THE BOLD TYPE: Four times the women took a stand in “If You Can’t Do It With Feeling”
In this week’s episode of THE BOLD TYPE, Jane takes part in a panel for Young Reporters with Influential Voices but not without having some disappointments, Sutton is in the running for the Fashion Assistant role but not before getting mistaken for another candidate, Kat grows closer to Adena but an incident has her questioning whether the possibility of a relationship is over before it has begun and Jacqueline wants to expand her portfolio and start up a political publication. The four leading ladies face all sorts of obstacles this week but also demonstrated that they’re capable of taking a stand and fighting for what they believe in…
Following her hit article about a congresswoman using her fashion choices to distract from her political choices, Jane is invited to be part of a panel for Young Reporters with Influential Voices. Considering how fresh Jane is to the reporter world, it’s a pretty impressive accomplishment. Not to mention, her Scarlet colleague, Alex, is doing a piece on her to coincide with the event. When the panel commences and Jane meets her fellow panelists, one can’t help but feel nervous and intimidated. Matters aren’t help when a young male reporter on the panel interrupts her to tell her that her opinions are wrong and when she tries to speak up and defend herself, he dismisses her and continues to talk. It’s pretty confidence-shattering right? Jane ends up feeling like a failure and that she’s let Scarlet down by not saying everything that she wanted to say during the panel but what she did say matters and did in fact resonate with people – another female reporter from the panel tweets praise at Jane and others retweeted and chime in to agree, so it looks like Jane has the last laugh after all.
So that important thing that Adena wanted to talk to Kat about in her message at the end of last week? It turns out her girlfriend is going back to France but Adena feels like her work is not done yet in the US and wants to extend her visa and thinks that by having Kat, who works for Scarlet magazine, write a character reference for her will boost her application. Sutton suggests that Kat use this as an excuse to spend more time with Adena and so she does. One time that they’re out, Adena takes a phone call from her mother and while she is speaking to her in Persian, a white 40-something old male yells at Adena to speak English and proceeds to hurl insults at her like “towel head”. Immediately, Kat confronts him and when he won’t back down, she ends up slugging him in the face. Unfortunately, there are cops nearby and they come over to assess the situation. Adena takes this opportunity to flee, leaving Kat confused and still riled up and ultimately ends up being arrested. Without her phone (Adena had confiscated it off Kat earlier in the evening in an attempt to encourage her to be in the moment), Kat ends up using her one phone call on the Scarlet offices and Jacqueline comes to bail her out. When Adena later comes to the offices to apologize for running off, Kat’s still pretty mad that Adena abandoned her. It takes a heart to heart with Jacqueline for Kat to realize that she was wrong when she told Adena that they always have a choice and that it’s not that simple for Adena, who risked being deported if she stayed. Kat goes to apologize to Adena that evening and they kiss.
Continuing on from her decision to go for the Fashion Assistant role last week, Sutton finds herself as a contender and is asked to create a board about herself. Fashion Head Oliver also happens to mention that Sutton’s boss Lauren presented two recommendations to him but the other applicant never even went to fashion school so he’s not really taking the other applicant seriously. What Oliver doesn’t realize is that Sutton is actually that other applicant who never went to fashion school because her mom couldn’t afford it. Rather than correcting him, Sutton continues the guise and desperately hopes that he never finds out the truth. Too bad that Sutton’s secret boyfriend and board member accidentally lets it slip that Sutton never went to fashion school when he talks to Oliver. Oliver isn’t too impressed when he discovers that Sutton lied to him. The long-suffering assistant wallows in self pity for a bit before realizing if she is going to mess up this opportunity, she might as well go down swinging doing it. Instead of the digital Fashion Institute-inspired board that she originally presented to Oliver, she creates a new one doing old school and digs up precious mementos to cut up and create a real life inspo board to present to Oliver. While I would never dare to cut up the shirt I made when I went to my very first U2 concert so I can use it for a collage, the gamble pays off and Oliver relates to her small town struggling roots and gives Sutton the assistant job. Go Sutton!
Seeing how the Scarlet readers responded to Jane’s political piece last week and how this generation are engaging an interest in politics, Jacqueline has decided that she wants to branch out and start a political vertical. She tells this idea to Richard and asks him to pitch it to the rest of the board. He comes back and tells her that they think that it’s not a good idea to rock the boat and potentially risk the future of Scarlet when it’s doing so well. Scarlet is successful for a reason, as is why Jacqueline is Editor-in-Chief and she tells Richard that part of Scarlet‘s success is because they don’t shy away from topics and so she’s going to go ahead with the new political publication regardless of what he or the board thinks. And that’s how it is done, folks!
THE BOLD TYPE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
Related links:
THE BOLD TYPE: Four times you don’t underestimate these ladies in “The Woman Behind the Clothes”
THE BOLD TYPE Series Preview