LUCIFER 2×06: “Monster” Roundtable Discussion
This was an amazing episode, with a lot of forward movement in our characters, but before we dive in…
Lucifer was picked up for a full season! That means we get 22 episodes this season, and it looks good for a season 3!
Kevin Alejandro is nothing like his character on the show, Detective Douche. He’s always interacting with fans of the show on twitter and facebook, even if it’s just ‘liking’ a tweet. #fangirling
Since we always mention how amazing the music choices are, I thought I’d do a playlist for you. The links will take you to the Amazon Digital Download page for each song, just in case you want to sample or buy it. Here are the songs that were featured in this week’s episode:
Dance Like a Monster by Play Date
No Good by Kaleo
The Girl Is Back in Town by Chantal Claret
Way Down We Go by Kaleo
Haunted Rave by Gary and the Ghouls
Unforgiven by Tom Ellis (unavailable)
High Hopes by The Quails
The River by Blues Saraceno
Roundtable time!
Melissa: And thank goodness for that, because we have a lot more story opening up now!
Karen: Agreed! Things are getting really deep, and it’ll be nice to see more of the serious over-arching storylines.
Let’s start off slow. We probably all figured that the road to harmony between Chloe and Mazikeen would be a slow one. How’d you feel about their heart to heart and the Trick-or-Treating outing?
Melissa: Yeah, there will definitely be some growing pains in this roomie situation. I’m not sure how the show got the shot of Trixie on the swing past the censors, but I hope I never see something like that again!
Leah: Two very strong personalities is going to make it hard to compromise but I think they will work though it. The Trick or Treating was just the best thing. You realize Maze made a Halloween costume for Trixie. I know parents that won’t do that and at the last minute. Come on – how sweet!
Lisa: Maze and Trixie are my new favorite Duo!! Can we get a spinoff with them? As far as Chloe and Maze go, I think they will work out the initial roomate kinks and respect each other.
Cay: As much as I like Maze’s character, I have to question Chloe’s parenting skills for not seeing what a bad idea living with Maze is. Yes, it’s hilarious to do the odd couple storylines, but the juxtaposition of young kids and sex toys make me a bit uncomfortable! Yes, Maze did do a nice job with Trixie with Trick or Treating, but I wouldn’t want her near my kids (Lucifer is bad enough!).
Karen: I’ve never seen a worse pair of roomies to be honest. I know it will make for good TV, but I just can’t imagine Chloe and Maze getting along. Trixie on the other hand… she’s up for it. Trixie and Maze have a bond that can’t be explained – but I really love it.

Mazikeen in the Comics
Melissa: And Trixie thought it was cool! Did you see Maze’s sigh of relief when this precious girl accepted her true face? I almost cried.
Leah: Props to the makeup department on Lucifer. Great job with her real face! I love how chill Trixie was about it.
Lisa: That was so cool! I’m so glad we got to see her real face. Bravo to the Lucifer Makeup team!
Cay: They did a great job with the special effects. Trixie was chill because she thought it was a costume, that said, I think kids her age see people a bit more for who they are than what they look like.
Karen: I’ve been waiting for this day since the first episode. Mazikeen’s face is a huge part of her character, and being able to show her real self to someone is probably cathartic.
*sigh* Charlotte. What is she up to? Dragging Amenadiel out to see Uriel’s grave. Is she churning up some discord between her eldest son and his father?

Mommy looking a bit duplicitous?
Melissa: It sure does look like a move to get Amenadiel on her side, doesn’t it? And it seems to be working.
Leah: She is good – the your Father didn’t do this or your Father didn’t do that while pushing Amenadiel to grieve – she is slowly swaying her children to her side. Clever.
Lisa: I agree with Leah. She is trying to win her sons over to her side. But I still think she is up to something.
Cay: Playing devil’s advocate (haha!), maybe she isn’t scheming? Maybe she’s grieving, too, and trying to be the best mother than she can be? Or maybe she’s evil, there’s that, too.
Karen: Oh Cay… She’s definitely up to something. I think we’re finally seeing part of her plan. She’s drawing a line in the sand, and it’s God’s side or Her side. In real life, God’s wife was ‘cut out’ of history, even though evidence that she existed in text remain. So could it be because she’s overlooked while God gets “all the glory”?
Chloe and Lucifer seem to be drifting apart. I know it’s mostly due to his angst, but I really wish he felt like he could open up to her. Do you think that’ll ever happen?

