BLINDSPOT: Adoring Suspect {Roundtable}
The team goes undercover on a movie set to stop a terrorist plot with unlikely backers. Roman (Luke Mitchell) blackmails Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) with a horrible secret about Jane (Jaimie Alexander). Also starring Rob Brown (Edgar Reade) and Audrey Esparza (Tasha Zapata) and Ashley Johnson (Patterson). Guest Starring Mary Stuart Masterson (Eleanor Hirst), Tori Anderson (Blake), Ennis Esmer (Rich Dotcom), Malcolm David Kelley (Keith Rhodes), Miguel Fernandez (Santiago), Misha Kuznetsov (Niko Popov) and Paul F. Tompkins (Booky Bentley)

BLINDSPOT — “Adoring Suspect” Episode 306 — Pictured: Malcolm David Kelley as Keith Rhodes — (Photo by: Will Hart/NBC/Warner Bros)
1. A movie set as a front for WMD. How novel. How did you like the case by the end of the episode?
Roz: I think the cases are good to be lighter (we still had some end of the world stuff but not nearly enough) and I think it shows how well the show can adapt to what could be a formula we’ve all come to hate at a certain point.
Lisa: I liked it. They have to find a way to keep it fresh and this was a good start.
Rueben: After that opening scene, it was obvious that Weller was there undercover, but until the episode started to roll out, I couldn’t imagine why he would be on a movie set. Needless to say, it was certainly a different way to tell a story that could have ended horrifically. Did you guys recognize who was playing Keith Rhodes? That was Malcolm David Kelly, who played Walt on Lost! And, it certainly seemed that they were trying to make him their version of Will Smith, given that Rich said something about Keith being in a sitcom before making it big in films.
Cay: I thought it was clever and entertaining, particularly because Weller would be the last one of the group doing that kind of thing. And also because I can appreciate his pain because it drives me nuts when shows screw up medical stuff and I always think “surely they have medical consultants”?
2. Hirst looks to be a dangerous force in the office, but it feels like something else is at play with this side of the problems in the office. Do you think the team needs to keep going with this lead?
Roz: Yes! I think Reade realizing how dirty she is was the last straw and it’s great to see the team working to take her down and fight for what’s really at stake.
Lisa: I agree. Reade didn’t want to see it at first, because he trusted her, but once his eyes were opened, the team was back together and I love it.
Rueben: I agree. I was happy that Reade finally accepted what Zapata and Patterson believed to be true. Having them all gather at Casa Weller to investigate her – that was priceless.
Cay: We can hope that Reade stops being such a tool now. Seeing as there is an FBI mole or counteragent or whatnot every season, I find someone wondering how exactly the FBI screens their employees…
3. Oh, Rich Dot Com makes a horrible pitch to one of my favorite actors, Paul F. Thompson. What do you think of the guest stars so far this season?
Roz: PFT is amazing, and he plays over-the-top well. I think the guests have been good, and it’s a chance to let us all focus on some other actors. At least we can assume not every guest is going to be a terrorist.
Lisa: Paul F. Thompson was great! I like the guest stars. I’d love to see more and as always, Michael Ealy would be my first choice. 😊
Rueben: It’s been pretty cool. PFT was great has the slimy producer, wasn’t he? Tori Anderson as Blake (the Auction Woman) has been a surprise casting. And, their getting Malcolm from Lost in Friday’s episode – that was pretty cool too.
Cay: That was a fun scene that would have only worked with Rich! He’s so childish, but I find him hilarious in contrast to the seriousness of the rest. They’ve had some good guest-casting as well as some fun callouts this season (the Chuck Nerd Herd references of a few weeks ago).

BLINDSPOT — “Adoring Suspect” Episode 306 — Pictured: Misha Kuznetsov as Niko Popov — (Photo by: David Giesbrecht/NBC/Warner Bros)
4. Roman’s little Italian jaunt is turning rather dangerous. Can you see where the long game is going or do you want to remain ignorant right now?
Roz: I have no idea where this is going, but it’s not good. Who is her father? Some arms dealer?
Lisa: Yeah I want to know who her Dad is. All I know is it’s not going to end well. And I still get taken back by how charming he is! It’s scary how good he is at deceiving people. *shudder*
Rueben: I can’t see his long game at all. I kept yelling at the TV, “just what are you doing, Roman?” as he played Blake right into his spider web. He obviously learned from the best in deceiving, but it is quite scary how good he is at it. There is obviously a massive ulterior motive at play, but does it have to do with Blake’s dad – whoever that is [that better include a pretty terrific casting job, right?] or someone connected to Blake’s dad. It’s frustrating!
Cay: I think Roman is a better character than Shepard because he is so attractive, so charming, so evil. You can totally appreciate how people would get sucked in! I keep wondering if his ONLY plan is revenge on Jane and her team, or if he’s got bigger plans and that’s just a pleasant diversion from the big picture.
5. Thoughts/Concerns/Issues?
Roz: Who can the team trust when Hirst is so corrupt? Are we about to meet another boss of the FBI?
Lisa: I want to find out more about Jane’s daughter. Will Jane see her this season?
Rueben: I am curious about Jane’s daughter, but I think I am more concerned about what Roman has planned for Blake (and whoever else is on his hit list) as well as what he is going to do to Weller and Jane as more episodes roll out. This is proving to be one intense season. And, what’s more – what will their investigation into Stuart’s death reveal and what kind of backlash will it unleash.
Cay: I can’t see Blake getting out of this alive, or at least without significant mental and physical scars. Is she who she seems to be – a decent person with questionable parentage – or do you think there is more to her? Is she Roman’s charismatic, but evil, female doppleganger?
Blindspot airs Friday nights at 8PM on NBC.