ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Fire 5×13, 5×14, Chicago P.D. 4×14, 4×15 & Chicago Med 2×14 recap
It’s been a dramatic two weeks in the ONE CHICAGO world and things are about to become more dramatic with the introduction of Chicago Justice this coming week in another epic ONE CHICAGO crossover event. Before then, catch up on what went down with the leading ladies of Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med…

CHICAGO FIRE — “Trading in Scuttlebutt” Episode 513 — Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: Following the break up of her brother and good friend, Dawson is concerned about how Brett is dealing with the split. Dawson ponders setting Brett up with an alderman that she met while at an event with Casey but her husband talks her out of playing cupid. Instead she allows herself to be roped into a girl’s night out with Brett and Kidd, which doesn’t end the way it intended to. When Brett is more sober, Dawson tells her that she shouldn’t have to change herself for a guy, to which Brett laments that it’s easy for Dawson to say when she has a relationship as amazing as the one she has with Casey. Dawson tells her that she had to go through a few dating horrors before she found Casey. On the professional side of things, Brett and Dawson get called to a high class restaurant where an escort has overdosed and Dawson doesn’t even bother to hide her disgust at the older men at the function. Then in the latest episode, we see the famous Dawson sass again when she gets called to another restaurant during lunchtime and the manager is annoyed that the emergency team didn’t use the back entrance and fears they’re going to scare away the patrons. He becomes even more annoyed at the “inconvenience” of his staff member chopping off his fingers. Seeing what a jerk he is, Dawson not only exits the restaurant from the front but also waves around the zip loc bag containing the chef’s fingers as she marches out of the restaurant, telling the diners that she’s sure they’re cleaning up all the blood now as she speaks. Ha! While Dawson was lucky not to be reassigned from Firehouse 51 during the whole Chief Anderson debacle (more on that later), her new partner is Chout, who you may recognise throughout the seasons as a floater, and Dawson struggles to deal with his enthusiasm. She describes him as “a unicorn, mixed with a rainbow, mixed with a dolphin, drunk on Redbull and Mountain Dew,” and even tries to hide from him in Casey’s office with the blinds down. Haha!

