Woman of the Week
It’s that time of week again where we sit down and discuss our pick for Woman of the Week. Our overwhelming choices went to women on Jane the Virgin.
Ivonne Coll as Alba Villanueva on Jane the Virgin
Nominated by Rueben
After watching the Jane the Virgin finale last night, I pick Alba Villanueva (Ivonne Coll) for all that she has gone through to become an American citizen. She passed her citizenship test with a perfect score [how many of us natural born Americans could even do that?] and was joyous at her naturalization ceremony. And especially making that speech to everyone attending her surprise celebration party, speaking in English no less [something she rarely does in the show] was quite moving. Alba is the strong constant in this show and in those moments she showed her vulnerability and joy – it was SO great to witness.
Seconded by Ange: The speech at the party was just ❤
Yael Groblas as Petra Solano on Jane the Virgin
Nominated by Ange
I honestly believed Petra didn’t kill Aneshka so I was taken aback by the revelation that Magda was telling the truth but also felt for Petra as she pled to JR to hear her out. I’ve enjoyed seeing this softer side of Petra in recent episodes and the second half of this season has been some of the show’s strongest work!