ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Folie À Deux” (3×11), CHICAGO P.D. “Profiles” (5×16) & CHICAGO FIRE “Hiding Not Seeking” (6×13) recap
It was a BIG week in the ONE CHICAGO world with CHICAGO P.D. reaching its 100th episode, which saw it do yet another epic crossover with CHICAGO FIRE. This ChiHard watched all three shows consecutively this week and was delighted to find that Jay Halstud, sorry Halstead, was in all three episodes this week. (Don’t get me started on how after 100 episodes we FINALLY got to see him on a motorcycle too, even if it wasn’t on his own show – it was on Fire, but hey we’ll take what we can get right?) Anyway, it was an intense week in the ONE CHICAGO world so read on to find out how this week’s events affected the leading ladies of CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO P.D. and CHICAGO FIRE…
Sharon Goodwin:
The Chief Administrator actually didn’t appear on Med or the ONE CHICAGO world this week.
Maggie Lockwood:
Following on from last week’s revelation that her ex was not who he said he was, Maggie is doing her best to distract herself from the situation with work. It doesn’t help when Nat reminds Maggie that Barry’s arraignment is that day and plays the “he saved my life” card on her. At the end of shift, Barry comes to see Maggie to try and explain himself but it just ends in Maggie shutting him down and tearfully telling him that she doesn’t know who he is. Ouch.

Pictured: (l-r) Christy L. Bonstell as Wendy, Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning, Emily Vere Nicoll as Lauren Campos — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning:
This week Nat is treating a baby suffering from a bad cough.Understandably the mother of the newborn is concerned and has her sister with her for support. It turns out to be whooping cough and then it’s revealed that the sister’s son had a cough a few weeks ago but isn’t vaccinated because the sister’s husband is anti-vaccinations. When Nat discovers this, she is livid and goes to confront him in the waiting room. She doesn’t hold back, calling him an idiot and ordering him to take his son out of the hospital before he infects any other kids. Dr Halstead witnesses this outburst and later tells her that it was a very “Will Halstead moment”. Ha! Nat just can’t understand how people refuse to believe the science of vaccinations working.
April Sexton:
This week’s episode opens up with April and Dr Choi in his apartment having a NERF gun fight in their underwear. As they’re being all cutesy and lovey dovey, they’re interrupted by frantic knocking at the door – someone in the apartment complex has been stabbed by their neighbor. The victim is taken to Med, as is the woman he claims did it because she too is injured. It turns into a case of he said, she said, with the victim claiming he was just returning some mixed up mail to her when she stabbed him. While she says he’s been trying to poison and kill her over some time now and that while she hurt him, it was self defence. She is super paranoid that he’s going to hurt her again. Halstead from P.D. comes in to investigate the case and with help from Dr Charles, plot twist – the person responsible is the woman’s friend because she wants the victim’s apartment because she has some weird and unhealthy relationship with the second victim.
Dr Sarah Reese:
Unbeknownst to Dr Reese, Dr Charles meets her estranged father and discovers some things that Sarah has a right to know but he can’t reveal to her due to patient confidentiality. Awkward. After his first meeting with Sarah’s dad, he finds a frustrated Sarah who reveals to him that her father has relocated to Chicago and after 20 years wants to reconnect. At first she’s mad and wants nothing to do with him, then she calls her mom who hates her dad and doesn’t have anything nice to say, which ironically prompts Reese to seek him out and ends up agreeing to have dinner with him. By the time Reese shares this news with Dr Charles, she’s in great spirits and making excuses for her father including one that doesn’t quite line up with something that he said earlier to Dr Charles. At the end of the episode, Dr Charles chats to Sarah’s dad outside while he’s waiting for her and he pretty much admits he’s using Sarah but again due to patient confidentiality, Dr Charles can’t say anything to her. This is not going to end well…

Pictured: (l-r) Amy Morton as Trudy Platt, Jason Beghe as Hank Voight, Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Trudy Platt:
P.D.‘s 100th episode begins with Platt on TV promoting a new police community outreach program. It’s a pretty big deal with both Firehouse 51 and Intelligence hosting viewing parties at work to watch. Intelligence in particular are having a great time watching because it’s clear that Platt is super uncomfortable. The amusement suddenly turns to horror when a weird beeping sound happens and there’s suddenly an explosion onscreen with Platt being flown across the room! Intelligence quickly rush to the scene where a frantic Mouch is also trying to find his wife. According to Atwater it’s been 7 minutes since the explosion happened and there’s no sign of Platt. We then see her lying on the floor of the burning studio unconscious. Thankfully she comes to and wastes no time looking for survivors. Sadly the woman who was interviewing is dead but another woman from the show is alive but in bad shape. With the fire still raging and the exit blocked, an injured Platt (who pulled out a nail that was stuck in her due to the explosion) drags the other woman with her to get away from the fire. Thank goodness Platt’s husband is a firefighter and obviously taught her a few things because Platt manages to get the two of them into a room away from the fire and try to minimize their smoke inhalation as they wait for help. Fire‘s Severide comes to the rescue and when they make it out of the building, Platt’s main concern is the more injured woman and insists that the woman be treated immediately. Later, after being checked out, Platt returns to work and before Intelligence can ask, she tells them not to ask her if she’s okay and that she just wants to help with the case. Shortly after, Platt is back on the front desk and Burgess trying to convince her to take a day off when Platt notices a package with a note. Ignoring Burgess’ rambling, she calmly instructs everyone to evacuate. Once everyone is outside, Platt has a feeling that something is off with this situation and it doesn’t match the pattern of the other incidents…