CHICAGO FIRE — “Trading in Scuttlebutt” Episode 513 — Pictured: Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: In the aftermath of her breakup with Antonio Dawson, Brett decides that she needs to make a change. These changes begin with working out, wanting to make a physical change and learning a new language until she has a heart to heart with Dawson who tells her that she shouldn’t have to change herself. (Dawson also stops Brett from “marrying Jacques from Canada”, which could have happened if Dawson hadn’t taken the drunk blonde paramedic home during a girl’s night out.) During the heart to heart, Bret also asks Dawson how Antonio is and she admits not that great. While Brett is not in the greatest place herself, she tells Dawson to look out for him, demonstrating her kind heart that makes her a catch. In the latest episode of Fire, Brett is one of the 51 members who gets reassigned. Her new partner is a man who simply grunts or refers to her as “you” or “girl”. Oh yes, how delightful. At least she has a familiar face there with Kidd also being reassigned to the same house. Brett also popped up in the latest episode of Med as one of the paramedics bringing one of the many victims of a major car pile up to the hospital. If we’re to follow the timeline of the ONE CHICAGO world, Brett’s Med appearance could possibly be in line with her temporary reassignment.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Purgatory” Episode 514 — Pictured: Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Stella Kidd: Although Kidd finds out about Severide’s job offer as Chief of a firehouse in Springfield, where his semi love interest Anna also happens to live, neither of them are admitting their feelings for each other. He tells her that she’s his friend and that he values her opinion on the situation, while she wonders whether Anna is the sole reason why he would take the job. But before they can delve deeper and read in between the lines of what they’re each saying, the arrogant and power tripping Deputy District Chief Anderson launches a vendetta against Chief Boden after Boden bruises Anderson’s ego by saving the day during a call that Anderson was in charge of. Using the power of his position, Anderson decides to reassign members of 51 to other houses and those members include Kidd and Brett. The pair end up working with Kidd’s former chief who is a bully and has no qualms with screaming at a female candidate, hurling abuse at her in front of the house. When Kidd stands up to him, she ends up on grout and bathroom scrubbing duty. Ick. She does have the last laugh though when the candidate saves the bully chief during a call and the candidate rethinks her decision to quit. You go, girl! Thankfully the members of Firehouse 51 are reunited at the end of the episode when it turns out one of the people Chief Boden saved was the Deputy Mayor and he has more authority that Chief Anderson. Ha!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Favor, Affection, Malice Or Ill-Will” Episode 415 — Pictured: (l-r) Nick Wechsler as Kenny Rixton, Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess, Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay, Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: Lindsay and Halstead are at the shooting range getting their re-qualifications and as they’re finishing up one of the guys working there tells Lindsay to watch her back around Intelligence’s newest member, Rixton. Before she can question him further, she and Halstead get called to a scene. While it seems like Lindsay is keeping more of an open mind on the situation, Halstead thinks Rixton is shady and doesn’t hesitate to make snarky remarks and ice the new guy out. Matters aren’t helped when he does some digging around and finds out that indictments are being handed down at Rixton’s old unit. Lindsay keeps a level head and says that she’ll talk to Antonio and find out what he knows. In the end, Voight reveals that Rixton is nor a crook or a snitch and the unit apologizes to him. On the case side of things, the case of the week involves a natural gas explosion at a home where a body is found alive and another body found dead in the rubble. The house also happens to be next to a home for LGBT youth. The investigation leads Intelligence to a guy named Curt, who also appears to have a few identities. When Lindsay goes to question his wife, she’s shocked to find out the double life her husband was leading. However, later when it’s discovered that “Curt” faked his death and his wife was in on it, we get a great scene of Lindsay being badass and Voight-like when she gets aggressive with the wife in an interrogation room. In the latest episode of P.D., Lindsay gets a tip from Scrap, an old friend, that a man wants to hire a hitman. In return for this information, Scrap wants Lindsay to get his brother off possession charges. Given that the brother was caught with 100 pounds of marijuana, this is easier said than done and Scrap gets angry and threatens to blow the operation and so Lindsay arrests him for obstructing the investigation. While he eventually gets released and so does his brother, Scrap bitterly tells Lindsay that next time he gets a tip, he’s going to go to his guy in narcotics instead. Lindsay tells him not to be a sore winner, ha!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Favor, Affection, Malice Or Ill-Will” Episode 415 — Pictured: Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Kim Burgess: The P.D. episode a fortnight ago was a bit Burgess light. However, at the end of episode as Burgess is leaving the precinct, Ruzek returns from his undercover stint and admits that he had a hard time dealing with the thought of working with Burgess every day and that going undercover and getting some distance from her helped and he now realizes that he was being stupid. He then asks her if it’s okay that he comes back to Intelligence and she says of course (although Voight is the one he should be asking!) and they hug. As they pull away, Ruzek kisses her! In last week’s episode, there is no mention of the kiss so we’re wondering where things stand with these two. She is however paired with Ruzek’s replacement, Rixton, and he asks her what her take is on Ruzek and him not being back in Intelligence. It’s a difficult position for Burgess, as while she likes Rixton, she does think that Ruzek belongs in Intelligence. Later in the episode, Burgess and Atwater are chasing after a suspect when he starts shooting at them. Atwater is able to shoot him in the head, which kills him and the incident leaves Burgess a little shaken. It’s nice to see a bit of Burgwater though. I miss their partnership from season one!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Seven Indictments” Episode 414 — Pictured: Amy Morton as Trudy Platt — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Trudy Platt: We saw a softer side to Platt when she goes outside to find out why a homeless man is causing a disturbance. The man, whose name is Marvin, is quite distressed because his dog is missing and he is having trouble expressing himself. As Platt gently tries to piece together what has happened, she is pricked by a needle in his pocket has to go to Med to make sure she hasn’t contracted anything. Thankfully she ends up being in the clear as the needle was just insulin, but it was a bit of touch and go for a moment when it was revealed that Marvin has Hepatitis C. While Platt is at Med, the other officer – the one who failed to check Marvin in the first place – decides to detain him in a cell and Platt is annoyed when she returns and finds out. Somehow Marvin’s missing dog ends up outside the precinct, so Platt reunites them in Marvin’s cell where he innocently reveals information that helps Intelligence piece together the last bits of their explosion case. In last week’s ep, Lindsay asks Platt for help on getting some charges dropped on a CI’s family member and as much as Lindsay begs, Platt sticks to her promise to the city of Chicago to serve without favor, affection, malice or ill-will. Also in the latest ep, Platt surprisingly is Team Ruzek and tells him that he did the right thing temporarily removing himself from Intelligence after ex fiance Burgess was promoted up there, even if it means he’s on patrol duty for now. She advises him to keep his head down and work his way back up. It seems like solid advice and it looks like Ruzek is going to be back in Intelligence quicker than he thinks.

