ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Fire 5×10, Chicago P.D. 4×12 & Chicago Med 2×11 recap
There were tears, laughter and plenty of action in the ONE CHICAGO world this week. Read on to find out what went on with the leading ladies of Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med…

CHICAGO FIRE — “The People We Meet” Episode 510 — Pictured: (l-r) Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson, Aiden/Austin Cohen as Louie, Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: After Louie’s biological father Andre didn’t turn up for their meeting last episode, we had high hopes that things were going to work out for Dawson, Casey and Louie. Boy, were we wrong. When Andre shows up to the Firehouse, Dawson is furious. That is until Andre drops the bomb that he’s being deployed again and that’s why he didn’t show up to their meeting. What’s more, he’s seen how happy Louie is with them so he’s going to relinquish his parental rights. Elated, Dawson and Casey agree to let Louie meet Andre, who brings his parents along. Meeting Louie for the first time, affects Andre more than he thought and next thing you know, he has asked his commander if he be assigned to a different post because he wants to fight for full custody of Louie! Dawson and Casey’s lawyer is prepared to fight dirty, but when Andre brings part of his family and how they’re one big support unit, Dawson realises she must put Louie’s needs first and tearfully backs down. Poor Louie has no idea of what is going on as Dawson tries to put on a brave face and says goodbye to him.

CHICAGO FIRE — “The People We Meet” Episode 510 — Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: In an attempt to bond with Antonio’s son, Diego, Brett tries to teach herself chess. Cruz sees her trying to learn from a book and while he is no expert, he does give her a couple of tips. It seems to work, as next time she sees him, she thanks him for his help as she was finally able to have a conversation with Diego. Granted, he kicked her butt, but she’s happy just to have finally found some common ground with him. We couldn’t help but notice a hint of longing from Cruz – could it be that he has some lingering feelings for his ex?
Stella Kidd: When Severide ends up at Med after jumping out the window of a burning building, Kidd is there by his bedside when he wakes up. When she later learns that he is going through with the bone marrow procedure after all and Brett encourages her to take the shift off to be there for him, Kidd refuses, stating that she knows Severide and he’s a lone wolf who wouldn’t want her there. After shift, she drops by the hospital and sees him laughing with Anna through the door. Is Kidd happy for him or is she wistfully wishing she was the one he was laughing with?

CHICAGO P.D. — “Sanctuary” Episode 412 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: Lindsay has moved on from last week’s family dramas, focusing on the case at hand – trying to figure out whether two black teens (who are currently being protected by a priest inside a church, which causes another controversy for CPD in itself) raped and then killed a young woman or if someone else did. She is also there to support colleague and friend Atwater when he decides to sign up for an open mic comedy night. When he tests some of his jokes on her and she’s not exactly wowed by him, she tells him just to be himself. It’s advice he takes to heart, as he has the crowd laughing when it comes to the big night. It was definitely great to see a bit of Lindsay and Atwater friendship this week!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Sanctuary” Episode 412 — Pictured: Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Kim Burgess: Poor Burgess, Olinksy isn’t exactly making things easy for the new kid in Intelligence. First off, he reprimands her in front of the team for leaving case files in her car (which was parked in the secure police lot) and then gives her a hard time when she forgot to mention a small thing relating to this week’s case. We’d like to think it’s a case of tough love to make her a better cop, but ouch we felt bad for Burgess this week! She did manage to win some favor back with her new partner though after she pounced on an offender and arrested him right before he was about to shoot Olinsky.
Trudy Platt: Platt’s out from behind the front desk at the District this week and on the streets with fellow officers to make sure the mob outside a church where two suspects are inside doesn’t turn into a riot. It’s a tough job, especially when things get a bit hostile and heated between the church community and other citizens and then also the cops.

