BLINDSPOT: “Resolves Eleven Myths” {Roundtable}
Blindspot tackled the return of Rich Dotcom (Ennis Esmer) and a dangerous assassin sent to kill him, Acadian, while also dealing with both the investigation into Coach Jones’ death and Nas’ (Archie Panjabi) attempt at spying on the team.
Oh and Roman (Luke Mitchell) and Sandstorm are still plotting their next big move.
So let’s dive in as Leah, Lisa, Rueben, Cay and Roz all address the big questions from “Resolves Eleven Myths”.
1. Rich Dotcom is back and wants the FBI to keep him safe from Acadian. Is he who you wanted to see return a third time? If not, who would you rather seen come back?
Leah: Oddly enough I don’t mind Dotcom. He’s annoying but for some reason he makes me laugh. “You have until I’m done watching Stranger Things”.
Lisa: Yes! I love Rich and was happy to see him return. He cracks me up. I would love to see him join the team like he suggested.
Rueben: Rich is an interesting character and really keeps the team on their toes. He’s the character you love to hate, but I’m not sure if I would want him joining the team. It might be a bit too much of him all the time. I can’t really say there is anyone else I’d rather see come back, but maybe have a mini-reunion between Weller and his sister.
Cay: Put me in the Rich fan club. He’s ridiculous, but he adds some much-needed levity and I love all the pop-culture references – stealing Dobbie the House Elf’s death sequence – too funny! I also love the battle of the wits between him and Patterson.
Roz: I’m also a fan of Rich, but this week because we were contained in the FBI offices, his humor felt off. He’s better in the real world where everyone will laugh at his pop culture references and not give him side-eye for an ill-timed joke. Since he’s not dead, I think he’ll be back again to liven up another episode.

BLINDSPOT — “Resolves Eleven Myths” Episode 207 — Pictured: Ennis Esmer as RichDot Com — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
2. How much do you want to believe Jane’s (Jaimie Alexander) support for Roman doing bad things is for the sake of Sandstorm or because he’s just a sociopath?
Leah: I believe Jane is desperate for family or real connections and that loud her judgement when it comes to Roman. Save a memory wipe Roman is who he is an that is a dyed in the wool killer.
Lisa: I think Jane is unable to see her brother as a sociopath and could never come to grips with that. It’s much easier for her to excuse his actions for the sake of Sandstorm. The fact that she thinks she can convert him lets me know she thinks he can change for the better.
Rueben: I agree with Lisa that Jane can’t see her brother as anything other than her brother and the slowly-coming-back-to-me-now memories of their childhood together. But I think she is severely underestimating his level of devotion to Sandstorm. She may think he can change for the better, but I don’t see that happening.
Cay: Based on that last scene, we will likely see which direction things with him are going to go soon. I really feel for Jane here – she doesn’t like the person he currently is, but she can’t let go of the person she remembers. What an awful place to be in, especially when it will likely end up in death for one or both of them (seeing as Jane is the whole purpose of the show, I’m thinking she survives!)
Roz: I think she wants to believe he’s killing all those people just because of Sandstorm, but I think we’ve seen time and time again how violent he is and how easy it is for him to go off mission.
3. Reade (Rob Brown) makes a good point about why Zapata (Audrey Esparza) was so invested in his case against Jones. Do you think she’s really addicted to risk now that she’s off gambling?
Leah: I’m not a fan of Zapata this season. She has this smug, I’ve never been on the wrong side of things attitude when she talks to Jane and I agree with Reade. She’s basically trading one form of her addiction for another.
Lisa: Yes, and that is a good point. I honestly think Zapata is nosy and wants to be in everyone’s business to avoid dealing with her own issues.
Rueben: Yes. She obviously needs to fill the void of not having her gambling addiction giving her the high she craves so she’s using the high of a cover-up in the Coach Jones case to “complete” her.
Cay: Or maybe she really does think he did it and feels that it is up to her to protect him. Obviously she’s realizing how deep she’s gotten herself in once again…how long can she keep getting away with all this stuff before someone figures it out?
Roz: I think she’s got a serious case of White Knight Syndrome and wants to help out wherever she can. Obviously she’s in too deep now in this, and her help for Reade is not going to allow his other friend off the hook (unless she finds a way to get that knife back).

BLINDSPOT — “Resolves Eleven Myths” Episode 207 — Pictured: Audrey Esparza as Tasha Zapata — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
4. If I’m not mistaken this is Blindspot’s attempt at a bottle episode. Do you like the idea of containing the story to the FBI building or would you want more action out of the office?
Leah: I prefer the out of office action.
Lisa: I don’t think it would work on a weekly basis, but I very much enjoyed this episode. I think every now and again focusing on the team and their building is cool.
Rueben: Yes, I think the idea and agree with Lisa. Sure, they have to go into the field for nearly all of their cases, but it was great to see things contained within the building for once.
Cay: I thought this was one of the better episodes this year – artsier than usual and advanced a number of plot points, plus was entertaining thanks to Dotcom.
Roz: I think the tension of Acadian in the office served a great purpose and a great example of a bottle episode in a show that doesn’t seem too wedded to staying in one place all episode. But, I think the last act out of the office was exactly what was needed after that internal drama was handled.
5. How do you feel about all the details from the last act? Which one feels the most important: Roman knowing Jane’s siding with the FBI, Zapata finding a switchblade not a kitchen knife from the Jones crime scene, or Jane saying no to Oliver?
Leah: Overall it’s Roman and Jane. Personally for the team it’s Zapata an Reade.
Patterson talking about her first date…”He cried for hours” or something to that effect craked me up.
Lisa: Zapata finding the switchblade from the crime scene resonated with me the most. I literally yelled “No way!” at the TV. They definitely gave us a lot to think about in this episode.
Rueben: I wasn’t surprised that Jane walked away from Oliver, as I don’t believe she’s in the right “space” to start any kind of relationship with someone outside of the team because of all the secrets she’s already keeping, but, like Lisa, I reacted to the knife that Zapata “removed” from evidence. That reveal just supplants that Reade didn’t kill the Coach and points the finger at Freddy (at least for now).
Cay: There was no way Jane and Oliver were going to work because of all the points that became clear – what exactly does she tell people outside the FBI? She obviously hasn’t put any time into any kind of a cover story because she hasn’t really needed one yet.
The other two were really big reveals – Zapata screwed up (again!) and what will Roman do with the info? Will he try to kill Jane, even as she tries to convince others that he isn’t beyond redemption?
Roz: From the larger story point, I think Roman knowing Jane’s siding with the FBI is going to cause the most damage. Will he tell Sheppard that his sister isn’t on their side? But Zapata finding that switchblade is equally big for what’s going on with that case and her relationship with Reade.
Blindspot airs on Wednesdays at 8PM/7PM Central. Check out another roundtable next week.