ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Justice 1×04, 1×05, Chicago Med 2×17, Chicago Fire 5×16 & Chicago P.D. 4×17 recap
Two deaths, hostage situations and a marriage revelation – it’s been a busy two weeks in the ONE CHICAGO world and we have A LOT to talk about. Read on to find out what happened with the leading ladies of Chicago Justice, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D.…

CHICAGO JUSTICE — “Judge Not” Episode 104 — Pictured: Monica Barbaro as Anna Valdez — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Anna Valdez: Last week’s episode of Justice saw Valdez under scrutiny and temporarily benched after a prominent judge, Judge Kinzie, is shot dead moments after he left a bar where he was having drinks with Valdez after work (and after she lost a deposition that he ruled on). What I admired about Valdez in this episode was that she didn’t deny nor confirm whether or not she was seeing the married judge romantically – it’s nobody’s business but their own and the answer wouldn’t have affected the case as she pointed out. Personally, I don’t think that they were having an affair and that the whole ‘have you told her yet?’ was in reference to him perhaps adopting the foster daughter. The culprit ended up being the ex-husband of a woman that was raped many years ago and Judge Kinzie had presided on the case. The woman’s attacker was released after five months in jail but has since moved on and is now even engaged to another man. It was that piece of news that set her ex over the edge – he was upset that everyone was moving on but him and took his anger out on the judge.
In this week’s episode, Valdez and Stone find themselves up against the Department of Justice National Security division when they come across sensitive US Navy intel. When they’re informed that they can’t play the sensitive video that they got a hold of as evidence, they play the two Navy Seal suspects against each instead and it works.

CHICAGO JUSTICE — “Judge Not” Episode 104 — Pictured: (l-r) Joelle Carter as Laura Nagel, Jon Seda as Antonio Dawson — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Laura Nagel: While investigating persons of interest in the Judge Kinzie case, the foster child of the deceased judge Nagel when she catches her. (Yeah, not helping your cause, girl!) Antonio tells her she should have bitten her back, haha. We also see a bit of female solidarity when Nagel meets Valdez after work to fill her in on the case since Valdez was benched from the case.
The latest episode of Justice revolves around a case where a former Navy Seal is found dead at his home the morning after his bachelor party. When the autopsy is performed, a thumb drive is found inside the victim and Nagel and Dawson are able to get a video on the drive encrypted and discover startling evidence about a failed overseas rescue mission. Further sleuthing directs them to the deceased’s two bachelor buddies (and fellow Seals) and they chases them through the train station where once again Nagel gets all bad ass and nabs them.

CHICAGO MED — “Monday Mourning” Episode 217 — Pictured: S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: In the opening minutes of last week’s episode of Med, Dr Jason Wheeler commits suicide from one of the balconies of the hospital. Goodwin offers the staff the option to take the day off, but everyone deals with this tragedy in all different ways and throughout the ep we see how it affects each of our main characters. Goodwin also informs the staff that Dr Charles and his team are there if anyone needs counselling and when no one takes up the offer, Goodwin is concerned and also feels like a bit of a failure because she wanted the hospital to be a place where her staff felt like they had a place to go to.

CHICAGO MED — “Monday Mourning” Episode 217 — Pictured: Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Maggie Lockwood: When Dr Wheeler’s father turns up at Med, Maggie tells him that his son would have made a great doctor and shares stories of how he would visit the pediatric ward and cheer up the young patients there with his magic tricks. Dr Wheeler may not have been a main character on the show, but he made an impact on all the characters.Maggie also appears on this week’s Fire, when Dawson and Brett bring in yet another gang-related shooting victim into the hospital.

CHICAGO MED — “Monday Mourning” Episode 217 — Pictured: Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning: Nat’s feelings of guilt and despair that she worked alongside Wheeler for months but did not recognise that he was suffering, causes her to break down at work. Also not helping these feelings is a distraught mother lashing out at Manning and calling her a monster when the bypass machine is given to an elderly patient instead of the woman’s son, who is also suffering from heart problems after falling into a river. Ironically, the man was the one who rescued her son. The mother later apologizes to Manning and thanks her for saving her son after Nat found another option.
April Sexton: April and Tate are still dealing with the aftermath of losing their unborn child. Things are still visibly strained between them when he comes to have lunch with her at work but she didn’t have the chance to tell him that she doesn’t have time and things become even more tense – something that April’s brother and med student Noah notices. Later on, April finds Tate eating alone and she tells him that she feels like he blames her for losing the baby because of her work and that she isn’t what he wants – he wants someone who won’t work and will stay at home and that’s not her. She gives him back the engagement ring and tells him she hopes he finds what he wants. Guess that’s the end of that.

