ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Born This Way” (3×12), CHICAGO P.D. “Ghosts” (5×18) & CHICAGO FIRE “Looking For a Lifeline” (6×14) + “The Chance to Forgive” (6×15) recap
With an epic 2 hour episode of CHICAGO FIRE this week, ONE CHICAGO fans were treated to an unofficial crossover event as characters from CHICAGO MED and CHICAGO P.D. also popped up. Read on to find out what the ONE CHICAGO leading ladies got up to during this movie-length event and their regular episodes…

Pictured: (l-r) Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood, S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin:
Poor Goodwin, it’s one headache after another when it comes to the ED’s budget this season. This week she has to deal with a potential lawsuit when a homeless man accuses the hospital of telling ambulance drivers to prioritise insured patients and it leads back to Maggie’s idea of setting up a recreation room for the drivers. While she and Maggie may have not intended for this to happen, when Goodwin decides to speak to the driver in question, his attitude is pretty much what did you expect and so Goodwin decides to shut the room down. The board disagrees with her decision though and tells her to keep it because the hospital is seeing an increased number of patients because of it. It’s a thin line to tread, isn’t it?
Maggie Lockwood:
When Maggie is accused of telling paramedics to bring more insured patients to Med, she’s horrified as that was not her intention – she wanted them to bring more patients not just ones with money. She’s not surprised that the driver throwing her under the bus is one she’s had run-ins with before.

Pictured: (l-r) Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning, Brian Tee as Ethan Choi — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning:
Manning and Dr Choi are leaving the hospital after doing the night shift when she’s approached by a homeless teenager begging them to help her pregnant friend. The catch is the friend won’t come to the hospital. Nat is insistent that they bring her in, especially in this Chicago cold but Choi obviously affected by recent experiences, agrees to go to their community and help and asks Nat to come. Against her better judgment she agrees but throughout the episode pleads with the girl to let them bring her to Med, especially when they learn that the teen’s water broke TWO DAYS AGO. Yikes! The girl knows how the system works and refuses and so Choi and Manning end up delivering the baby on the streets. It’s not a solution though as there is no way a newborn is going to survive during the harsh Chicago weather and the teenage mother realises that and tells the doctors to take the baby to the hospital – the child will have a better chance of being adopted into a loving family without her in the picture. It’s not an easy choice and you can tell Nat is affected by the decision but there’s nothing she can say or do to change the girl’s mind.
April Sexton:
On Med this week, April and Halstead are treating a man who has cancer but is refusing treatment. He reveals he’s a pedophile and despite everyone else’s reaction including April’s, Halstead is insistent on trying to save the guy and even tries to get Reese to declare the patient mentally incompetent. (She doesn’t.) In the end, Halstead sends April out of the room under the guise of getting something but it’s really so he can follow the patient’s wishes and let him die. April also appears in this week’s Fire when 51 tend to a couple whose car ended up angled on top of a shopping cart and the wife is in pretty bad shape. The firefighters also notice signs of abuse but when they get to Med, the husband is insistent that the wife gets checked out despite April’s firm recommendation that she stays.
Dr Sarah Reese:
Reese’s dad is still on the scene and Dr Charles continues to be put in a difficult position where he knows that her dad isn’t telling her the full truth but due to doctor patient confidentiality he can’t disclose any of that information to her. As well as a heart condition, Dr Charles deduces that her dad has an anti social disorder and tells him that if he’s expecting Sarah to take care of him when he worsens, he needs to tell her the truth. Somehow Papa Reese spins the truth so that that young psych resident thinks that her dad was being selfless when he was keeping his heart condition from her. She also still doesn’t know about the anti-social personality disorder and you can tell that Dr Charles is becoming uncomfortable with these half truths. Man it’s going to suck when the truth comes out!
Kim Burgess:
This week’s P.D. ep is a pretty Upton-centric storyline so apart from doing surveillance and working the case, we don’t see much of Burgess. But she does pop up on this week’s Fire when she and Antonio respond to 51’s concerns that a woman they rescued from a call is a victim of domestic abuse. Burgess does her best to try and help the woman including looking into some no-contact shelters but it’s a tricky situation when the woman doesn’t speak up.