CHICAGO MED — “Graveyard Shift” Episode 211 — Pictured: (l-r) Colin Donnell as Connor Rhodes, S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: We first see Goodwin on Fire this week when Severide seeks her out in her office after he has been told that he can’t donate his bone marrow to Anna because of his injuries from a work accident. He refuses to take no for an answer and pleads with the chief administrator but she stands her ground, or so it seems, as she later comes around and agrees to let him undergo the procedure (but not before signing a mountain of paperwork of course). On Med, she has her hands full when Dr Choi approaches her about accepting a VIP patient into the hospital – so VIP that it involves international diplomats. It would be amazing publicity for the hospital if the operation is a success – we won’t think about what could happen if it wasn’t. Goodwin agrees and tells Choi to have the patient enter from the loading dock and for everyone involved to sign non-disclosures. When we finally meet the patient, I was definitely not expecting to see a GIANT PANDA! Nope, I am not kidding. Dr Rhodes, who had the night off, is called back into the hospital to operate and while it was a bit touch and go at one point, he is thankfully able to save the animal. Phew! That would have been so depressing if he didn’t.

CHICAGO MED — “Graveyard Shift” Episode 211 — Pictured: Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Maggie Lockwood: It’s the graveyard shift at Med and the staff is hoping for a quiet one but no such luck when three teens are brought in, suspected of taking something and so there goes Maggie leaping into action. It doesn’t help that one of her nurses has called in sick with the flu and so she has to call April to come back in for backup.
Dr Natalie Manning: Lucky Nat gets to go home at the start of the episode, but not before jinxing poor Dr Halstead and telling him that maybe this graveyard shift will be a quiet one. She’s also making a conscious effort to keep things friendly with now-ex Clarke, which in itself kinda make things weird. We then don’t see her until the end of the ep when she returns the next morning for the start of a new shift but other than that, it’s a pretty quiet ep on the Dr Manning side of things.
April Sexton: When April is called back into the hospital for the graveyard shift because they’re short-staffed, she is happy to do it, but fiance Tate not so much and her job once again causes problems between the two. Things get a little nasty when he brings up her TB and their baby. She fights back because this isn’t the 1950s and he doesn’t control her, nor should she be a stay-at-home wife and mom. They’re not exactly at the best of places when April leaves to go to work, but when she finishes her shift, he’s outside the hospital waiting for her with apology flowers. He may be telling her that he understands she loves her job and that he’s sorry for the way he reacted, but I can’t help feeling that her job is still going to be an issue in future episodes. Maybe I’m a pessimist but we’ll see…

CHICAGO MED — “Graveyard Shift” Episode 211 — Pictured: Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: It was a rough night for Dr Reese. Not only had she spoken to her mother and told her she was now a psych resident, but her mother pretty much laughed at the idea which does a number on Reese’s confidence. Then throughout the night because she is the on-call Psych resident she is called by the nurses not once but twice to pronounce patients dead – patients that are not her own patients might I add. This is something that the young doctor has not had to do before and while she has developed this season, there are still remains of the awkward med student we met last season. Considering the situations, I think she handled herself well but she is pretty hard on herself. The icing on the cake of this craptastic night is when her own patient goes into cardiac arrest and then dies, leaving Reese to pronounce her dead. It’s all too much for her to take and she breaks down. Dr Charles sees her and she tells him that she’s not cut out for this. He comforts her and she agrees to go to therapy. I’m really enjoying the mentorship between these two – whoever’s idea it was to make Reese go into Psychiatry and have Dr Charles take her under his wing, is a genius!

CHICAGO FIRE — “The People We Meet” Episode 510 — Pictured: Monica Raymund as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Shout Out of the Week: This week I’m giving it to Fire‘s Dawson. I ended up catching up on this week’s episode on the train ride home from work and I was not expecting to have to hold back tears so I wouldn’t have a breakdown in public thanks to Monica Raymund’s stellar performance as Gabriela Dawson. The scenes where Dawson is trying to be strong as she tells Louie that she loves him and will always be there for him no matter what happens pretty much broke me. And that goodbye and the Louie’s last look back? Gahhh! I have shed so many tears over television this week courtesy of NBC’s Tuesday night line up!
Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. Chicago Justice will premiere Sunday March 5 at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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