ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Fire 5×11 & Chicago Med 2×12 recap
The ONE CHICAGO world has been spinning solo this past fortnight. Read on to find out what went down with the ladies of Chicago Fire last week and Chicago Med this week…

CHICAGO FIRE — Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: In last week’s ep we saw the aftermath of losing Louie take its toll on both Dawson and Casey – he was packing up Louie’s room at 3am and turned into a cleaning drill sergeant at the firehouse commanding Truck to make sure everywhere was 100% clean from top to bottom, and she ended up getting fired up at a parent after a call that hit too close to home. Dawson and Brett had responded to a call where a schoolgirl on a field trip was in immense pain – it turned out she was in labor and didn’t even know she was pregnant! Dawson and Brett delivered the baby on the scene and when the schoolgirl’s father showed up and reprimanded his daughter and told her she can go live with her aunt, Dawson stepped in to defend the girl. Later Dawson returned to Med to check on Darla, the schoolgirl, only to be put in her place by Darla’s aunt who accused Dawson of being judgy and not aware of the circumstances. She also turned Dawson away from seeing Darla and the baby, forcing Dawson to swallow her pride and pay a visit to Darla’s father and apologize, as well as ask him not to give up on his daughter and granddaughter. Over at the house, Casey’s dictator behavior is too much to bare and Hermann ends up pulling the couple aside and telling them they need time to process Louie leaving and that’s okay. At the end of the episode, Dawson and Casey drop by Darla’s home where she and the baby are with Darla’s father, and they give her some of Louie’s things. She thanks them and reveals that she named the baby Gabby after Dawson and invites them in. Aww!
Sylvie Brett: There’s never a dull moment for Ambulance 61! Brett and Dawson help a teenage girl deliver her baby on the field and Brett does her best to try and get Dawson to step down from confronting the girl’s father but we all know that once Dawson gets fired up there’s no stopping her. Brett is however there for support when Dawson later goes to see the father and apologize.

CHICAGO FIRE — “Who Lives and Who Dies” Episode 511 — Pictured: Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Stella Kidd: There’s a moment between Kidd and Severide when he finds her outside the house avoiding Casey so that she doesn’t get assigned to clean the urinals while he’s on his cleaning rampage. Severide then tells her that Anna wants her to drop by the hospital so that she can thank her in person for supporting Severide during the bone marrow procedure. So Kidd drops by and Anna is super sweet to her. She also asks Kidd if there is anything going on between her and Severide and Kidd says no. At the end of the episode, Severide thanks Kidd for being there for him. Yeah, there’s still something totally there between the pair!
Sharon Goodwin: Dr Stohl has a camera crew following him around to shoot s publicity video for the hospital – something that Dr Halstead objects to and voices his concerns to Sharon. She tells him to basically suck it up as she’s all for it if it brings good publicity to the hospital and more patients. Besides he didn’t attend the meeting that was held last week to voice his concerns then so that’s on him.

CHICAGO MED — “Mirror Mirror” Episode 212 — Pictured: Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Maggie Lockwood: Maggie has Dr Halstead’s back and exchanges sympathetic and exasperated glances with him as Dr Stohl pompously leads the camera crew around Med. Gotta love the Maggie sass! Also this week, after watching Dr Manning and Clarke remain on good terms after their breakup, she comments to Nat that she’s impressed that the pair are still able to work together. If she were in her shoes there’d be no way that she’d be able to work with her ex.

CHICAGO MED — “Mirror Mirror” Episode 212 — Pictured: Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning: This week Nat is attending to a mother involved in a minor car crash, but grows concerned over the patient’s daughter who is complaining of a headache. The mother brushes it off and says that her daughter was also complaining of stomach pains and is just seeking attention. Unconvinced, Dr Manning calls Dr Charles in to consult and at first the two doctors are puzzled over the girl’s symptoms until Dr Charles realizes that the girl has Mirror Touch Synthesia, which is a condition where she can feel the pain of those around her but in a mirrored response. It was certainly one of the more fascinating cases on Med! Also this week, while Nat and Clarke seem to be on good terms after their breakup, the young patient picks up on Nat’s sadness as she watches Clarke at the end of the ep. Maybe she’s not as okay as she seems.
April Sexton: While we see April on duty, she’s not heavily involved with the storylines this week.

CHICAGO MED — “Mirror Mirror” Episode 212 — Pictured: Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: Dr Reese has started therapy, although according to her therapist, it’s more of an audit than therapy since the young doctor has trouble opening up. She sees her problems as not that big in the grand scheme of things but the therapist tells her in order to be a good doctor in her profession, she needs to be able to push her self consciousness aside and recognize the troubles that are plaguing her. Before they have a chance to delve further, the session is up and it’s back to business. Dr Choi and Clarke are tending to a patient brought in with severe pain. The X-rays then show that the patient has a gun up his rectum! Yep, guess that explains that. Dr Reese insists on getting a chance to talk to him, believing that she can get him to open up. Before she can get him talking, his father shows up. Reese is not convinced that the patient is telling the truth about how the gun got to where it was but when she confronts him, he angrily tells her she doesn’t know anything and he’d rather go to jail than be known as a freak. Him rejecting her help is the trigger she needs to start opening up at her next therapy session at the end of the episode.
Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. Chicago Justice will premiere Sunday March 5 at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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