THE BOLD TYPE: Three tough decisions that were made in “Three Girls in a Tub”
In this week’s episode of THE BOLD TYPE, Richard decides it’s time to get to know Sutton’s best friends better and invites Jane and Kat over, Jane’s latest assignment shines some light on the status of her relationship with Pinstripe and Kat has to deal with her new protege who keeps messing up at work and putting Scarlet’s reputation at risk. Tough decisions are made by the three leading ladies by the end of this week’s episode and we break them down for you…
Jane breaks up with Pinstripe
After accidentally declaring she loves Pinstripe during shower sex, Jane panics and starts to question their casual and undefined relationship. Matters aren’t helped when Jacqueline assigns Jane a story about a new dating app where your best friends pick your date for you. Her date is nice and all and Jane ends up seeing him again (more on that later) but feels a bit weird about it and tells Pinstripe that she’s seeing other people and it’s for a story. He’s cool with it since he’s doing the same thing and when Jane goes to see what stories he has been working on, she feels a little uneasy. After seeing Jacqueline celebrate her 20th wedding anniversary and how in love she and her husband still are, Jane realises that casual dating is not for her – she wants real love and she can’t change who she is nor who Pinstripe is and breaks things off with him. The look on his face suggests otherwise and we wouldn’t be surprised if things reignite between the pair later on. In the meantime, she goes on a second date with app guy and then tries to hook up with him but he puts the brakes on the hot and heavy action before it can go further. He’s still interested in her though so we’ll see how this pans out.
Sutton breaks up with Richard
At the start of the episode Sutton and Richard’s relationship is going pretty well but by the end of the episode not so much. Sutton tells Richard that Alex knows about them – no she didn’t tell him, he guessed but he won’t say anything just like her two besties. He reminds Sutton how bad things could get if their relationship was revealed and then realises that outside of work, he doesn’t know her friends and wants to rectify that by having Kat and Jane over that night. Aww boyfriend points there. Unfortunately the night does not go as planned – Jane is late due to her actually liking her date and Sutton is even later because she was at a networking high tea, which was literally a “high tea” so she’s in quite a state when she arrives and ends up hanging out (clothed) in Richard’s bathtub and gets the girls to join her. Richard doesn’t look to impressed when he comes in and sees them. Nor is he impressed the next day when Kat comes storming into his office (more on that later). While Sutton completely agrees that Kat was out of line, it leads her to realise that she and Richard can’t continue on like this. The sneaking around was fun but it doesn’t make a long term relationship. I really appreciate that it was Sutton who was the adult in this situation and took the lead in doing what was best for the both of them – it couldn’t have been easy. At the end of the episode, Sutton is back in a bathtub processing the end of her relationship when her friends come in to comfort her. I like that the episodes end with the girls being there for one another.
Kat fires her first staffer
Kat has a new girl helping her run the social media accounts and she’s still a little green but Jacqueline is trusting Kat to handle her protégé rather than stepping in and pulling rank. New girl Natalie tweeted about Chlamydia on the Scarlet twitter but didn’t provide a medically accurate link to back it up. This isn’t her first mistake so Jacqueline is not impressed. While her protégé is finding her feet, Kat suggests that Natalie sticks to tweeting about make up tips and celebrities. She is Kat’s first hire so Kat wants her to work out and tries to be a gentler mentor and guide her. Unfortunately it is while Kat is at Richard’s when Natalie makes her next mistake – tweeting that Kylie Jenner is the #secondhottestJenner. Kat assures him she has it handled but that doesn’t stop him from reporting it to Jacqueline. When Kat finds out, she angrily storms his office – a big no no, which also leaves Sutton upset with her. Adding to Kat’s woes, Natalie doesn’t understand what she has done wrong and Kylie happens to see a screenshot of the tweet that is floating around after the tweet was deleted and it puts an upcoming Kylie Scarlet cover in jeopardy. Kat then realises that she’s going to have to fire Natalie. “Sometimes letting someone go can be the best thing for both of them,” advises Jacqueline.
THE BOLD TYPE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
Related links:
THE BOLD TYPE: Six revelations in “The Breast Issue”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four times the women took a stand in “If You Can’t Do It With Feeling”
THE BOLD TYPE: Four times you don’t underestimate these ladies in “The Woman Behind the Clothes”
THE BOLD TYPE Series Preview