ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Justice 1×06, Chicago Fire 5×17, Chicago P.D. 4×18 & Chicago Med 2×18 recap
We finally had a full slate of fresh ONE CHICAGO episodes this week, read on to find out what happened with the leading ladies of Chicago Justice, Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med…
Anna Valdez: The scene that Nagel and Dawson are called to at the start of the episode has connections to a case of a fire on a meat farm where a man died that Stone tried several years ago, so Valdez and the rest of the ASA team work to find whether the guy involved in that case has something to do with the fresh case that Nagel and Dawson were looking at. In the end, they find that he did and managed to get him to confess to the two murders (then and now). At the end of the episode, Valdez says that there was a moment where she felt bad for the man. We also learn in this episode that she is a vegetarian, or at the very least doesn’t eat meat.

CHICAGO JUSTICE — “Dead Meat” Episode 106 — Pictured: Joelle Carter as Laura Nagel — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Laura Nagel: This week’s episode opens up with a man and his girlfriend in a motel having a disagreement. She is in the bathroom when suddenly the ceiling collapses. Nagel and Dawson are called to the scene where they discover a dead man in a bathtub in the room above. The deceased victim turns out to be a CPD officer and here kicks off this week’s case. The ME reveals that the officer’s death was a not a suicide like they initially suspected, bur rather someone killed him. Nagel and Dawson go to question his ex wife and search his home for clues. Things take even more of an interesting turn when they find cash in his freezer. Bloodied knives, blackmail – the two investigators sure have their hands full in this week’s case.
Gabriela Dawson: Firehouse 51 are called to a scene where a car has crashed leaving the driver, a mother and her son trapped. The first responders soon realize that there was a baby in the car who is no longer there, and so begins the search to find the baby who quite possibly was thrown from the car. A motorcyclist who stopped to help out, hears the baby’s cries and everyone is shocked to find the baby hidden in a drain. How she got there is unknown but it sure is suspicious. Looking around, 51 deduce that the accident was caused by someone throwing something at the windshield at the car and we can see the wheels in Dawson’s head turning and her experience with the arson department kicking in – this was no accident. Later that day Dawson and Brett are back at Med bringing in another patient when Maggie tells them of a good samaritan at another accident and points him out to them – it’s the same “good samaritan” from their first call. She tries to talk to him but he takes off. The paramedics end up discussing the situation with Dr Charles, who suggests it’s a hero complex, where the man may be causing the situations so he can go in and play the hero. They take these concerns to the detective investigating, but he’s quite swamped with cases and not moving along as fast as Dawson hoped. She takes matters into her own hands and does some sleuthing to figure out who the guy is. She eventually gets his name and goes to his home but nobody answers – little does she know, he was watching her from the street and knows that she is on to him. When the Firehouse get a call, Ambo 61 are the first on the scene, and as they approach a bridge where the accident supposedly is, the “good samaritan” appears from above and throws a brick at their windshield, causing them to swerve. Yes, he set the whole thing up to lure them out there and try to scare them off. Thankfully they’re not hurt, just shaken and urge Truck 81 to go after the guy and nab him. Thankfully they do. This case has had an effect on Dawson – as do most cases involving young children – and at the end of the episode she asks Casey if they’ll ever be a family again. He tells her they already are.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Babies & Fools” Episode 517 — Pictured: (l-r) Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: When Dawson is convinced that the first call of the episode was no accident, she and Brett return back to the scene for more clues. It’s there that they find two spots where it looks like concrete from the bridge above fell. Back at the firehouse, the pair do a reenactment from the roof to test their theory and almost knock out Cruz in the process. Whoops!
Stella Kidd: Hermann and Kidd are excited about getting Molly’s involved in a local pub crawl but Otis is opposed to the idea and only reluctantly agrees to join in. The event ends up being a success but Otis still is unhappy at Hermann – it turns out he is upset that his friend and business partner is so eager to take on board Kidd’s ideas but when it comes to Otis’ suggestions, not so much. At the end of the episode, to make it up to Otis, Hermann turns Molly’s into a ‘Disco Night’.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Little Bit Of Light” Episode 418 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: Following Halstead temporarily moving out of their apartment at the end of last week’s episode, things are a bit awkward at work with these two and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Voight. He keeps quiet at first but eventually pulls Halstead aside and tells him to fix whatever is going on with Lindsay so it’s not affecting his work otherwise he’s out. Once their case is wrapped up, Halstead talks to Lindsay in the break room and tells her he doesn’t want to be tip-toeing around her at work because that’s just not them, but he does need some time. She agrees and says she also needs some time too and then makes a remark about how at least with their job it puts things in perspective and there are people out there with bigger problems than them. While they may agree on the status of their relationship, neither of them is happy about it. What’s interesting to note is that on Twitter, Sophia Bush (aka Lindsay) tweeted that half that scene was cut including Halstead talking about his PTSD support group. If we had seen that full scene, would that have changed my disappointment at this whole Linstead situation? Who knows? Echoing my sentiments from last week, I’m not exactly happy with this storyline right now…
Kim Burgess: Ruzek and Burgess seem pretty friendly at the start of this week’s episode – you almost forget that they were once engaged. I say almost, because Burgess’ sister, Nicole, is in town and coming by the precinct and Ruzek is all like ‘oh great, I can’t wait to see her again. She loves me’, until Burgess reveals that since their broken engagement, her sister now hates him – a fact proven during the awkward scene when Nicole arrives at the precinct and coldly shoots down Ruzek’s friendly chatter. Ouch! But is there more to the story? Burgess is surprised when she goes to when her sister is staying and sees moving boxes there – Nicole reveals that she and Burgess’ niece will be in town for a bit because she is getting a divorce. To help her get her mind off things, Burgess agrees to a girl’s night out with Nicole and her friends, but at the end of the episode opts for a night in, exhausted by the case of the episode. Spoiler alert – this sets up things for next week’s case and episode…
Trudy Platt: When Burgess’ sister arrives at the precinct and tells Platt she’s heard so much about her, Platt is ready to go on the offensive until Nicole starts to thank Platt for being such a great mentor to her sister and that she’s heard so many wonderful things about her. Momentarily confused, Platt leads her up to Intelligence and appears to be a bit nicer to Burgess in her sister’s presence.

