BLINDSPOT: Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform Discussion
This week’s Blindspot episode, the midseason finale, was definitely intense as promised with the pretty much the entire cast in mortal peril at some point during the hour. Definitely lots to talk about this week! As far as the title anagram goes, I’ve got nothing and I couldn’t find any hints elsewhere online, so if you have ideas, please share!
Jane has the crappiest phone of all time – a flip phone, really?
Leah: Uh….that’s the phone of choice for black ops in 2016! Right?
Roz: Yes, it’s lame, but it also might be low-tech which is better. I mean, it doesn’t have GPS, so the only way to track it is via cell phone towers.
Lisa: Seriously, do they still make those? I found the crapiness of her phone funny.
Rueben: It is pretty lame, but probably preferable to a group like Sandstorm for the very reason Roz stated. No GPS. But, still pretty lame!
Cay: A lot of the old flip phones had GPS for 911 purposes, it just wasn’t used for navigating in your car. No way that crappy phone took pictures as good as the ones that Patterson pulled up. I can suspend my belief for everything else, but the flip phone, that’s where I draw the line…lol
So, we found out Sandstorm’s endgame – blowing up the power grid/burning down half the country. We also found out why Jane got into the whole mess in the first place.
Cay: Nice to finally get a big chunk of backstory! Hard to know what Sandstorm really has planned versus what they wanted FBI to think
Leah: Finally. I will give this show one thing. They wrap up their arcs. They answer questions.
Roz: That it took this long to get the backstory is puzzling, but I guess for the purposes of a long con, it makes sense. As for the plan, well, what? I think it’s dumber than anything I’ve seen (and I watched Revolution) in terms of big plans that do not too much.
Lisa: I was glad to finally get the backstory, but pretty disappointed in their plan. Let’s blow up half the country! That was a little blah for me.
Rueben: Sure, it was great to learn the game plan, but like Cay said, given the fact that Shepherd and Roman knew Jane wasn’t really on their side, how much of that ‘plan’ was legit and how much was for Jane to report back? It was nothing more than a ruse to get the whole FBI team to the compound. What do they really have planned is what I want to know.
Jane injected Roman with the drug!
Cay: The scenes between them this week! The moving heart-to-heart between seconds before he gives her poisoned candy and Shepherd confronts her. Then Roman turns on Shepherd when he can’t kill Jane! Then she injects him to basically save him. Crazy! I was hoping she could turn him without wiping his memory, but this adds an interesting twist to the show.
Leah: The dynamic between Roman and Jane has been great for me. I love how he turned out compared to post memory wipe Jane. It’s been great watching them struggle with who they are.
Roz: I feel like The Offspring should come up with a song about these two and their dysfunction.
Lisa: Roz that is hilarious! I’m so curious as to who he will become with his memories erased. Will he be a better person? or will the frustration of not knowing his past influence him not to care about anything or anyone, which could totally backfire on Jane.
Rueben: As she was loading up that needle, I figured out that was what she was going to do. They have had such an amazingly complicated relationship; and I can only imagine how it’s going to turn out now.
Borden is the mole and he and Jane had a long previous history!
Cay: I hate this revelation for so many reasons! It was predictable but I hate the cliché of “middle-eastern terrorist”. Even worse that he was involved with Patterson. She can’t catch a break. At least this plot gave both Borden and Jane a plausible reason for their actions.
Leah: I hate this too….if for no other reason than Patterson is unlucky in love AGAIN!
Roz: I’m with you Cay, this is just not good. I don’t think his connection to Sandstorm is strong enough (though wow, fridging his wife for the purposes of getting him to see your way show is just one of many problems), especially since it seemed as if the US government just wanted to kill everyone in that part of Afghanistan regardless of if they were connected to Jane or not.
Lisa: I agree. It was predictable and I hoped the writers would be smarter than that. Although, I didn’t see the history with Jane coming. That part was cool. I just didn’t want Bordon to be the mole becasue it was so cliché like Cay said. Poor Patterson! Will we ever see her smile again?
Rueben: We had such suspicions from the get go about Borden, didn’t we? And it was hard to be proven right. I really wanted to like and trust him. So much for that, huh? And, like Leah said not only is Patterson unlucky in love TWICE, but also that cliffhanger of who got shot after she and Borden fought it out. Just gut wretching!!
The whole explosion/rescue had a real “very special episode” vibe. It felt like we were watching Grey’s Anatomy or something and all the main cast survived/seems like they will survive which seems unlikely with the damage.
Leah: That was a little ridiculous. There is enough drama in this show without having to make an episode that if it were set in Chicago would have the announcer guy saying, “The episode everyone will be talking about.”
Cay: Didn’t they say something similar to that in the preview last week?
Roz: That felt like unnecessary drama that didn’t need to be here.
Lisa: It definitely had a Grey’s Anatomy vibe. It kept me on the edge of my seat but there was enough storyline to carry the episode without all the extra drama too.
Rueben: Yeah, it seemed too easy that they found Nas and Reade too easily and that the main cast all made it out of that collapsed building too easily as well. In a real situation it just wouldn’t have worked out that way.
The whole Allison car accident scene they teased was all a ruse
Cay: I feel awful saying this, but that means we are going to have to deal with Baby Weller…
Leah: I am not loving the baby story….I don’t need Weller and whatever her name is to have a kid. It does not fit with the show….or I hope it doesn’t turn into a show where he starts bringing his kid to work.
Roz: Ugh, why show?
Lisa: Is it bad that I was not bothered at all when they said she was in a car accident? I really don’t care about that storyline at all.
Rueben: This was just a needless part of the story, but given the fact that Shepherd said they had a plan for Weller, I’m curious to find out just what they plan to do. That being said, though, this whole Allison/baby storyline hasn’t been any more welcome than adding Nas to the story.
Reade’s confession
Roz: If we’re talking about the “I love you” and then the truth about Jones, man being near death is good for the truth.
Leah: I’m glad he made his peace but I can’t find the whereforall to care. This story line has felt just…meh for me.
Lisa: I’m just glad Reade made it out ok becasue I thought he was a goner. I was also relieved that he didn’t kill that sicko and who can blame him for not saving him.
Rueben: I wasn’t expecting that, but like Roz said a man near death tends to speak the truth, and then if he survives, he’ll probably backpedal. But, it was good to learn his truth about what happened.
Cay: So, not guilty, but not completely innocent, either. In his shoes, though, would we have done differently? He could have saved a whole lot of grief not to mention prevent her from committing a felony had he told Zapata this from the beginning!
So now we’re left with Patterson’s life hanging in the balance
Cay: If they kill her, I’m done with the show, I swear!
Leah: Seconded!
Roz: Why do we need to constantly put the women on this show at risk? It’s dumb. Be a better story, please.
Lisa: I will be pissed if they kill her off! It better not be her. What a cliffhanger!
Rueben: This is just all kinds of wrong because Patterson, to me, is the backbone of the team; and it won’t work without her. If anything happens to her, I’m not going to be happy and may have to rethink watching anymore.
New episodes of Blindspot return on Wednesday, January 4th, on NBC!