The Vampire Diaries: Coming Home Was A Mistake {Recap}
Damon, Damon, Damon. The opening montage of this episode was beautiful. It showed everyone in their home life as Matt called to deliver the news that Damon killed Tyler. Damon is on everyone’s hit list including mine! I really hope they turn things around for him because this isn’t the Damon I want to remember.*Deep sigh* Get you some wine and let’s get this thing started!! (yes, I always suggest wine when recapping The Vampire Diaries, Damon is stressing me out!).
Everyone showed up to Tyler’s funeral (except for Bonnie – she was busy babysitting Enzo) including Damon himself. He has a lot of nerve! He threatened to kill everyone and Alaric and Stefan are at a loss with Damon’s behavior. They can’t believe how far gone he is. Damon warned them that maybe now they will realize he isn’t worth saving. Damn you Damon!
Bonnie lit an imprisonment candle to keep Enzo trapped in the cabin while she tried to awaken his humanity. She talked about their love, she played the guitar and nothing seemed to work. She spoke to Caroline for support and Caroline reminded her that it was the love of her mother that made her turn her humanity switch back on. So Bonnie’s next move was to use his biggest fears against him, fire and abandonment. She was not giving up until he turned on his humanity switch. She lit the place on fire and continued to tell him that she was not leaving him. She kept saying it until she passed out from the smoke and Enzo had to save her. That girl is tough and she doesn’t give up! It worked. The thought of losing her brought him out. He flipped his switch and their love story will continue. Yay!
Now back to the drama that is Damon Salvatore. Damon called Stefan and wanted to meet with him at the Carnival. Stefan gave a final plea to turn on his humanity switch and at first it appeared to be working, but it didn’t. They fought and luckily Caroline showed up and shot Damon with vervain. That girl is always right on time. They chained Damon and put him in a coffin because he just can’t be trusted. It was a good plan until psycho Sybil broke free and freed Damon. This is going to all bad.
The gang gathered at the carnival to pay tribute to Tyler with everyone in attendance (including Bonnie & Enzo). Stefan reminded everyone that they need to remember to live and have fun moments because you never know what the future will hold. I think we all can benefit from that advice.
Just when we have a warm and fuzzy feeling of hope, it is ripped away. Caroline was showing Matt pictures of the girls and he recognized Seline. He warned them that they needed to go home immediately. Alaric and Caroline got home to see that Seline and the girls were gone. Mama bear Caroline is not going to be a pretty sight. Seline better watch out!
Favorite moment: I loved seeing the clip in the montage of Alaric having a tea party with the girls because it seemed so normal and sweet. There isn’t a lot of that currently going on in Mystic Falls.
What did you think about this episode? Is Damon driving you crazy? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. We will see you back for a new episode of The Vampire Diaries on December 2nd!
The Vampire Diaries airs Friday nights at 8/7c on The CW.