Pictured: (l-r) Patrick John Flueger as Adam Ruzek, Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Kim Burgess:
Burgess is on snack duty for Intelligence’s viewing party and as Platt’s interview starts up, Burgess jokes that this is like Christmas seeing Platt in such obvious discomfort. Joking aside, her concern for Platt obvious and she even tries to convince her to take the day off and get her hair done or something. (Although she then has to awkwardly backtrack when Platt asks her what’s wrong with her hair.) Intelligence are working hard to solve this case and these two crossover episodes include them running all over town chasing different leads. One of them involves seeing a journalist get blown up right before their eyes as he goes to check his mailbox, which was rigged with explosives! During the Fire portion of the crossover, Burgess and Upton discover an important lead which results in them tackling an accomplice and holding him down. Gotta love a bit of girl power!
Hailey Upton:
Upton and Halstead were pretty lucky if I say so myself – they’re doing a stake out and monitoring a journalist who they first thought to be behind the explosion during Platt’s TV interview and when they see the man leaving his house, they get out of their car and start heading towards him. He doesn’t notice them and opens his mailbox and BOOM! If Upton and Halstead were closer they probably would have gotten caught in the crossfire! It’s Upton who figures out an unorthodox way to nab their suspect and use Fire‘s Brett and Dawson to help them. Later in the Fire portion of the crossover when she and Burgess tackle an accomplice and hold him down, it’s Upton who puts a gun to his head and warns him against flinching.

Pictured: (l-r) Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Jon Seda as Antonio Dawson — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson:
This week’s P.D. opens up with an angry Antonio Dawson arriving at the Firehouse looking for his teenage daughter Eva, who was meant to be spending the day with her Aunt Gaby. He’s discovered that Eva has a second social media account and includes pictures of her holding a drink. Too angry to hear her defend herself, he orders her to pack up her stuff, give him her phone and come with him because she’s grounded. Gaby tells him he looks just like their dad. In the aftermath of the explosion, Dawson along with the rest of 51 are on the scene at the end of the first hour of the crossover, Intelligence come to 51 asking for Dawson and Brett do a bit of undercover work to help them nab who is responsible. Dawson and Brett are up for it, Chief Boden not so much but he is swayed on a few conditions. The situation does get a little tense but Dawson and Brett nail it and even Boden has some high praise for them when they return to the Firehouse.

Pictured: (l-r) Joe Minoso as Joe Cruz, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett:
For a moment I forgot which show I was actually watching when this week’s P.D. opened up Antonio Dawson arriving at 51 and Brett behind him. The two walk in cute and slightly awkward. (Just sort yourselves out and get back together already, guys!) In the aftermath of the explosion, the victim Platt found wants to talk to the police before she gets taken to the hospital by Brett and Dawson and of course Antonio is the closest cop they can find. With Dawson driving, this leaves Brett in the back with the patient and Antonio. Brett advises the patient against trying to talk but she is adamant to reveal what she knows. Sadly the patient passes away at Med. When Cruz discovers that Brett and Dawson are going undercover to help Intelligence, he acts like a boyfriend being all super protective and tries to talk Brett out of it. She stands her ground and tells him if there is an opportunity to save lives she’s going to do it. Cruz is a bit miffed when Brett doesn’t call him after the sting to let him know she’s alright and when she does return, she overhears him ranting to Otis about how reckless she’s being. Brett then goes to find Dawson and begs her to help her hide from him. It may work for a little while but eventually Cruz finds her and they talk it out or so it seems because the look on his face as she walks away and then later on when he sees her with Antonio at Molly’s seems to suggest otherwise. Once the case is solved, Brett, Casey and the Dawson siblings are drinking at Molly’s. Brett and Antonio share a look which later leads to them hooking up in the car. Oooooh.
Stella Kidd:
After agreeing last week to meet Zack’s sister when she comes to town, Kidd is clearly having second thoughts and when Severide notices her being quieter than usual, she admits so much and tells him that by meeting family, you might as well call the priest and organise 10 limos. Later in the episode after discovering that Severide and Boden have been assisting Intelligence with the case and providing their arsonist expertise, she warns him not to do anything crazy. The serious moment turns into something more light-hearted where she grabs him by the shoulders. Of course, this is the moment that Zack decides to arrive to chat to Kidd about why she’s bailing on meeting his sister. Kidd had made up an excuse about with the whole bomber being on the loose, she agreed to pick up some extra hours but if it means that much to him, she’ll tell Boden that she can’t do it. Looks like dinner is back on, or is it? Zack goes to leave but then turns around and tells Kidd that he’s letting her off the hook and taking a step back because there’s clearly something going on between her and Severide. Kidd tries to argue otherwise and tells him he’s overreacting but it looks like this relationship is dunzo. She tells Severide as much at the end of the episode and rather than going out, he suggests they just stay in. She agrees, gets comfy and puts her feet on him as they watch an old movie leaving us to wonder ‘will they or won’t they?’
CHICAGO MED airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, CHICAGO P.D. Wednesdays at 10/9c and CHICAGO FIRE Thursdays at 10/9c. All three shows air on NBC.
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Down By Law” (3×10), CHICAGO P.D. “Sisterhood” (5×15) & CHICAGO FIRE “The F is For” (6×12) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “On Shaky Ground” (3×09) & CHICAGO P.D. “Anthem” (5×14) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO P.D. “Chasing Monsters” (5×13) & CHICAGO FIRE “Law of the Jungle” (6×11) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Lemons & Lemonade” (3×08) & CHICAGO FIRE “Slamigan” (6×10) recap
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Over Troubled Water” (3×07), CHICAGO P.D. “Captive” (5×12) & CHICAGO FIRE “Foul is Fair” (6×09) recap