THE GOOD PLACE: “Most Improved Player” {Roundtable}
The Good Place finally allowed Eleanor (Kristen Bell) to tell the truth about her not being so good to be in The Good Place. Michael (Ted Danson) goes on his version of a fact-finding mission and comes to some conclusions about what should happen to Eleanor.
Spoiler alert: Eleanor doesn’t like the answer. She’s not the only one, too.
Leah, Melissa and Roz dove into this game-changing episode.
1. Janet loves cacti. Discuss.
Leah: I mean who doesn’t love a good cactus? Janet is hilarious in her beginning stages of life.

THE GOOD PLACE — “Most Improved Player” Episode 107 — Pictured: (l-r) Ted Danson as Michael, Manny Jacinto as Jianyu — (Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC)
Melissa: That was an amusing visual gag. Michael’s desk overflowing with cacti made me laugh. I’m sure there’s a deeper meaning to that choice, but I have a cold and my mental faculties are impaired.
Roz: I worry that all those cacti are way too tall to be in those small pots, but it was hilarious to watch them multiple in Michael’s office. Can they be the Tribbles of this show?
2. Do you like the moral absolutes that Michael establishes when he’s discussing how Eleanor’s place here is damaging? Or would you like less black and white between the Good Place and the Bad Place?
Leah: I would like to think Eleanor’s growth in The Good Place should count for something so I guess I like the grey.
Melissa: Eleanor’s argument that there should be “a Medium Place” for people like her – citing Kant! – makes me wonder if that’s where the show is heading. Perhaps Michael will get to build another neighborhood for people like Eleanor and Jian-yu? But what does that mean for some of these other characters we’ve met? Can they get on the train and visit each other?
Roz: I live for grey characters and grey moments from a show/movie. I think it’s much better if we both want to root for and against a character, so in general I think Michael’s absolutes are not going to yield many people being one hundred percent good or bad.

THE GOOD PLACE — “Most Improved Player” Episode 107 — Pictured: (l-r) Kristen Bell as Eleanor, Ted Danson as Michael — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
3. The show wants the audience to feel something about Tahani (Jameela Jamil). Based on what she did today, how do you feel about her?
Leah: I have a confession. I don’t like Tahani. She is always a slightly condescending…..brat.
Melissa: You know, technically Tahani has been altruistic and she isn’t lying about her famous friends and how they feel about her, but her attitude…here’s another example of gray creeping into the discussion.
Roz: I’m not a fan of her attitude at all, and the name-dropping this week comes off as trying to put herself above everyone else in The Good Place. I wish she’d think less about her relationship to what she does and more about what’s she’s doing. She did great things while alive, but I think she always thought of the attention and notice that came with them.
4. Trevor (Adam Scott) is a great foil to Michael. Which place would you rather be in based on Trevor’s and Michael’s personality?
Leah: I like Michael’s child like wonder at all things human…even if Trevor is darkly amusing.
Melissa: Uh, Michael, every time. “I can’t wait to torture you” does not sound appealing.

THE GOOD PLACE — “Most Improved Player” Episode 107 — Pictured: (l-r) Ted Danson as Michael, Kristen Bell as Eleanor — (Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC)
Roz: I know I’d probably hate The Bad Place, but I think Trevor’s got a better attitude about live than Michael does. Wonder only does so much for me. I also silently think I’m a horrible person most of the time, so…
(Side note, I also wanted Trevor to ask Eleanor, “Are you having fun yet?” just for the Party Down reference.
Also, hello third time that Scott and Bell have worked together.)
5. HOLY DOPPLEGANGER ELEANOR! Speculate on where you want these two to go.
Leah: Well now I feel bad! The “real” Eleanor is in The Bad Place? That isn’t good….or fair. I’m “emotionally invested” in the blonde Eleanor. I have no idea where this should go.
Melissa: Ish just got real! We wondered where the “right” Eleanor was, and now we know. This is going to get really messy; I can’t wait. 🙂
Roz: I think the show would have to do a major reset to have the other Eleanor switch with the one we already know (and also mean we say goodbye to all those great people from The Good Place), but something has to happen to both the Eleanors for some “order” to be restored.
The Good Place airs on Thursdays at 8:30PM/7:30 Central on NBC.