CHICAGO MED — “Monday Mourning” Episode 217 — Pictured: (l-r) Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese, Oliver Platt as Daniel Charles — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: Reese takes the news of Dr Wheeler’s death quite hard. She’s upset that she didn’t see the signs and worries that she’ll be a terrible psychiatrist. She ends up being assigned to the ER for the shift and interestingly, it’s Dr Rhodes that helps her realize it’s not her fault. He reveals that Dr Wheeler came to him for help too and that all they can do is learn from past mistakes to help the future. At the end of the episode there is a bittersweet scene where Reese goes to see Dr Charles to see how he is doing – she recognizes that it must be tough being the person that everyone goes to with their problems but who is that person for him? We see him open up to her and tell her that he feels awful. Reese also popped up on this week’s P.D. when a young woman is found seemingly delirious in a shipping container after she and her friend were taken hostage.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Telling Her Goodbye” Episode 516 — Pictured: Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: After a few weeks on break, Fire returned with a bang this week (literally) when a shooting takes place right by Firehouse 51. The gang members involved rush into 51 to hide out and as a result take the Firehouse hostage! Dawson and Brett are actually on a call when it happens and when they hear about shots close to the Firehouse while at med, Dawson tries to call Casey and can’t get a hold of him. When they arrive back at the Firehouse, they get a call on the radio to turn back around because there is a hostage situation. (Severide was able to sneak into the truck and use the radio.) At first, the paramedics can’t see anything and open the doors, alerting the gang and all hell breaks loose – but then Casey is momentarily able to warn them to turn back around before he is shot (thankfully it just grazes his shoulder!) When police and SWAT teams arrive to establish perimeters, all Dawson and Brett can do is helplessly watch from the outside while the rest of their Firehouse family is trapped inside. Okay, helplessly probably isn’t the right word seeing as Dawson is able to talk Otis through a procedure on the phone that involves puncturing a needle into a man’s chest so that he can breathe again.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Telling Her Goodbye” Episode 516 — Pictured: Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: While anxiously waiting outside 51 to see how the hostage situation unfolds, Brett notices an agitated woman in the crowd. It turns out that the woman’s son is inside the firehouse, tagging along with the gang involved. Brett leads her to the police and they try to reach out to the son from the outside. At the end of the ep, the son is shot as the gang leader tries to escape in one of 51’s trucks; there isn’t enough time to take him to the hospital so Brett and Dawson treat him on the grounds of 51.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Telling Her Goodbye” Episode 516 — Pictured: Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Stella Kidd: Casey and Kidd are in the truck bay when they hear shots ring out nearby. They go to close the firehouse doors but aren’t quick enough to stop gang members from making it inside. The gang take them and the rest of the firehouse hostage. One of the members has been shot and with Brett and Dawson out on a call, Kidd says that she is a trained paramedic and can try to help their injured friend. The leader sends a younger member with her and the injured member and tells him to use the gun on Kidd if she pulls any funny business. Severide has been in the shower while all this went down and Kidd spots him and starts recanting the situation out loud so that he can clue in and try to escape or get help. Later on, the gang member Kidd is treating has issues with his airway and is having trouble breathing. She says she’ll have to insert a needle into his chest to help him breathe. another and a more aggressive gang member freaks out and drags her to the locker room, demanding that she open up her locker. She obeys and he pulls out photos she has in there and threatens to hurt those closest to her if his friend dies. Seeing a moment, she punches the gang member, but then he bashes her into her locker and knocks her out. When he later goes back for her, she’s gone. Having made it into a toilet cubicle to hide, just as the thug is about to find Kidd, Severide jumps him and as those two struggle, Kidd comes up from behind and hits the assailant before she and Severide make a run for it. So intense!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Remember The Devil” Episode 417 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: So bombshell of the latest episode of P.D. is that Lindsay’s partner Halstead was or rather still is married! How this has never been mentioned on the show or even to Lindsay in the four years that they’ve worked together (not to mention how long they’ve been friends and a couple) is beyond me! It turns out he and his “wife” Abbey were in the same unit and when they returned from duty they weren’t in the best of ways. While in Vegas for a unit member’s funeral eight years ago – well you know what they say in Vegas… Anyway, Halstead thought that they were divorced since he signed papers and all, but at the end of the ep after duping him that she never filed them and hey he should sign them over drinks, she reveals there are no papers and she still loves him. Say what?! Halstead tells her he’s not the guy for her and returns home to Lindsay who tells him that while she was upset he never told her about being married, she can deal with it and he just has to let her in. Everything’s peachy now, right? Nope. Halstead packs a bag and tells Lindsay he loves her and wants to stay, but he’s going to stay with his brother because he’s still married and he needs to get all this whole marriage business sorted. So much for ‘0people come and go out of your life but I’m not going to be one of them’, Halstead! I’m all for learning more about his past – particularly his time in the Rangers. But this storyline? Not exactly what I envisioned! On the work side of things, a hiker leads Intelligence to the case of a missing girl, which then turns into two missing girls with lots of twists and turns in the case. We do get to see Lindsay and Halstead play good cop bad cop. (he’s good, she’s bad)
Kim Burgess: When Olinsky opts to take Ruzek with him to question a person of interest, Burgess is a bit hurt and worried she has done something wrong, but he downplays it and says it’s cold outside and she’s eating. Later in the episode, Ruzek and Atwater get trapped and when they’re back safe and sound, Ruzek teases Burgess that she was worried about him. We wonder if it’s not before long that these two are back together.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Remember The Devil” Episode 417 — Pictured: Amy Morton as Trudy Platt — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Trudy Platt: After the death of his daughter, Olinksy is back at work and there’s a sweet moment where Platt tells him if he ever wants to “not talk” she’s there for him. Aww!
Chicago Justice airs Sundays at 9/8c, Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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