ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Lemons & Lemonade” (3×08) & CHICAGO FIRE “Slamigan” (6×10) recap
This week in the ONE CHICAGO world, we had relationships blossoming, relationships becoming more serious and interesting facts being revealed about some of our leading ladies. Read on to find out what went down with the women of CHICAGO MED and CHICAGO FIRE…

Pictured: Ari Morgan as Owen Manning, Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning:
Following last week’s decision to have Will stay over even if it meant her son Owen seeing him, before they go to work, Will is at Nat’s building blocks with Owen when Owen suddenly throws one at Will’s face, resulting in the doc getting a black eye. At the end of the episode Nat is building blocks with Owen (no, he doesn’t throw any at her), when Will shows up with a big truck for Owen aka a bribe. Although he claims to like the present, Owen throws another block at Will’s face and now Will is concerned that Owen hates him but Nat assures him Owen doesn’t and goes to find something to stop Will from getting two black eyes. Case-wise, Nat and April are teaming up again this week, treating a man who has been brought in with a fever and what he thinks is a bad cold. The nasty blister looking thing that the pair find on his ankle later suggests otherwise. There’s a cute moment when the patient’s girlfriend comments on how stubborn he is and Nat replies “I’ve got a pretty stubborn one too” and April adds “Me too”. At first Nat thinks the patient has a staph infection but when he’s not responding to medication, they have to go back to the drawing board.
Maggie Lockwood:
Maggie is still doing double duty this week with doing nurse work and making sure the ED runs smoothly. She also happens to notice Will Halstead’s shiner and comments that it’s been awhile since he has gotten himself into trouble. When she later spots him reading a book about toddlers, he tells her about the incident with Owen that morning and how he knows that Owen is the number one guy in Nat’s life so he wants Owen to like him.

Pictured: (l-r) Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning, Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
April Sexton:
As April and Dr Choi grab coffee from the cart at the hospital, we learn that April loves slasher flicks like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and that her drink order is a chai tea latte with almond milk, no foam. Their banter about his simpler tastes vs. hers is interrupted when a stranger comes running for help because a woman has collapsed nearby. Dr Choi ends up bringing her into the ED in his arms. When that patient refuses treatment which will lead to her death, April spots Choi taking a moment and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder without saying a word. Again at the end of the episode at the end of shift where the patient did die, they hug in the staff room and again no words are needed. A seemingly casual conversation with the girlfriend of the patient that she and Nat are treating helps them figure out what is wrong with their patient – the girlfriend was treated for pneumonia 10 years ago but contacted an infection that has stayed with her since and so the patient most likely contracted it when they were intimate. He can be treated but she can’t, so it’s possible that he could get it again. The patient reassures the girlfriend that they’ll work it out but when the girlfriend leaves the hospital for the night, little does he know she’s leaving his life. She gives Nat and April a letter to give to him the next day because she doesn’t want him to live his life like this. April tells Nat that she gets it – her TB caused a lot of tension between her and her ex-fiance Tate.
Dr Sarah Reese:
The young psych resident is back on duty following her two week suspension and is still undergoing daily counselling and anger management classes to make sure that she’s fit to be back at work. Dr Charles welcomes her back and lets her know that he’s happy for her to try and ease back into things but she reassures him that she’s fine (and seems much calmer from when we last saw her at work), which is good to hear because an agitated Jane Doe has been brought in but before Dr Charles can consult, Dr Choi needs him to see the woman he is treating so it looks like Reese is handling Jane Doe on her own. Reese thinks she’s got it all figured out and shares her diagnosis with Dr Charles but he’s not impressed that she’s not ticking the boxes like he told her to and going by the book. She doesn’t see the problem – she’s reached her conclusions so why should it matter how she got there? He tells her it does when she’s on probation. He’s not convinced by her diagnosis and steps in to look at the patient. It turns out that his instincts are right and that the patient has genetic disorder that has been triggered by her coming into contact with materials during her studies at culinary school. He reprimands Reese about not getting close enough to the patient to notice symptoms in her eyes. Their disagreement is cut short by Dr Choi and Dr Charles’ anorexic patient, who ends up dying. It stirs something up in Reese and she rushes out of the room, upset. Dr Charles finds her crying outside on the rooftop and she’s frustrated because she’s “not supposed to be scared anymore”. The fact that she recognizes she has a problem is a good sign and it’ll take some time, advises Dr Charles.
Sharon Goodwin:
We don’t see Goodwin until about two-thirds of the way through this week’s episode when Dr Rhodes and Dr Halstead are treating a patient that they think the hospital will cover her medical bills. Goodwin tells them that since the patient’s diagnosis has changed the hospital can no longer foot the bill and they’re going to transfer her to a safe hospital instead. Understandably the two doctors are outraged that money overrides patient care and Rhodes asks Goodwin to just pull strings. She’s obviously feeling the crunch of the money situation and lays out all the costs for him. When the time comes for the patient to be transferred, Rhodes steps in to stop it and at the end of the episode we learn from Goodwin that an anonymous donor conveniently made a six-figure donation to the hospital so now the patient can stay. She warns Rhodes to be careful as there will always be patients coming in and his cheque book won’t be able to save all of them.
Trudy Platt:
Although there’s no new episode of CHICAGO P.D. this week, there is a reference to Platt in this week’s MED when the Jane Doe patient was initially discovered by PD off screen and it’s Platt who calls Maggie about the woman’s identity.

