Nice Girls Posts
Women of the Week
While most of our favorite TV shows are taking a mini break while the Winter Olympics are on, there were still plenty of females kicking butt on our screens. Read on to find out who were our choices for our latest Women of the Week…
Nominated by Lexie & Roz: The US Women’s Hockey Team
Roz: I second this! They got better pay after the IIHF last year and rocked it!
Nominated by Cara: Leslie Jones & Belinda Noonan
My women of the week are both Olympic-related as well. I’m an Olympics junkie, and Leslie Jones is all of us watching the Olympics. I am loving her commentary, both NBC sanctioned and on Twitter, and the team up with Adam Rippon was all that I’ve ever hoped for from Olympic commentary. Also, if you haven’t seen it, check out the video of her dancing with Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski. It’s a delight. So often the people commenting on the Olympics try to appear so objective and impassive, so Leslie is someone for all of us at home yelling at our televisions.
Also, if you watched NBC’s streaming broadcasts of ice skating, Australian Belinda Noonan was the female voice doing commentary. That woman deserves an award. Listening to her working side-by-side with someone who was clearly hired to add color and not for his skating expertise was an ongoing source of entertainment for me. Not just that, she clearly and patiently explained elements of skating and the competition, and her expertise was very helpful to us watching at home. She needs to be recognized just for the fact that she spent weeks working in tandem with someone who consistently sounded clueless about the sport. Noonan has to have eye strain from all the eye rolling and side eyes she must have been giving. More than once I wished I could have seen her face as her partner made some inane comment about costuming or music. Belinda Noonan is every woman who had to carry the weight of a clearly unqualified coworker, and she gets all my respect.