CHICAGO MED — “Cold Front” Episode 214 — Pictured: (l-r) S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin, Ato Essandoh as Isidore Latham, Colin Donnell as Connor Rhodes, Nick Gehlfuss as Will Halstead, Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: Goodwin is the epitome of true leadership when a multi vehicle accident happens during a blizzard and the victims are brought into Med, where personnel have to make do with whatever supplies and staff they have until the weather eases up. She also has to play mediator during a difficult situation where two young boys need blood transfusions and there is only enough for one. The young patients happen to be cousins and the mother and guardian cannot make the impossible decision, leaving it in the hands of Goodwin’s staff. I know she’s not the Chief Administrator for nothing, but I really respect how calm and level-headed she is during these difficult situations!
Maggie Lockwood: Prior to the latest episode of Med, Maggie pops up on Fire, when the gossip of Chief Boden saving the day no thanks to incompetent Chief Anderson, even gets back to her! On Med, Maggie demomstrates her capabilities as head nurse, taking charge during the blizzard by arranging for stable patients to go back to the waiting room and organizing for beds to fit in any space that they can. She does however have to call upon Dr Charles to assist with an aggressive patient who wants his prescription filled – more on this volatile patient later!

CHICAGO MED — “Cold Front” Episode 214 — Pictured: (l-r) Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning, Nick Gehlfuss as Will Halstead — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning: During the blizzard, Dr Manning and Dr Halstead are treating two young boys involved in the multi-vehicle accident. The boys are cousins and one has more serious injuries than the other. However, due to the wild weather, the hospital is running out of supplies and only has enough blood to treat one of the patients. Dr Latham is called in to consult and advises that Dr Manning’s patient, who is the nephew, is more likely to survive and should be given the blood. They present their findings o the mother of the son who has more serious damage and ask her to choose. The nephew is her sister’s son so there is no way she can choose. Goodwin says that the hospital will make the decision on her behalf then. While her patient is going to get the blood, Nat is pretty upset at the situation and ends up coming up with the idea of doing a staff blood drive to get more blood. It is Dr Choi’s blood that ends up saving Dr Halstead’s patient and all ends well with the two young boys.
April Sexton: During the blizzard, a heavily pregnant woman is found lying outside and is rushed to Med. Once checked out, she seems okay until she starts bleeding out and is rushed to the OR. While she and her baby are fine by the end of the episode, this is a case that sits with expectant mother April. Also in this episode, April assist Dr Choi who is trying to make a man’s last moments comfortable. The man was quite in a fire when his car exploded on the scene of the multiple vehicle accident. He suffered burns to most of his body and his organs are starting to shut down but he wants to hold on until his wife gets to the hospital, which proves difficult in the wild weather. With the need for supplies and time running out, April watches on as Dr Choi reluctantly lets the patient go. It’s so sad to watch!

CHICAGO MED — “Cold Front” Episode 214 — Pictured: Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: With all hands on deck needed, Dr Reese is asked to stay in the ED and assist. She gets a bit of a thrill being back in the Emergency department. She does get to use her psychiatry insight though – after Dr Charles has to temporarily leave an agitated man who wants his prescription refilled, the patient decides to leave the hospital. Dr Charles then receives a call from the patient’s brother informing him that the patient killed himself after being untreated at Med. Reese is concerned for Dr Charles, especially now that she knows his history with losing patients. But in a twist of events, it turns out the patient is alive and faked the call to get attention. WHO DOES THAT?! Well he’s getting that attention now when Dr Charles tells him he’ll now have to stay in the hospital on a psych watch. While on the subject of uncomfortable situations, remember Dr Walker, the doctor who wasn’t exactly sober on the job a few weeks ago? He quietly asks Reese if she can prescribe him something to keep him calm and alert during this intense shift. She politely tells him that she’s not his doctor and she can’t do it and he sheepishly apologizes for asking. I don’t know about you but alarm bells are ringing in my head and I feel like this is not the end of the doctor’s unprofessional behavior…
Don’t miss the epic ONE CHICAGO crossover event this week, which introduces the latest installment to the ONE CHICAGO world: Chicago Justice. It’s set up in Chicago Fire on the special night and time of Wednesday at 8/7c, and continues on Chicago P.D. also Wednesday but at the special time of 9/8c. Then Chicago Med airs Thursday at 9/8c, before Chicago Justice officially premieres on Sunday at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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