BLINDSPOT: Droll Autumn, Unmatual Lord {Roundtable}
Blindspot took a slower pace this week in the wake of Roman (Luke Mitchell)’s mind wipe. But Jane (Jaimie Alexander) is still hoping to make him an ally.
1. Let’s start at the end: what do you think of the opinion of Roman after his psychological examination?
Lisa: Roman, Roman, Roman. I think he is just a ticking time bomb ready to go off. It’s sad because Jane can relate to his feelings but his journey is still different than hers was, and I don’t think it’s going to end up well for him. I hope his actions don’t give her guilt so bad that it starts affecting her actions, if that makes sense. When he finds out that she was the one who wiped his memory, it’s going to get ugly.
Cay: I suspect that Jane will soon be in the position of “putting him out of his misery” so to speak. She thought she could save him by wiping his memory, but everything we have seen of him previously as well as the psychologist’s assessment would suggest that is unlikely. The longer it goes on, I think the harder it will be for Jane, unless of course he does something so awful that she has to take him out without being able to think much about it.
Rueben: As much as I hate to say it, Roman is a lost cause; and once he learns the truth that Jane wiped his memory, the s*it is going to hit the fan, as they say. I know that Jane had an altruistic reason for wiping his memory, but he was damaged goods when they were kids; and, deep down, I don’t think any memory wipe formula can erase that. Roman is trapped inside himself right now and once he breaks free – and we all know that he will at some point – it is going to be an ugly battle.
Roz: Roman’s story is just dragging in a way that makes it uninteresting now. That tabula rasa state is just frustrating.
2. Was this case of the week a strong one in your opinion? I can’t help but feeling the stakes weren’t that high.
Lisa: I agree the stakes weren’t high enough, but it kept my attention more than some of the high stakes episodes have. I love the scenes with Patterson and I really want to see how the Roman storyline plays out.
Cay: Compared to the whole master plot, the stakes seemed low, but to the people involved, I’m sure they seemed plenty high. The theme was clearly family – it was meant to show the lengths we will go for our loved ones. It may also have put the CIA guy in Jane’s debt, which could have benefits later in the storyline
Rueben: I have to agree with Cay about the CIA guy being in Jane’s debt; that WILL pay off in the future, I’m sure of it or else they wouldn’t have played it off as such. As for the pace of the episode and the stakes being low, sure there is that; but every episode can’t be high stakes and sometimes it’s the smaller cases that allow us a glimpse inside each of the characters – to see another side to them. In other words, it peels back another layer of the onion; and will probably play out some other storyline in the future. There are no small stories, as they say, right?
Roz: I get what you mean Rueben, but it felt so mundane (even though it wasn’t) that I wanted more after all of the work that Sandstorm case too. Sure we had explosions, but the target felt too small. Just give me big big stakes and I guess I’m happiest.
3. Tasha (Audrey Esparza) and Edgar (Rob Brown): what’s going on now?
Lisa: Lol don’t laugh but I totally had to google who Edgar was! I’m so used to calling him Reade! Ha Ha! So I knew this was going to happen. Tasha realized she had feelings for him a little too late. They both have feelings for each other, but now he’s embarrassed because of the awkward kiss and she doesn’t know how to communicate! Grrr…speak up people! I hate the cat and mouse game and while they were having drinks I actually thought they would be cute together.
Cay: Tasha will be the one to make the next move, and it will happen before the end of the season is my prediction.
Lisa: Cay I think you are 100% right. Now to see if it gets awkward or if they end up together.
Rueben: Isn’t that one of the classic ways of bringing characters together. The “no we’re just friends” angle until the one who has been in the most denial suddenly realizes, “no wait, I really do care for him/her.” I think they need to step lightly with this relationship – as much as some of us might want to see the together – it could have really bad ramifications should things go badly romance-wise. Tread lightly!
Roz: This is going to end badly for both of them, probably Edgar more than anyone else, but I sort of want to watch this trainwreck since Weller and Jane are split.
4. Patterson’s “a-ha” moment with her pills and the missing tattoo. What do you want to see from this missing tattoo on Jane’s body?
Lisa: I love Patterson’s A-HA moments! I would like to see something unpredictable so we have an A-HA moment. You know what I mean? I don’t want to see a big build up about it and it ends up being a super lame addition to the storyline. I want some answers.
Cay: While I love Patterson, this tattoo reveal seemed even more contrived than most. I’ve played mancala, and that tiger was not a mancala board…I imagine it must be hard for the writers to come up with credible explanations for the tattoos every week (but not near as difficult as it would have been for Sandstorm to have come up with all of them months before any of the events and be able to get them all on Jane’s body in time…but we’ll suspend our disbelief!)
Rueben: I’d never heard on mancala before this episode so I totally bought into the explanation of the missing tattoo. I’m sure that’s what the writers were hoping for – viewers like me who are obviously clueless about the game.
Where Patterson’s A-HA moments are concerned, I saw that one coming as she was picking up the pill bottle, I just didn’t know where it was going to flow from there. Given how much emphasis they’re putting on the missing tattoo, it better lead to a pretty big reveal or else they’ve been leading us on and that’s more lame than anything.
Roz: I’m with you Cay on this clue to the tattoo being rather far fetched, but I appreciated that it was different. But we’ve also been dealing with fewer tattoo cases so maybe that’s one of the last odd reaches we’ll have to watch.
5. The Weller Baby drama seems to be settled. How do you feel about this ending?

BLINDSPOT — “Droll Autumn, Unmutual Lord” Episode 211 — Pictured: (l-r) Sullivan Stapleton as Kurt Weller, Quincy Dunn-Baker as Conor, Trieste Dunn as Allie — (Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC)
Lisa: I know it sounds bad, but I’m glad she’s going to move away. I really wasn’t interested in that story line. They can revisit Weller as a Daddy at a later time if they need to.
Cay: Lame! They had several opportunities to kill her off or have her lose the baby, but they don’t take them and instead she…moves to Colorado. Yeah, it solves the awkward problem, but they could have had the same result in a way that really could challenge Weller’s character. This seems like a major cop out.
Rueben: I agree…it is a big of a cop out that they just have her move away. As Cay said, they’ve had opportunities for something for more serious to happen, to challenge Weller (et al), but they didn’t. They are taking the easy way out of this story and that just doesn’t fit. For me, I’d just like to see this whole baby drama go away.
Roz: It bugs me that she’s just so easily dropped, but I can’t say I want more of that storyline to appear week in and week out.
6. Other thoughts or concerns?
Lisa: I still can’t shake the feeling that Nas has another agenda. When she brought in that doctor for Roman, I didn’t trust the doctor either. I really don’t trust her and it is bugging me! I could be totally way off base but I can’t let that feeling go.
Cay: I hear you, I also have lingering distrust, but maybe part of my discomfort is that she’s sleeping with Weller, which seems to be SUCH a bad idea! I mean so far interoffice romance on Blindspot have not ended well!
Lisa: That is a good point. I hated that Weller slept with Nas..Ugh… and it was a horrible decision on his part.
Rueben: I don’t trust Nas either so we’re all in agreement. There is something more going on (just like we all felt unsure about Borden for all that time and were proven correct). I can’t believe that Weller is still sleeping with her [Argh!] and think this was a bad idea from the get-go.
My other concern is for Patterson’s well-being after all that she has gone through. At some point she is going to have a meltdown. A person cannot go through all that she has experienced without having some PTSD or some kind of after-effect reaction, ya know?!
Roz: I feel like we’re all missing something with either Nas or someone else. The team is just too complacent for my liking.
Blindspot airs on Wednesdays at 8PM/7PM Central.