BLINDSPOT Roundtable: Galaxy of Minds

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The team finds a link to Crawford and with the help of a conspiracy theorist they race Roman to the weapon.

Are you ever surprised the FBI can’t seem to solve many tattoos with out Roman’s help? It seems like without a clue from him they have nothing.
Rueben: It is a bit frustrating that they are too dependent on Roman’s clues to solve many of the tattoos’ secrets. And given that he has flooded the internet with those thousands of clues and false positives, what are they going to do? Just give up or try to figure things out on their own. They’re the freaking FBI, step up and take control, right?!
Lisa: They are definitely too dependent on Roman and I feel they are at a crossroads. What can they do? I feel like if anyone can come up with a solution, it will be Patterson.
Leah: I feel like I’m reaching the end of the line with this show – the idea that the FBI can’t solve a case without Roman’s help is ridiculous.

Wouldn’t it have been easier if he’d just left them clues instead of tattooing Jane all over again at the beginning of this season?
Rueben: I think he simply wanted to make life for Jane and the team as complicated as possible; and without the tattoos, I’m guessing, that takes away from the original premise. Perhaps TPTB were trying to keep everything tied back to that original concept, but it does make you wonder how the show would have played out without the layer of new tattoos.
Lisa: Nothing about Roman is simple. He definitely wanted to make life difficult for Jane and the team. He wants to be in control of every piece of info and the tattoos can’t be altered (well not easily anyway) so he stuck with that.
Leah: I agree with Lisa.

How can Blake not see what Roman is? She is a little suspicious but come on…..
Rueben: I about gasped when Roman told Blake the truth only to have that unravel as a mind game he played on himself to see how telling her the truth would play out; but it’s obvious that Blake is suspicious. It’s just how suspicious is she, what will she do to try to learn the truth and what the outcome will be when she starts to put the pieces together. Will she react as Roman surmised or will she react differently. I cannot believe that she is buying anything he is telling her.
Lisa: I know! That dream when he dropped his accent and told her the truth tripped me out! How will she react when she finds out? She’s suspicious of him but I don’t think she has a clue how dangerous he is. She didn’t catch on to how dangerous her father is so who knows how long it will take her to catch on.
Leah: Blake grew up with Crawford as her father – how is she this dumb!

Avery is moving in with The Weller’s. Do we care?
Rueben: I just don’t care about Avery. I think their inviting her to live with them is a big mistake; and her part of the story is just boring. I wouldn’t really care if we never see anything from her again.
Lisa: Meh. I feel like we should care more about Avery but I don’t. At first I wanted to see Jane and Avery reconcile but I just don’t trust her. Not a good move.
Leah: I just can’t even figure out a way to care about this.

Anything else to discuss?
Rueben: Who did Roman contact about the clean up of that former military/security guy at that New York hotel? Is this person or group from Sandstorm or something? Who else does he have working for him in the background?
Lisa: Good question Rueben, I wondered the same thing. Also, Where is Reede’s fiancé? We haven’t seen her in a few episodes.
Leah: How “fun” to just call a clean up crew to make your murderous mess disappear.

BLINDSPOT airs Friday 8/7c on NBC

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at leah@nicegirlstv.com