Chloe’s giving it one last-ditch attempt
Melissa: I thought he was on the verge of do so, right up until he showed Dr. Linda his true face. *sigh* It’s going to take him a while to come back from her reaction.
Leah: Did Chloe seem more “these are the rules” “stop messing around” “be serious” than usual? I suppose that was the point while Lucifer was spiraling down but I did not love it. Chloe is evidence above all else so until Lucifer shows her something she absolutely can’t explain there is no point in continuing to open up in any verbal way.
Lisa: I felt bad for Luci and wanted him to tell her. I hope he gets to a point where he opens up to her. She knew something was wrong.
Cay: He was acting out in royal fashion. His antics on a normal day push (and typically cross) boundaries, but he was in rare form and completely and totally over the line – eating the wedding cake, making out with the bridesmaid, trying to commit suicide by sniper. So, I don’t blame her at all, but at the same time, her character often comes off a bit harsh, so part of me felt bad for Luci, too.
Karen: This was heartbreaking to watch. She was doing her best to reach out to him, but there he was, not taking that hand. Then he faces (literally) Doctor Linda, and gets rejected. We thought he was down this week, I can’t imagine how he’ll be next week.
Do you think there will be other-worldly consequences to Lucifer’s actions? I just want to take the temperature of the room on this one. (we had a bit of a discussion about this, and we decided to include it all)
Melissa: Yes. There has to be.
Leah: I want to say yes but I also think that sometimes people punish themselves. They feel like God is doing these things to them but really it is what they are doing to themselves. The show continually states that God is silent – or that he doesn’t answer so I’m curious to see how the show handles this.

Lucifer’s only reliable form of therapy
Melissa: You touched on something here that’s been an issue for me for quite a while – that God is silent. Lucifer explicitly addressed this last week when he talked about wars being fought over people interpreting/misinterpreting God’s words. This is all leading up to us actually hearing from God, right? But if God becomes an active participant, an entity who responds rather than one who is talked about/to, how does that change the show’s dynamic?
Leah: For me the problem is if God responds than there is no more misinterpreting. If God says something I feel like that is final. As long as he silently does “nothing” (as far as they are concerned) then they can continue to interpret what they are supposed to be or should be or want to be doing. Uriel didn’t even hear from God. He was doing what he figured was the right thing to do based on what Lucifer did or didn’t do. No one is doing anything at this moment that God has specifically told them to do. It leaves a lot open.
Melissa: That’s my concern as well. There’s a finality that comes from having God be an active participant rather than a passive “other” at whom Lucifer can direct his anger (and hurt), Charlotte can scheme, and Maze can disdain. Narratively, though, it seems like we’re building to an appearance from dear old Dad.
Karen: Okay, I’m going to chime in here with my comic knowledge and say that we’re building towards something, but I don’t think it’ll necessarily be an appearance per se. So many things happen in Lucifer’s 75 episodes, and it culminates in a very surprising way. I honestly have no idea if the showrunners are headed in that direction, but my intuition says they might be. If so, they don’t need God to show up, but they would need his presence felt in one way or another. A definite presence. And as far as repercussions go, Luci is punishing himself harshly enough right now, he doesn’t need anybody piling on – but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
Lisa: Yes, but I think this will be a tough thing to for the show to convey. I’m curious to see how it goes.
Cay: What exactly happens when one celestial being kills another? I’m assuming that it has happened before or things like Maze’s daggers and the sword that Luci used wouldn’t exist, but it is interesting that we never hear God, we just see others act in a way that they think that he wants. Luci prayed for Chloe’s life and she was spared and then he promised to punish Charlotte, but we don’t know for sure that either was what God wanted exactly, just how Luci interpreted it. Then Uriel comes down to make Luci hold up his end of the bargain, but it seems like this was more something he took upon himself, rather than something he was made or sent to do.
Okay, now for the biggie. He’s finally outed himself to someone in the inner circle. Dr. Linda. She didn’t take it well. Lucifer did it as calmly as he could, and to be fair, she asked him to be honest. Where are the chips gonna fall on both sides of this couch?