Pictured: (l-r) Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton, Titus Welliver as Ronald Booth — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Hailey Upton:
When someone from Upton’s past turns up dead, Upton convinces Voight to let her revive a past undercover personality to help solve the case. Being the new girl, we don’t know as much about Upton as we do about the rest of Intelligence, but this episode certainly shed a lot of light. “Kelly” has returned to town after going back home to Iowa for a few years and now she’s looking to get back in the game and has also brought her friend “Ryan” (aka Halstead) along with her. Big boss aka Big crim is wary of her reappearance seeing as he’s just done a stint in jail but gives her an opportunity to prove himself (which we later learn is because he has a thing for Kelly.) The dude is creepy so we’re not surprised when Halstead decides to do some digging and discovers that Big crim attacked Kelly and tried to rape her a few years ago. Thankfully she escaped but did take a nasty beating. When Voight eventually deduces that the situation is too dangerous and pulls the plug on Upton being undercover, she goes rogue and is determined to see this through. Halstead accuses her of being emotional and tries to make her see reason – it’s an interesting backflip with her giving Halstead and Burgess crap this season about not playing by the rules. Upton does get her revenge on Big crim though and gives him a beating – it takes Halstead to talk her down before she does something she regrets though. It is nice to see more of a development in this Upton/Halstead partnership and that the pair are learning to trust each other more and have each other’s backs and it was nice that he came to check up on her at the end of the episode.
Trudy Platt:
We don’t see Platt in this week’s episode but Halstead does refer to her at the end when he invites Upton out to Molly’s by saying Platt is buying shots and it’s a once in a lifetime occurrence.

Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Christian Stolte as Mouch, Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson:
During this week’s two-hour event, Dawson is a big pillar of support for ambo partner Brett, who fears she may be pregnant to Dawson’s brother Antonio. It’s Gabriela that brings up the possibility to Brett when the blonde paramedic talks about feeling off and it’s also Gabriela that buys the pregnancy test when Brett freezes up at the pharmacy. She also has Brett’s back when Brett (after hearing Antonio is going on a blind date) decides that she needs a fresh start and clears her locker of Antonio reminders. On the work side of things, 51 respond to a call where a couple are trapped in their car after landing on a shopping cart. Both Dawson and Casey notice that the woman has some suspicious bruises on her and they call in Antonio to look into the case.

Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett:
What a rollercoaster of emotions for Brett this week! She begins this week’s episode waking up alone in bed after Antonio spent the night. She’s then nauseous at the firehouse, leading Dawson to suggest that she could be pregnant. This sends Brett into a freakout mode and Dawson accompanies her to get a test. Of course during all this, she bumps into Antonio at the Firehouse and ends up getting all emotional and crying but he has no idea what’s going on and they’re interrupted by a call before he can question her further. At home and with Dawson by her side, she takes the test and it reveals she’s not pregnant. While she may not be ready to have a baby yet, she is momentarily disappointed as she had started to think about what a great father Antonio would be. She later decides that she doesn’t want their relationship to be casual anymore and that she wants it to be real. She runs into him while leaving Molly’s and is ready to tell him so when he reveals that he’s going on a blind date. Awkward. The next day, Dawson finds her cleaning up her locker, having decided that she needs a fresh start from Antonio. Is it bad that I’m still rooting for them to work things out and get back together?
Stella Kidd:
The dance between Kidd and Severide continues this week. She ends up convincing him and also accompanying him to Springfield where a pediatric wing is being named in Anna’s honor. They also make plans to go to Milwaukee on their next day off, which Casey happens to overhear and warns Severide to be careful with getting involved with Kidd, which essentially causes him to back off. Then while attending a house fire, Kidd and Otis are trapped upstairs when shots are fired. Boden orders everyone to stay where they are but Severide disobeys him and rushes in to find Kidd (and Otis). Kidd is lucky and her radio ends up taking a bullet instead of her but Otis is not so lucky and the second hour of this week’s episode we’re on edge to find out if he’ll be okay. It looks like he could be paralysed but time will tell. At the end of the episode, Severide goes to see Kidd who is doing inventory at Molly’s and you can tell she’s a little frustrated with his hot/cold act but it looks like the near-death experience has put things in perspective as he kisses her and it’s not long before they’re getting hot and heavy on the bar.
CHICAGO MED airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, CHICAGO P.D. Wednesdays at 10/9c and CHICAGO FIRE Thursdays at 10/9c. All three shows air on NBC.
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Folie À Deux” (3×11), CHICAGO P.D. “Profiles” (5×16) & CHICAGO FIRE “Hiding Not Seeking” (6×13) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Down By Law” (3×10), CHICAGO P.D. “Sisterhood” (5×15) & CHICAGO FIRE “The F is For” (6×12) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “On Shaky Ground” (3×09) & CHICAGO P.D. “Anthem” (5×14) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO P.D. “Chasing Monsters” (5×13) & CHICAGO FIRE “Law of the Jungle” (6×11) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Lemons & Lemonade” (3×08) & CHICAGO FIRE “Slamigan” (6×10) recap