3 Seer Worthy Questions from VIKINGS ‘The Plan’
In this weeks Vikings ‘The Plan’ Lagertha wasn’t the only one with questions. Every time Sir-Licks-A-Lot appears we know something big is coming. This time the Seer himself, seemed to verbally recognize that truth with the words “Prepare yourself for what is to come.” His warning of Bjorn’s coming pain from the fallout of Ragnar’s death sent a collective chill down everyones spine and I fear for his ultimate fate.
Since the Seer was so kind to appear this episode here are three questions I would ask him about the characters this episode.
1. Is Kassia Bjorn’s Athelstan?
Kassia (Karima McAdams) is much more than beautiful song bird in a gilded cage. Her captor, Euphemius, (Albano Jeronimo) revealed her to be a famous Byzantine holy woman of god which immediately piqued Bjorn’s interest. Bjorn’s fathers great Viking , Captive Priest bromance with Althestan was a friendship for the ages. This meeting makes me wonder if Bjorn inherited more than Ragnar’s wanderlust.
2. Is Bishop Heahmund Mad or Genius?
Bishop Heathmond (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) is truly an enigma. He has proven himself to be a worthy adversary in war however, he made a grave error this week by trusting his fever dreams. His visions from God turned out to be completely wrong. Is the Bishops fatal flaw in his unwavering faith?
3. Did Harald’s Bad Luck truly turn?
Astrid’s sudden change of heart was indeed a surprise. But, honestly, what other choice did she have? She obviously cared for Lagertha, however with Harald’s abduction she has a unique opportunity to gain true power through the notoriously unlucky Harald. It is good to see his dream of marriage realized, however the honeymoon is most likely to be exceedingly short lived.
Vikings airs Wednesdays at 9pm Eastern only on the History Channel.
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