THE GOOD PLACE: Forking Shirtballs that Finale! {Roundtable}
The Good Place went out with a big bang last night, not only with a double episode, but also the biggest twist that the series has seen to date.
What does it mean for a second season? Only time will tell, but for now, let’s see how Mynda, Mel and Roz responded to the finale’s big news.
We finally saw how Eleanor (Kristen Bell) died and get an explanation why. Does it help you in understanding her behavior.
Mynda: Yes, it helps understand where she came from, but I a also agree with dead Eleanor, none of that is an acceptable excuse. At some point we all have to take responsibility for our own actions.
Roz: I like that we find out how she died, but I think the part about her parents made me understand her more. She used her own poor experiences to make more bad decisions, but I also think she learned how to make choices from living on her own.
Melissa: It does help put her behavior into perspective. I’m curious why we didn’t get that knowledge until the penultimate episode of the season; would it have changed our opinion of her if we’d known sooner? I do appreciate that Eleanor has grown enough to realize that she’s been using her lack of good parenting as an excuse for bad behavior and break the cycle.
“Shawn” (Marc Evan Jackson) the judge gets a cocoon? I want one of those cocoons!
Mynda: I can think of all sorts of situations where the cocoon of safety would come in handy. And, what if we could choose it’s color or decorate it?
Roz: That cocoon looks nice, but I don’t like avoiding that much. Emotions are fine. Emotions are good.
Melissa: Um, a cocoon filled with goo? No thanks.
Would you want to live in the Medium/mediocre place?
Mynda: If I had to live in the Medium place with Mindy, I’d just choose The Bad Place!
Roz: No, I don’t, but I think any of these places are where I want to go.
Melissa: I mean, as opposed to flesh-stripping lightning? Sure. But mediocrity is its own curse.
What the What??? What do you think about the big reveal?
Mynda: I am kind of like. “meh” Now that we know the truth I can’t see how the show will remain interesting.
Roz: I actually like it and I think if they mess with enough things it’ll be like Groundhog’s Day! How many ways can they keep Chidi (William Jackson Harper), Tahani (Jamella Jamil) and Jason (Manny Jacinto) apart from Eleanor.
Melissa: To quote Eleanor, holy motherforking shirtballs! What a brilliant twist! Michael (Ted Danson) is a Bad Place architect?!? That whole bumbling good guy thing was an act?!? Loooooove it. I also love that Eleanor is the one who figured it out. What do you think about the reasons why Tahani and Chidi are in the Bad Place? (Also, do you feel vindicated for being irritated by Tahani this whole time?) After 12+ episodes of being told that good deeds are the way to the Good Place, that’s been revealed as a lie. Tahani’s good works were motivated by selfishness. Chidi’s adherence to a strict code of ethics was also selfish. I suspect season 2 will further examine the idea that unselfish motivation is the real measure of a person’s goodness.
Roz: It does make me feel better about disliking Tahani, because she was so fake and seemingly self-sacrificing, even if she wasn’t.
If there is a season 2, will you tune in?
Mynda: Undecided
Roz: Yes!
Melissa: Absolutely.
The Good Place hopefully returns for a second season next year.