ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Fire 5×12, Chicago P.D. 4×13 & Chicago Med 2×13 recap
We were back to a full slate in the ONE CHICAGO world last week and it was a combination of happiness and heartbreak. Read on to find out what went on with the leading ladies of Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med…

CHICAGO FIRE — “An Agent Of The Machine” Episode 512 — Pictured: (l-r) Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson, Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: The latest episode opens with Dawson and Casey being all cute and going to the grocery store to get supplies for their movie night. While there, Dawson is approached by a stranger who then reveals himself to be the guy who pulled a gun on Casey during a call in the last episode and disappeared. He pretty much threatens her and 51 before fleeing and before Casey sees him. The episode then revolves around 51 being on edge during every call and even Halstead from P.D. is brought in to track the guy down. Eventually the guy is caught, but not before a tense showdown with Casey and luckily Casey isn’t hurt, seeing as 51 throws them a surprise wedding reception at Molly’s at the end of the episode and Casey finally gives Dawson her wedding ring. Aww! (He’s had it for weeks but was trying to find the perfect moment to give it to her.) Also in this episode, Dawson is put in a tough place when there is in trouble in paradise with her brother Antonio and partner and friend Brett,

CHICAGO FIRE — “An Agent Of The Machine” Episode 512 — Pictured: Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: At the start of the episode things seem to be going pretty well between Antonio and Sylvie – they’re all cutesy and lovey-dovey and she even offers to watch his son Diego at the Firehouse when Antonio suddenly gets called into work. Then Antonio’s ex-wife Laura gets wind of it all and comes into 51, pulls Brett aside to tell her to that she had no right looking after Diego and refers to Brett as blonde and yes, it’s an insult. She then takes Diego with her and leaves. Brett then asks Dawson if she got together with Antonio too soon after his divorce and an uncomfortable Dawson doesn’t really want to answer the question but her silence speaks volumes. Later Antonio goes to see Brett and apologizes for putting her in a difficult position and rather than being passive about, she stands up for herself and tells him damn right it was a difficult and also humiliating position. He gets all defensive and say between his ex-wife and the stress of his new job he doesn’t need Brett on his case too, so she tells him that he won’t have to worry about that anymore, clearly he wasn’t ready for their relationship so they’re pretty much done. Nooo! Understandably when she’s not occupied with work, Brett is moping for the rest of the episode but Severide manages to convince her to come out with him, Dawson and Casey to Molly’s at the end of the episode. Just as she’s about to leave, Antonio turns up and apologizes to her and tells her that she deserves better than what he can give her. While she understands, there’s still a part of her (and us) that hopes that one day when things settle down for him they can try again. When she shows up to Dawson and Casey’s surprise reception at Molly’s, she and Antonio lock eyes from across the room and there goes my heart (and I’m sure many other Brettonio fans) breaking.
Stella Kidd: Firehouse 51 is under threat no thanks to the guy that pulled a gun on Casey during a call last episode. Just when they think the guy has been caught, word comes through while they’re on a call that the guys paid someone off to pose as him and that the call they are currently tending could be a trap. Too late, he’s there and threatens to shoot Kidd. Casey steps out of the shadows and tries to reason with the man but no dice. Thankfully Casey seizes an opportunity to knock the guy out until the police arrive.

CHICAGO P.D. — “I Remember Her Now” Episode 413 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: P.D.’s return from its mini hiatus sees Intelligence looking into a case involving a home for troubled young girls after a teenage girl is found dead. Halstead gets sent in undercover while the rest of the team try to figure out what is going on. During this ep, we get to see Lindsay team up with Atwater and play regular cops when they respond to a call at the home. Lindsay also supports Halstead when it seems like the girl he believes could possibly be the mastermind of a prostitution ring at the home. Lindsay accompanies him to the home to search a classroom and he is relieved when they finally find evidence proving that another girl at the home was behind it.
Kim Burgess: Apart from working the case with the rest of the Intelligence team, we don’t see much of Burgess this week.

