THE MINDY PROJECT: Four key revelations from “Doctors Without Boundaries”
As we inch closer and closer to the series finale of Hulu’s THE MINDY PROJECT (two episodes to go after this week’s, guys!), the characters have some pretty big announcements to make. Read on to find out what revelations were revealed this week!

THE MINDY PROJECT — “Doctors Without Boundaries” Episode 608 — Pictured: (l-r) Mindy Kaling as Mindy Lahiri, Ike Barinholtz as Morgan Tookers — (Photo by: Jordin Althaus/Universal Television/Hulu)
Tamra was converting to Morgan’s religion
Did you know that Morgan was Siberian Orthodox? (And yes that says Siberian not Serbian.) Neither did we! Yet after six seasons here we are with Tamra announcing that she’s converting to Morgan’s religion, Siberian Orthodox. According to the newly engaged future Mrs Tookers, the religion involves wearing traditional clothes, not using electricity on Wednesdays and Fridays, praying 12 times a day and eating a lot of microwaved fish. Tamra even cooks Morgan and Colette a traditional meal but when she catches Morgan spitting it out, she loses it at him. The next day she reveals that she was taking converting to his religion so seriously because everything they’ve done so far has been pretty nontraditional and she just wanted to do one traditional thing. Realizing that converting is not that one traditional thing, she agrees to take Morgan’s name – except on IMDB of course.

THE MINDY PROJECT — “Doctors Without Boundaries” Episode 608 — Pictured: (l-r) Ana Ortiz as Mary, Garret Dillahunt as Jody Kimball-Kinney — (Photo by: Jordin Althaus/Universal Television/Hulu)
Jody’s going to Africa!
Jody is still infatuated with Dr Mary Hernandez, so much so that he’s playing the fiddle in his office. She’s managed to resist his advances so far but finally he wears her down and gets her to go on a date with him and at the end of the date, they even sleep together. The morning after she drops the bombshell on him that she’s going to Africa for three years to work for Physicians on the Front. It seems like she only gave in because she thought it would be a quick no strings attached sort of deal before she left but hey, Jody’s pretty attached! After some words of wisdom from Tamra of all people, Jody later hightails it back to the hospital and announces to Mary while she’s delivering a baby that he’s going to go to Africa with her. He obviously really likes her! So is this the last we’ve seen of Jody or will he get a swan song next week?

THE MINDY PROJECT — “Doctors Without Boundaries” Episode 608 — Pictured: Mindy Kaling as Mindy Lahiri — (Photo by: Jordin Althaus/Universal Television/Hulu)
Annette has cancer…
While returning the popcorn machine they borrowed from the oncology department, Mindy spots Danny’s mom Annette in the waiting room. Confused, it takes a while for Mindy to realize that Annette is not there waiting for Danny, who doesn’t even work at that hospital anymore, but rather because she’s a patient – Annette has breast cancer.
and Danny doesn’t know YET.
Annette commands Mindy to secrecy as Danny doesn’t know and she doesn’t want him to either. Surprisingly Mindy manages to do so and also takes it upon herself to be there for Annette seeing as they’re basically family with her being Leo’s grandmother and all. However, when the oncology nurse comes over to Schulman’s to drop off Annette’s jacket to Mindy (who is not there), he innocently lets the secret slip to Colette and Jeremy, the latter whose reaction is check up on Danny to see how he’s handling the news. Oh boy, it’s going to go down next week, especially if Danny finds out that Mindy knew and didn’t tell him!

THE MINDY PROJECT — “Doctors Without Boundaries” Episode 608 — Pictured: (l-r) Mindy Kaling as Mindy Lahiri, Jenny O’hara as Dot, Rhea Perlman as Annette — (Photo by: Jordin Althaus/Universal Television/Hulu)
Side note, as a Chihard, I have to acknowledge the awesome CHICAGO MED reference from this episode, courtesy of Dot who thinks she’s pretty capable of supporting Annette during her cancer treatment and being the only one who knows about it – “I have this under control, I’ve seen every episode of Chicago Med. Dr Halstead, there’s a crash on the L! Bring the paddles and incubator, stat! See I got this… Blackmailing a cancer patient, they have this on Chicago Med.” (Actually Dot, I don’t recall ever seeing an episode involving that…) SO good!
New episodes of THE MINDY PROJECT are released on Hulu (USA) and SBS On Demand (Australia) every Tuesday.
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