THE MINDY PROJECT: Favorite things about “Mindy Lahiri is a Mysogynist” & “Leland Breakfast is the Miracle Worker”
Oh Mindy! You never fail to have us shaking our heads at your crazy antics. Since I missed out on posting my thoughts last week, you’re getting a two-for-one deal this week with my favorite things from this week’s and last week’s eps.
Last week’s ep we saw that with Jeremy recovering from his heart attack, it was time to hire another doctor at Schulman and Associates to help with the workload. Mindy wasn’t impressed when the candidates were all female and when she was accused of being a misogynist, she found a female doctor – Dr Anna Ziev (played by Red Band Society and Blood and Oil‘s Rebecca Rittenhouse) but felt a bit threatened when the rest of the team took more of liking to the new doc than she would have liked. Also in the ep, Mindy’s relationship with nurse Ben continued to flourish. Click through the gallery to find out what my five favorite things about the episode were:
This week we saw Jeremy desperately trying to impress old school chum and now theatre star/superhero movie star Leland Breakfast (played by Jack Davenport from SMASH), who also happens to take a liking to Mindy. However, Mindy rejects him in favor of her boyfriend Ben… or at least she thinks he is her boyfriend until a lab technician drops by the practice and introduces herself as Ben’s girlfriend. Ex-squeeze me?! Also in this episode, unable to continue working with Mindy after she rejected him, Jody decides to look into working at another practice much to Colette’s dismay. Click through the gallery below for my eight favorite things from this episode:
New episodes of The Mindy Project are released on Hulu every Tuesday.
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