ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO P.D. “Care Under Fire” (5×07) & CHICAGO MED “Speak Your Truth” (3×01) recap
There’s never a dull moment in the ONE CHICAGO world. Last week we had CHICAGO P.D. riding solo again with a Halstead-centric episode and this week CHICAGO MED was up with the premiere of its third season. Read on to catch up on what the leading ladies of the two shows got up to…
Kim Burgess:
In the latest CPD episode Intelligence are investigating a case involving children being kidnapped by gangs with military personnel. Aside from working the case, we don’t see much of Burgess this episode.
Trudy Platt:
I don’t even think we saw Platt in this episode! If we did, it was for a split second.
Hailey Upton:
As mentioned, this CPD episode was a Halstead-centric episode so Halstead’s partner, Upton, probably had the most screentime out of the show’s leading ladies in this episode. When Halstead volunteers to go undercover for their latest case, Antonio is against the idea so Voight puts it to a vote. Upton remains quiet, something that doesn’t go unnoticed and so she tells Voight that she’s neutral so Halstead’s plan goes ahead. After the meeting he questions why she didn’t oppose his decision and while the new partners may not be at the same level of familiarity that Linstead once were, Upton tells him that she’s his partner so she has his back, but she also has eyes and can see that things aren’t quite right with him (at the start of the ep, Ruzek comes into work early to find Halstead sleeping on the couch in the breakroom and having a nightmare). She’s not going to push him to talk about it but she wants him to be aware that she is concerned about him. Later, when Halstead wants to pull a guy out of the opp so he can take his place, Upton disagrees and tells him that he’s not seeing straight but Voight says that it’s the only plan they’ve got and sides with Halstead. Upton’s concerns are validated when after the raid (which results in the suspect being shot dead and whom Halstead had grown closer to), Halstead is out of it and pulls his gun or Upton. Luckily she gets through to him but this is the start, or rather a continuation of a dark place that Halstead is going to go to.
Sharon Goodwin:
Picking up right where we left off last season with Dr Charles being shot by a disgruntled patient right outside the hospital, Goodwin is one of the first on scene and helps rush him into the ER before we see a time-jump of three months where thankfully Dr Charles has survived. Later when Goodwin interrupts Dr Charles and his protege Dr Reese arguing over the outcome of his shooter’s trial, Goodwin reminds a frustrated Dr Charles that there was a reason why he took Dr Reese under his wing in the first place.
Maggie Lockwood:
Poor Maggie, it’s not easy dealing with Dr Stohl and this week they’re clashing over a gunshot patient who has recovered enough to go home and Stohl thinks is taking up a bed in the ED. At first Maggie tries to send the patient home but it’s not safe so the head nurse agrees to keep him there for another 24 hours. The next day he’s still there and Stohl is not impressed, telling Maggie that they’re not running a hotel and can’t be letting people from the streets stay. This gets Maggie fired up and she tells him that his streets are different to the patient’s streets. It seems like Maggie’s words strike a chord with Stohl because he later readmits the patient for “nerve damage that he missed” and now the patient will need therapy. Looks like Stohl is not so bad after all.

Pictured: (l-r) Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning, Nick Gehlfuss as Will Halstead — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning:
When we last saw Dr Manning, she was looking pretty cosy and cute with Dr Halstead, leaving fans hoping that these two would finally get their act together. When we first see Nat this season, it’s her first day back from sabbatical – it turns out that she’s been off spending time with family all summer. Halstead is surprised but happy to see her but before they can catch up, they’re alerted of an incoming case. In a strange twist of things or serendipity perhaps, the pair are assigned to a couple involved in a car accident and were fighting at the time. The wife is in a better place than the husband who is unconscious, and she regrets their fight and desperately wants to see him to apologize and tell him that she loves him. Sadly the husband is brain-dead and Manning and Halstead have the the difficult task of not only breaking the news to the distraught woman but also asking if she’s willing to donate her late husband’s heart. When the two doctors leave the hospital that night, Halstead confesses his feelings for her and Manning admits hers two and kisses him. I have to say I’m happy that it was her that made that move and think that it was important that she did it. Yay!

Pictured: (l-r) Brian Tee as Ethan Choi, Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
April Sexton:
Still can’t get over April and Dr Choi kissing in last season’s finale? Better get used to it as it looks like they’ve been sneaking around all summer. April and fellow nurse Doris are working with Dr Choi and when he keeps assigning Doris to clean up pus and other messes created by the patient, the nurse finally snaps and makes snide remarks at April about how convenient it is that she’s sleeping with the doctor and gets to run labs instead of the dirty work. April is stunned by the hostility and tells her that they’re not sleeping together but Doris isn’t buying it. April goes to Choi and informs him of the situation and he tells her that they should stop hiding but April doesn’t want to. She doesn’t want to be that nurse sleeping with the doctor – it might be okay for him because he’s the doctor. With Doris still taunting April about sleeping with Choi at the end of the episode, we’re not sure how long their relationship will remain a secret and also at what cost?
Dr Sarah Reese:
Clearly shaken over the shooting of her mentor, Dr Reese is even more stunned when she sits in on the case against Jack Kellogg aka the man who shot Dr Charles and hears the esteemed psychiatrist tell the courtroom that he doesn’t think that the man is guilty but rather suffering from insanity. Unbeknownst to her mentor, she ends up on the stand later on and contradicts Dr Charles’ testimony to the point where Jack Kellogg lashes out at her while she’s on the stand and calls her a “lying bitch”. It’s safe to say the jury chooses to convict Kellogg after that outburst rather than accept his insanity plea. Dr Charles is not happy at this verdict as he believes now that Kellogg is behind bars he won’t get the help that he needs. It’s clear that he holds his protege responsible for this so no doubt things are going to be tense between the pair over coming episodes.
With Dr Charles busy with the courtcase, Reese has been overseeing Robin Charles’ recovery and in the premiere releases her from the hospital. Dr Rhodes is a bit wary and when Robin starts behaving quite emotionally, he seeks Reese and questions whether she was right in releasing her. Let’s just say Reese is not exactly impressed with Rhodes questioning her professional opinion. On a less heavy note, we’re wondering what the deal is with Reese and Noah Sexton – they’ve obviously been hanging out over the summer as he was waiting for her during the day with sliders but didn’t realize that she was going to sit in on the Jack Kellogg case to support Dr Charles. Are they just friends or something more? He’s not what I would expect for her but I do like them together. During that one scene between them, we also learn that Reese’s dad is out of the picture and that he hasn’t been a part of her life since she was a little girl.
Sylvie Brett:
The FIRE paramedic briefly appears in the MED premiere bringing a patient in.
CHICAGO MED airs Tuesday at 10/9c and CHICAGO P.D. Wednesday at 10/9c. While CHICAGO FIRE returns Thursday January 4 at 10/9c. All three shows air on NBC.
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