ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Justice 1×09, 1×10, Chicago Fire 5×19, Chicago P.D. 4×20 & Chicago Med 2×21 recap
As we head closer to season finale time, this week kicks off a full slate of ONE CHICAGO shows until all four shows wrap up for the season. Delve in to find out what happened with the leading ladies of Chicago Justice, Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med…

CHICAGO JUSTICE — “Drill” Episode 110 — Pictured: Joelle Carter as Laura Nagel — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Laura Nagel: Representing the ONE CHICAGO world last week was Chicago Justice and I have to say watching last week’s episode had me thinking twice about trying out an escape room… Nagel and Dawson are called to a scene where a female college student was found dead while she and her friends were playing their own unofficial escape room. Now all the players are suspects, including one student who was just acquitted of murdering her boyfriend while on exchange in Spain. Further digging done by the investigators clears thing one particular student and leads Nagel and Dawson to a teacher at the college and back to one of the students involved in the game that fateful night.
In this week’s episode, gang violence is the focus of this week’s case. Nagel and Dawson are overseeing a gun buyback program when one of the guns brought in has blood splatters and is found to be the weapon used in a murder – one that Valdez and Stone are on trial for right now, which then means they could quite possibly have the wrong suspect on trial. The man who turned the gun over swears that he just found it. When further questioned, we learn he found it… in his nephew’s bedroom. The twists keep on turning as it’s not the nephew’s, but rather the nephew’s cousin gave it to him to look after (hide) and said cousin is the son of the man’s sister and involved with a gang in a turf war. The man and his young nephew don’t want to testify against the other nephew and go into hiding, but it doesn’t look like they got very far because at the end of the episode the man is found dead in the parking lot after being shot.

CHICAGO JUSTICE — “Drill” Episode 110 — Pictured: Monica Barbaro as Anna Valdez — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Anna Valdez: As if last week’s case was complicated enough without Spain getting involved and deciding that they wanted one of the persons of interest in Valdez and Stone’s current case to be extradited back to Spain for a retrial of another case. Not only do Valdez and Stone have to figure out whether she was involved in their case but they also need to buy some time to stop the student from being sent back to Spain. At the end of the ep, Stone asks Jefferies to use his connections to make a few calls to help the young woman. This week, Valdez and Stone face off in court against an old law school classmate of Valdez’s as they trial a man involved in a gang war and accused of killing a young girl with his stray bullet. This trial also happens to be Valdez’s classmate’s first trial. Social media – or as Stone likes to call it ‘cyberbanging’ – plays a big part in the case with gangs trading insults and threats over the various online apps, so much so that Stone proposes an unconventional method of asking service providers to temporarily shut down Internet access while they work the case. Jefferies isn’t exactly impressed with the idea and tells his employee that he won’t hesitate to throw him under the bus if this plan blows up in their faces. When Stone and Valdez get the confirmation that they need that they have the wrong suspect on trial, they come up with a plan to get the real perpetrator on the stand as a ‘witness’ and get him to admit that he did it. They have to convince their opposing counsel to go along with the plan and to do so, Valdez shares a story about how she flipped a table in court and wound up in a chokehold to prove that a defendant had a razor blade on him – sometimes to get the right result, you have to do unconventional things. Her former classmate agrees to go along with the plan and it works, but the victory is bittersweet when at the end of the episode, the man who originally lead them to the killer is found dead.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Carry Their Legacy” Episode 519 — Pictured: Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: Following up from last episode, Dawson and Brett take their retraining course this week and in typical Dawson fashion, she is not impressed to be there, preferring to spend her time gaining practical experience in the field rather than sitting in a classroom discussing techniques and abbreviations. Let’s just say that she’s not exactly teacher’s pet. She may not be the golden child in the classroom, but it doesn’t mean that her approach to her studies doesn’t work – she’s the first to finish her test and aces it with a result of 100%!
Sylvie Brett: Unlike Dawson, Brett is all about being the ideal student when it comes to the retraining course – she studies, pay attention in class and takes notes and eagerly raises her hand to answer questions. She’s concerned about her partner’s attitude to the class and is worried that Dawson will fail. Brett is pretty happy with her 98% until she discovers Dawson got 100%.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Carry Their Legacy” Episode 519 — Pictured: Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Stella Kidd: This week we see Kidd continue to offer friendly support to Severide, who is baffled as to why his girlfriend Anna has suddenly gone AWOL and freaked out on him. Kidd tells him that she wouldn’t just up and leave him and that something must be up, leaving him to realize that the issue could be health related once again. Also in this episode, Truck assists fellow firefighters Squad 6, which also includes one of Casey’s old friends. When they arrive at the scene, they realize there’s a gas explosion. Unfortunately there is only so much the Kidd and the rest of Truck 81 can do and sadly some of their fellow fighters don’t make it.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Grasping For Salvation” Episode 420 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: While it was only this year that Burgess was promoted up to Intelligence, her absence is certainly felt in this week’s episode with it just being Lindsay and the guys. When Voight has to tend to matters that connect this week’s case to a case he worked on 17 years ago, he leaves Lindsay in charge as the commanding officer on the case. Lindsay – should we say #Lindslay – is a natural as Intelligence’s acting leader and while we’ve seen a storyline about her career aspirations before, it would be great to see that again sometime in the future but this time within the CPD. When Voight’s former colleague, who is now a Lieutenant, gets whiff of Voight sniffing around on their old case, he puts Voight in front of the review board for insubordination and brings up the not so legal things he has done in his career. As things look like they’re working against Voight, Lindsay interrupts the meeting with documentation that the Lieutenant is the corrupt one and he suspended of his powers and badge while they investigate. See, Lindslay!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Grasping For Salvation” Episode 420 — Pictured: Amy Morton as Trudy Platt — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Trudy Platt: With Voight in trouble, Platt does him a solid and digs up some old case files for him. They meet in a quiet area away from the precinct and she passes the files to him through their cars.
Sharon Goodwin: When her colleague and friend’s daughter is undergoing a psychological evaluation, Goodwin lets Dr Charles know that she is there for support, but also worries when his protege Dr Sarah Reese is selected as the one to run the evaluation. When she discovers that he used Reese’s access to look into his daughter’s case files, it seems that Goodwin’s concerns are not unfounded.
Maggie Lockwood: Apart from keeping the ER running smoothly, we don’t see much of Maggie this week.

