer. It turns out that Jane used to believe as well and her mother was pretty religious, even during her darkest days. So when her mother passed, Jane turned her back on religion. She eventually shares these details of her past with Ben and it also inspires a new story for her to write – her best stories are usually ones where she can draw from her own personal experiences after all.
Kat meets Adena’s friends
Kat and Adena are really embracing coupledom with shared calendars and all, so when an invite to a night out with someone Adena knows pops up, Kat is naturally curious and even more so when Adena tries to brush it off. Kat talks her into the pair going to the event, which also marks Kat’s first outing to a lesbian bar. Kat tries to play it cool, but meeting a bunch of Adena’s friends who are mainly exes causes a bit of tension between the pair, especially when Adena won’t share details of her past dalliances.
Kat and Adena say “I Love You”
By the end of the episode the pair make up, with Adena sharing her fears with Kat and telling her that she has no other interest in anyone else and chooses her. She also tells her that she loves her and Kat reciprocates. Aww, young love.
Sutton puts herself back out there
This week’s episode opens up with Sutton swiping on guys, taking another step from moving on from Richard. You go, girl!
Sutton feels insecure about her career progress
This episode highlights the tough time Sutton is currently experiencing. When she meets social media influencer Brooke Langley, Sutton feels embarrassed to refer to herself as an assistant especially when Kat has become a department head in the same amount of time. Sutton is determined to find an in with Brooke and when she does, takes advantage of the networking opportunities that Brooke can loop her into. Even if it means partying multiple nights in a row or charging a $500 “miscellaneous fee” (*cough* party drugs *cough*) onto her company credit card. Oh Sutton, is this really going to be worth getting an in with Chanel? Tread carefully, girl!
THE BOLD TYPE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
Related links:
THE BOLD TYPE: Four Invaluable Learning Experiences from “The Scarlet Letter”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four Lessons Learned in “Feminist Army” & “Rose Colored Glasses”
THE BOLD TYPE: Refresher and Sneak Peek
THE BOLD TYPE: The evolution of the leading ladies in “Carry the Weight” (and why we need a Season 2 already)