Pictured: (l-r) Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson, Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson:
Last week’s episode ended with Dawson and Casey going to the morgue where a girl matching Bria’s description turned up. Thankfully it’s not Bria, but the deceased does have some of Bria’s things on her, leading Dawson to pay her CPD brother a visit to find an address for the deceased. He questions her on how deep she’s getting but does unofficially help her out and also casually asks how Brett is doing. At work, Dawson asks Brett to come along with her to check out the address she got from Antonio and it’s Brett’s turn to ask how Antonio is doing. Try and fight it guys but we know you guys will be back together soon! The girls manage to speak to the deceased’s boyfriend who revealed that they had her fight and that she most likely went to the shelter but before Dawson and Brett can follow the lead, they get alerted of a call. A woman in a fancy apartment has managed to get her arm stuck in the garbage disposal while trying to retrieve and oyster fork and the button is jammed. Brett manages to help her out but rather than be grateful her arm didn’t get amputated, the woman is more concerned that her engagement ring is now scratched because Brett “twisted her hand” while trying to get her arm out and that she has to get stitches – it’s so unfair. Oh hell no, you just didn’t! Dawson snaps at the woman and tells her that just blocks away there are young people at a shelter with way worse problems than her. Finally Dawson arrives at the shelter but the woman working there refuses to give her any information. Dawson tries a few times before giving up and tells the woman to tell Bria to let Dawson know that she’s safe. The woman tells Dawson that residents come and go all the time and not to hold her breath. Well that was kind of rude!
Bria does turn up at 51 though and a relieved Dawson wants to petition to get temporary guardianship while Bria’s father’s in rehab as she already has all the foster parent approval from when she was looking after Louie. She runs the idea past Casey and then they go to see Tina at DCFS, who is not so convinced she can get her boss on board. Then Casey speaks up and next thing you know, back at 51 there’s a voicemail from Tina telling them they’ve been approved to be Bria’s temporary guardians. Now that that’s sorted, the next thing on the agenda is to get Bria to see her dad, but he’s in the last stage of his treatment and not allowed visitors. Fortunately the old classmate of Cruz’s is working so Dawson and Casey use that to their advantage to reunite the father and daughter. As they let them have their moment, there’s a nice quiet scene between Dawson and Casey where she thanks him for stepping up with Tina during their meeting as he didn’t have to do that and that she’s sorry she got consumed with the Bria situation. He tells her that he did as when they were in the Louie situation, she pulled away from him to do it on her own and he was getting a sinking feeling that she was heading down that road again. He tells her wherever she is going, he’ll be right there with her. Aww. We hope this ends all the awkwardness between them now!

Pictured: (l-r) Joe Minoso as Joe Cruz, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett:
Cruz has got this idea in his head that he can combine two tools to make a new one. He calls it the ‘Slamigan’. As he excitedly explains the idea to Hermann, Mouch and Otis, Brett walks into the room and listens in. When his first attempt doesn’t go to plan, Brett speaks up and offers come advice – the guys are stunned and she reminds them she grew up on a farm and knows a thing or two about fixing things. The first two tries don’t work and Cruz gets disheartened, especially when the guys are ribbing on him but Brett remains optimistic and tells him that they can keep working on it after shift. The next day when they go to demonstrate the Slamigan, it works and the pair excitedly hug. The hug seems longer than a normal hug, a fact that doesn’t go unnoticed by Otis. He later tells Cruz that he can’t be in love with Brett because she’s their roommate and they work together. Cruz knows and says he won’t do anything about it but Otis thinks they’re headed for disaster.

Pictured: (l-r) Daniel Di Tomasso as Zach Torbett, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Stella Kidd:
As Brett and Kidd get ready for shift in the locker room, Kidd reveals that she’s going out with Zach that night to Sparrow, which judging by Brett’s reaction sounds fancy. Severide happens to overhear the girls and while Brett tries to get Kidd to admit that she’s excited (nope she’s just going with “cautiously optimistic”), Severide teases Kidd about since when does she start dating gentlemen and she retorts with since she upped her standards. Ooh burn! When it’s finally date time, Kidd tells Zach that she has a few questions for him before she fully commits to the date – is he married? does he take any drugs? does he have any mental illness? Kidd may be a tough gal but Zach can hold his own against her and he tells her that she fights fires for a living so it’s time for her to man up and commit to the date. It must have been a good date because they end up back at hers for a drink which is awkwardly interrupted by Severide who has had a rough night but makes himself scarce. The next night is the fundraiser thrown by Severide’s mentor and with Kidd all dolled up, he thinks she’s coming. Turns out she’s going on a second date with Zach (that was fast) but Severide manages to sway her to go to the fundraiser instead to support a good cause.
CHICAGO MED airs Tuesday at 10/9c, CHICAGO P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and CHICAGO FIRE airs Thursdays at 10/9c. All three shows air on NBC.
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