ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO P.D. “Chasing Monsters” (5×13) & CHICAGO FIRE “Law of the Jungle” (6×11) recap
Another dramatic week in the ONE CHICAGO world, especially as we approach the Winter Olympics, which means our ONE CHICAGO shows are about to head on a mini hiatus – boy was CHICAGO FIRE in particular intense! Read on to find out what went down with the leading ladies of CHICAGO P.D. and CHICAGO FIRE…
Kim Burgess:
Burgess and Antonio go to visit one of his friends who owns a shop and has been visited by a local gang, who are going around the neighborhood telling store owners that they can offer them protection for a fee. Antonio’s friend refuses to give in and the morning after his and Burgess’ visit, he is found dead in his store. A visiting detective from El Salvador arrives with the Homicide unit and offers to help out Intelligence on the case. As Antonio begins to bond with her, Burgess starts to suspect that not all is what it seems with the visiting detective, especially when she catches her in a lie. Burgess tries to share her suspicions with her partner but he’s blinded by lust and brushes her suspicions off. Undeterred, Burgess does some digging of her own and puts pieces together and realizes that the woman is in Chicago to get revenge on the man who killed her son in El Salvador. When the woman pulls her gun on Antonio, he has no choice but to shoot her and she dies. Later he apologizes to Burgess for not listening to her and thanks her for being a good partner and looking out for him.
Trudy Platt:
On CHICAGO P.D. we get a scene with Platt and Burgess when Burgess returns to the District after following leads and Platt gives her some files that a detective from Gangs left for their visiting detective, to which Burgess is confused because she thought the detetctive was working with Homicide. Other than that scene that’s all we get on CPD, but Platt does get a bit more air time on the latest episode of CHICAGO FIRE when she takes Hermann’s daughter under her wing after he fails to give her a proper take your daughter to work day experience. The scene where mini Hermann comes into Firehouse 51 as a mini Platt is absolutely adorable. Hermann better watch out! With her frequent appearances at the firehouse this episode, Platt also gives the Firehouse 51 some advice after a fellow cop dies after 51 tried to rescue him during a call.

Pictured: (l-r) Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead, Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Hailey Upton:
While she and Halstead are doing surveillance, she asks him about therapy and he admits that it’s not actually not as bad as he thought it would be and that he’s finally dealing with things that happened in Afghanistan…and Chicago. We know that’s referring to the girl that was shot by his bullet at the start of the season but we’re also wondering if that includes dealing with Lindsay’s sudden departure too?
Erin Lindsay:
She may have moved to New York but we had acknowledgement that Lindsay still exists in the ONE CHICAGO world with her being mentioned on a number of occasions in this episode after the body of the man who killed Voight’s son turns up (which if you remember at the start of season four, Lindsay may or may not have been involved in helping Voight move the body). With the body being found, there’s an investigation going on so Voight and Olinsky mention speaking to Lindsay on the phone to fill her in.
Gabriela Dawson:
With her dad on the mend plus the Bria situation all sorted, Dawson is looking forward to reconnecting with Casey and even make use of a spa voucher that they received as a wedding gift. Then the team get called to a collision scene where a deputy officer is trapped and Casey thinks it’s too risky to move him but Severide thinks that they should, especially when there’s a violent inmate in the back of the van who starts ramming against the unconscious victim and potentially making the situation worse. Later when the team get back to the firehouse, they learn that the deputy died at Med and Casey asks Dawson whether she thinks that things would have been different if they went with Severide’s plan. The guilt that Casey feels isn’t helped when the deceased’s colleagues turn up drunk at night and run their mouth off at Casey, nor when Severide’s mentor starts digging into what went down during the call. The spa trip is called off and instead Dawson finds herself accompanying Casey to a vigil for the deceased deputy.
Sylvie Brett:
With Dawson not using the spa vouchers, she offers them to Brett. Since it’s for two, Brett asks Kidd if she wants to come along but Kidd has a date and suggests that she asks her roomie. Of course Cruz happens to be around when Kidd suggests this and Brett half-heartedly asks him and he accepts despite Otis warning him that it’s a bad idea to spend time with Brett while he still has feelings for her. At the spa, Brett is so worried about sending the wrong message to Cruz that she starts asking the staff member for advice, so imagine both their surprises when Mouch turns up instead. Looks like Cruz is smarter than we thought. Sadly that’s all we get to see of the spa day – we wonder whether Mouch would totally get into it or not. He already seemed pretty attached to the robes there…
Stella Kidd:
This episode follows on from the benefit at the end of last week’s episode and Kidd tells Severide that she’s glad she went to the benefit. Severide tells her he’s glad too but sorry that she had to cancel her date with Zach. She says it’s fine, he understood but when Zach later shows up at the firehouse and mentions her migraine from the night before, we see that she told him otherwise. Guess she’s not that into him? Nonetheless she reschedules their date but there’s still obviously something lingering between her and Severide as he watches on and then also that night there’s a potential moment on the roof when she finds him “brooding” over the situation with Casey, which is interrupted by the deceased deputy’s colleagues showing up. During Kidd and Zach’s date, things get a bit awkward when they start talking about her living situation with Severide and she asks to change the subject. The next morning at work, she tells Severide that she appreciates him letting her crash there but it might be time for her to start looking for her own place. He tells her no rush. The last 10 minutes of the episode involve Firehouse 51 tending to a dangerous call which involves gas fuelling fire so Hazmat have also been called in. Things get a bit dicey when Kidd is one of the last ones still in the building and also when Zach gets knocked out while trying to turn off the gas. Both of them make it out (although Zach needs to be taken to Med) but the final moments of this episode are of Severide and Casey leaping from the roof of the building as an explosion occurs!
CHICAGO MED airs Tuesday at 10/9c and CHICAGO P.D. airs Wednesday at 10/9c, while CHICAGO FIRE returns Thursday March 1 at 10/9c. All three shows air on NBC.
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Lemons & Lemonade” (3×08) & CHICAGO FIRE “Slamigan” (6×10) recap
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