CHICAGO MED — “Lesson Learned” Episode 218 — Pictured: S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: Halstead’s former mentor is brought into the hospital and just so happens that Goodwin also worked with her when she was a nurse. In fact, when Goodwin had a crisis of confidence when she first started, it was this woman who believed in her and guided her during her early years as a nurse. While it pains Goodwin to see this once great figure a shadow of her former self, she also recognizes that Halstead is too personally involved with the case when he takes it on and gently reminds him about whether the way he is tackling the case is what his mentor would have wanted. At first he is determined to continue through with his course of action, but when he goes to rewatch a commencement video of her speaking at what we presume to be his graduation, he recalls her words ‘treat the patient, not the illness’ and realizes he has to let go, leaving himself and Goodwin to say their goodbyes to this great woman.
Maggie Lockwood: Maggie appears in this week’s Fire, alerting Brett and Dawson of the “good samaritan” second heroic deed of the day. This week on Med, she’s training a young nurse and while Maggie’s colleague teases that Maggie is a tough teacher, we see that Maggie is patient with the trainee as she fumbles, unlike the colleague who is impatient and once to take over for the trainee. Maggie demonstrates the difference between teaching and being a good teacher, letting the young nurse prove herself and not be bullied into submission.
Dr Natalie Manning: An elderly woman is brought into Med and Nat recognizes that it’s Halstead’s former teacher and mentor and goes to find him. With Halstead so emotionally involved in the case, she questions his orders when he tells her to perform CPR, telling him she’ll break the woman’s ribs if she does. Halstead instead takes over and does it himself, and yes he breaks the poor woman’s ribs. When he sees the error of his ways at the end of the episode and lets his former mentor go, Nat is there in the break room to comfort him – something that doesn’t go unseen but Halstead’s girlfriend and roommate, Dr Nina Shore. Awkward. Instead of going into the room, she turns and walks away. What this means exactly, hopefully we’ll find out next episode.
April Sexton: We don’t see much of April this week. I would have thought that maybe she would have been involved with helping Maggie train the newbie rather than Doris.

CHICAGO MED — “Lesson Learned” Episode 218 — Pictured: (l-r) Oliver Platt as Daniel Charles, Brian Tee as Ethan Choi, Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: Sarah is still shaken by Dr Wheeler’s death last episode as we see her this week standing on the balcony where he leapt off, pondering how he was feeling. When Dr Choi asks her and Dr Charles to clear a pilot patient of his, she can’t help but wonder if the pilot has suicidal tendencies, to which Dr Charles tells her she is projecting what happened with Dr Wheeler onto this patient. However, when they conclude that he’s been ingesting something that he shouldn’t, it looks like she might be right. It turns out that the patient has been consuming gasoline and while it may not be because he is suicidal, it seems to be a result of something psychological.
Chicago Justice airs Sundays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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