THE BOLD TYPE: Three Big Moments in “Before Tequila Sunrise”
In the lead up to this week’s season (fingers crossed since season two is not official yet) finale of THE BOLD TYPE, the penultimate episode set up some pretty big events by the episode’s end, but just to rewind a little – Jane, Pinstripe, Sutton, Alex and Jacqueline are among some of the Steinem staffers stuck in the Scarlet offices because the president is dining in the building next door and thus has caused roadblocks in the area, not to mention the protesters outside. Read on to find out about the three big moments that happened in this episode and how they may possibly affect this week’s season finale…
Jane accepts the job at Incite
After last episode’s job offer, Jane spends most of this episode debating whether or not she should leave Scarlet and take the job at Incite and yes there is a pros and cons list involved. Not helping the list of pros for taking the job is Jacqueline turning down her political story pitch and then handing her pitch on gender neutral fashion to Alex before assigning Jane the monthly quiz (which later on ends up being themed as ‘how to know when it’s time to leave your job’). Throw into the mix that Pinstripe guy gets made redundant and “locked in” with her at Scarlet HQ – he seems to read her pretty well for someone who is meant to be different to be in a relationship with. After words with Jacqueline who may or may not know that Jane is considering leaving, Jane surprises us all and accepts the job at Incite. To be a writer at Scarlet has been her dream for so long that I didn’t think she would take the job, not to mention it’s a risky move breaking up the three musketeers – is this really the end of D&Ms in the fashion closet? I’m still not 100% convinced that Jane will actually end up at Incite. I guess we’ll wait and see what the finale brings.
Kat leaves the US with Adena…almost
Last we left off with Adena and Kat, Adena was going to fly back to New York from France to see where things lead with Kat. She does fly out, only to be detained at the airport when she lands. It turns out that her work visa has not been renewed yet and so she thought that she was doing the right thing by declaring herself as a visitor but the one way ticket sets off red flags and she’s being sent back home to Tehran. An emotional Kat decides to book a ticket on Adena’s flight so that she can see her – that ticket also happens to be the last ticket on the flight and is a $11 000 first class ticket. It helps when you’re from a wealthy family and your parents have a lot of points. Kat ends up finding Adena and they spend the night at the airport; they go on a date and sleep together. Amongst all that, Kat confides that she’s never left the US nor as she made any big and bold decisions in her life, and then decides that she’s going to go with Adena back to her home. It’s a grand gesture and both women are excited but when it comes time to board the plane, in a rare moment we see a vulnerable and not so confident Kat who realises after being caught up in all the excitement and fantasy, that she can’t do it. She can’t just get on the plane and go to another country. Adena understands and boards the plane. Something tells me though that this is not the end of Kadena – I’m not saying that Adena will be back in this week’s finale but should the show be picked up for a second season, I’m sure Adena will be back. In the meantime, it’ll be interesting to see how Kat deals with the aftermath of this episode in this week’s finale.
Sutton sleeps with Alex!
For weeks we’ve seen Sutton and Alex grow closer and become good friends – they’ve confided in one another, he’s helped her out of jams and he’s even admitted that he’d make a move on her if she didn’t have a boyfriend. Well, now she no longer has a boyfriend so anything is fair game. In this episode, Sutton offers to play stylist when Alex is assigned a gender neutral fashion story. He accepts and when they’re “locked in” at work, they have fun putting on an impromptu fashion show in the offices. (Okay yes alcohol was involved at that point) I’ve really enjoyed seeing the FRIENDSHIP blossom between these two, so I was torn when at the end of the episode when Alex puts her in a cab, she goes to kiss him before pulling him into the cab with her and the next thing you know they are sleeping together. (And this is after Sutton had admitted earlier on in the episode that she was still in love with Richard.) What can I say, alcohol makes you do all sorts of crazy things right? The way Sutton reacted the morning after seems to suggest that she regrets it and yes probably blames it on the alcohol. Previews for next week seem to suggest that things are going to be awkward for these two but hopefully they can move past it because like I said, I really enjoy their friendship.
THE BOLD TYPE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
Related links:
THE BOLD TYPE: Three tough decisions that were made in “Three Girls in a Tub”
THE BOLD TYPE: Six revelations in “The Breast Issue”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four times the women took a stand in “If You Can’t Do It With Feeling”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four times you don’t underestimate these ladies in “The Woman Behind the Clothes”
THE BOLD TYPE Series Preview