CHICAGO MED — “Deliver Us” Episode 221 — Pictured: (l-r) Yaya DaCosta, Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning: Nina’s jealousy over Dr Manning and Dr Halstead continues to grow this week after she comes up to the ER to drop off coffee for Halstead and sees him laughing and smiling with Manning. They’re working on a case together and their patient has taken a liking to Nat much to their amusement. The laughter and teasing doesn’t last for long when the patient suddenly crashes and dies. When Nina comes up to personally deliver the autopsy report to Nat, the ER doctor is distraught that she missed something and starts beating herself up over it. Halstead tells her that there wasn’t anything she couldn’t have done and when he clues in that Nina hand delivered the report to her, he confronts his girlfriend and asks whether she has it in for Natalie. She angrily denies it but later confesses that she is jealous and feels like she’s losing him. He apologizes and promises to do better. At the end of shift, he apologizes to Nat for her getting dragged into his and Nina’s relationship drama. Nat admits that what their relationship is special and if she were in Nina’s shoes she would probably be concerned too. We know that Halstead has always had feelings for Manning and it seems like there’s an opening when she asks him if they really are just good friends, but not wanting to hurt his girlfriend, he tells Manning yes that is all they are. On her way out, Nat bumps into Halstead’s brother – CPD‘s Halstead – and he invites her to a hockey game since his brother has bailed on him and although she declines at first, he persuades her to accept. It’s nice to see a friendship blooming between the two, but I sincerely hope that is all it is.
On the professional side of things, Manning is also involved on a case with Dr Rhodes were a mother is pregnant and having trouble breathing but is refusing a lot of their recommended treatment because she doesn’t want it to even risk the unborn child in the slightest because the she is having the baby to save her daughter who has Stage 4 leukemia. Despite their best efforts and different methods, the mother survives but the baby doesn’t.

CHICAGO MED — “Deliver Us” Episode 221 — Pictured: Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
April Sexton: Dr Stohl is leading the medical students around and reminding them that he’ll be selecting the ER’s resident soon so they have one last chance to impress him. Among those students is April’s younger brother Noah, who we know in the past has not exactly taken his placement seriously. Still, Dr Choi sees some potential in him and tries to push him into actually working for it, to which the younger Sexton takes as him riding him too hard and complains to his sister and asks her to speak to Dr Choi on his behalf. At first April is uncomfortable but has been able to resist her baby brother and so she goes to Choi and it doesn’t exactly end well. Soon she realizes that Choi was in the right and tells her brother so. This might be the push that he needs, as that the end of the episode he is wowing his fellow students and teacher with his unorthodox method of finding out what is wrong with a patient.

CHICAGO MED — “Deliver Us” Episode 221 — Pictured: Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: Dr Reese finds herself in a tough position when she is chosen to evaluate the daughter of her mentor. She soon wonders if she was selected because Dr Charles pulled some strings so he could be kept in the loop of his daughter’s progress through his protege but brushes those concerns off. It seems she might be right though when she discovers that he logged in to look at her case notes (she hadn’t uploaded them yet). If that wasn’t bad enough, he then steals his daughter’s keys and goes into her apartment and finds it all torn apart and littered in rat traps – it seems like she hasn’t been coping as well as she says. This is something that Reese knew but wanted the younger Charles to come to that conclusion on her own. But the senior Charles didn’t realize and goes behind Dr Reese’s back to have his daughter forcibly committed. When Reese finds out, she storms into his office and yells at him that she had it handled and he should have trusted her and not interfered. We wonder how they’re going to be able to come back from this.
Chicago Justice airs Sundays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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