Luci bares all
Melissa: Oh boy. Dr. Linda looked terrified. And Lucifer looked heartbroken. I can only imagine what was going through Dr. Linda’s mind after seeing his face – her entire belief system just took a mighty blow. All this time she’s been treating Lucifer’s confessions as metaphors, and now she has proof that everything he’s been telling her is the literal truth. I think she’ll be able to process it eventually, but it will take some time.
Leah: Poor Doctor Linda. She did ask for honesty. He gave her complete honesty and she freaked out. He should have started with Trixie! 🙂 I think Doctor Linda will get it together sooner rather than later but she is going to question everything she heard from Lucifer and at some point realize she was sleeping with the devil. Should be a fun time for her…
Lisa: Lawd Dr. Linda needs therapy now! I hope she has a threapist friend to call because that information was just too much for her. I think with time, she will sort it out but I definitely think it will change her.
Cay: yeah, my first thought is how do you reconcile the fact that you were sleeping with the actual Devil? And that the charming, handsome man she knows, who seems to have a heart, is actually everything we’ve been told is evil?
His face actually made me think…it sounds like Luci wasn’t necessarily born to be in hell, but was basically sent there for challenging his father. So, did he develop that face in hell, or did he always have it? If he always had it, then does Amenadiel also have a face like that? We know that Charlotte doesn’t have a human body of her own, but don’t know what she might have looked like without it. Just thinking… back to Dr. Linda, it’s going to take her a bit of time to process, but I think she’ll come around. After all, she wants to help him, and it’s not like he’s ever really lied to her – he told her, she just didn’t believe.
Karen: If I were there, I’d be scolding Dr. Linda BIG. TIME. Dude. He needs you more than ever! Okay, I get it. He’s the Devil for realsies. Did she not even entertain the possibility it could be true? I mean, I’m guessing that’s a no since she spaced out there at the end. Watching the preview for next week I’m not really proud of her reaction once she sobers up either. Darn you Linda! *shakes fist*
Favorite scenes:

We ALL chose the Trick-or-Treating scenes as our favorites – nice to have a consensus there.
Melissa: Trixie’s President of Mars (duh) costume was amazing! I wish we’d seen Maze making it!
Leah: Maze wins MVP for me. She made a costume, took Trixie trick or treating and fell asleep holding her on the couch. She wins.
Lisa: Maze & Trixie Trick-or-Treating is the best thing! Loved it!
Karen: Lucifer gives Dan a hug in order to lift his badge and gun, never seen a more uncomfortable bro-hug in my life.
Leah: I have a comment about Detective Dan. How many times during the episode did he offer to remove Lucifer or act like a….douche? It was a little jarring after they were kind of bonding last week. Not to mention he talked shit about Lucifer ALL EPISODE and then thought well, since Lucifer stole some files maybe we could just use them for a bit. I felt like that was exactly the kind of behavior that got him in trouble in the first season. Letting little rules slide, etc…And then Chloe who preached all the live long day about behavior and rules, etc…just “borrows” the files.
Chloe: “I’m gonna talk to some witnesses, and pull yourself together. You look like a homeless magician.”
Lucifer: “Freddy’s Dutch Oven”? (opens a ziploc bag, sniffs) Love this place.
Homeowner: “What are you, young lady?”
Maze: “She’s the president of Mars. Duh.”
Trixie: “Yeah duh.”
Chloe: That’s not OUR Halloween!
Chloe: No drinking at a crime scene!
Lucifer: They got to that “until death do we part thing” really quickly, didn’t they?
Lucifer airs Mondays at 9/8c on FOX