CHICAGO P.D. — “I Remember Her Now” Episode 413 — Pictured: (l-r) Amy Morton as Trudy Platt, Jason Beghe as Hank Voight — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Trudy Platt: When Lindsay asks Platt about the deceased victim involved in the case they are working on, Platt says she doesn’t know of her. The tough desk sergeant is surprised when Lindsay shows her paperwork by Platt indicating that the late teen was held in lockup in the past year. Feeling somewhat guilty that she can’t remember the young woman, Platt takes it upon herself to do some digging and goes through some of the late victim’s old journals and discovers that if she ever died she wanted to be cremated with her remains scattered somewhere quiet by the water. In a touching scene at the end of the episode, Platt grants her that final wish with Voight by her side.

CHICAGO MED — “Theseus’ Ship” Episode 213 — Pictured: S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: At April’s insistence, Natalie shares her child neglect concerns about a father who was withholding his son’s medication (at the son’s request) to Goodwin, who has no choice but to get DCFS involved.
Maggie Lockwood: As well as making sure everything runs smoothly in the busy ER, Maggie also finds time to advise Dr Halstead on his love life after he reveals that his current girlfriend Dr Nina Shore asked him whether he and Natalie ever dated. While technically nothing ever did, he’s wondering if he should confess that he did have feelings for Dr Manning though, to which Maggie tells him that women don’t like to hear about their man’s feelings for other women. In other words, he should just leave it and not say anything else.

CHICAGO MED — “Theseus’ Ship” Episode 213 — Pictured: Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning: In this episode Natalie is tending to an 8-year-old boy with leukemia, brought into Med unresponsive. At first they think it’s because his father hasn’t been giving him his medication and they could be looking at a possible case of child neglect, but it turns out that the young boy asked his father not to give him the medication anymore because it was making him feel worse. This leaves Dr Manning to second guess her thoughts on the case being child neglect but April pressures her to go to Goodwin. DCFS arrive and the father is arrested just as Nat realises that the patient is making a miraculous recovery due to not having all those drugs in his system. While the authorities don’t want to hear a word of it and continue to lead the father out in handcuffs, the father tells Natalie as long as his son is going to be okay, this whole ordeal will be worth it.

CHICAGO MED — “Theseus’ Ship” Episode 213 — Pictured: Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
April Sexton: As mentioned above, this week Natalie is tending to a young boy with leukemia. When April rings the pharmacy to get information on the boy’s medication, it’s revealed that the father hasn’t been back to get it filled in months (and the hospital pharmacy is the only place he could have gone to get it). When Dr Manning is hesitant to report the father to DCFS, April tells her that if she doesn’t report the case to Goodwin so that DCFS can be alerted then she will. After the father is arrested, April apologizes to Nat and blames her protective and emotional response to the case on being pregnant, to which Nat tells her to get used to it because those feelings don’t go away once the child is born. It’s a cute moment between the single mother and mother-to-be, especially since sometimes we forget that Manning is a mother since we rarely see little Owen these days.

CHICAGO MED — “Theseus’ Ship” Episode 213 — Pictured: Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: When a woman named Grace from a car accident is brought in, she claims that Becca was driving crazy, but there was no one else in the car with her. It turns out Becca is Grace’s tulpa – an image that she created in her mind that eventually becomes 3D to that person. Dr Reese along with Grace’s husband perceive Grace as disturbed and that Becca isn’t real. Dr Charles is a bit more open-minded and encourages Dr Reese and the husband to sit with Grace and ask her to let Becca talk to them. Seeing Becca take over Grace upsets Dr Reese as she doesn’t think it fits the boxes of what she has studied and she likes boxes, leaving her to question whether she’s cut out for psych. Later on when Grace has a panic attack, Sarah takes charge and tells Grace to listen to Becca and she eventually calms down thanks to Becca’s help. Dr Charles tells the young psychiatrist in training that when she puts those two sides of her together like she did while she was helping Grace during her panic attack, then she will make a great psychiatrist.
Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. Chicago Justice will premiere Sunday March 5 at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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