ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago Fire 5×01, Chicago P.D. 4×04 & Chicago Med 2×04 recap
With the return of Chicago Fire, the action was in full force in NBC’s ONE CHICAGO world this week! Read on to find out what went down with the leading ladies of Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D.and Chicago Med this week…

CHICAGO FIRE — “The Hose or The Animal” Episode 501 — Pictured: (l-r) David Eigenberg as Christopher Hermann, Monica Raymond as Gabriela Dawson — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Gabriela Dawson: Following on from last season, Dawson, Casey and Louie are playing happy families in the apartment above Hermann’s family home. After returning from a call, Dawson begins to question whether she can be both a parent and firefighter – what if something happens to both her and Casey while they’re on a call together? She’s obviously shaken up over this and Hermann has a nice heart-to-heart with her, reassuring Dawson that she’s a great firefighter and a great mother and that she can do both. He’s not the only one who thinks so either. In a sweet scene, Severide drops by the apartment with firefighter toys for Louie and tells Dawson and Casey that it’s time for him to move out so that the new family can live together in a larger space. Can we please have more friendship scenes between these three please? When drama goes down with firefighter-turned-paramedic Jimmy Borelli, paramedic-turned-firefighter Dawson jumps at the chance to jump on ambo for the shift again and partner up with Brett. Bonus, she gets to drive – something that her former partner Shay used to call dibs on. At the end of the ep over drinks at Molly’s (and a brief interlude of Chicago P.D.’s Antonio flirting with Brett right in front of Dawson – oh the expressions of Dawson’s face as she witnesses her bro pull the moves on her friend and colleague were priceless!), Brett tells Dawson any time she wants to jump on ambo, she will happily have her on board. And so would we – we’re all for a bit of Girl Power on this show! Dawson also appears in this week’s Chicago Med on paramedic duty but without Brett.

CHICAGO FIRE — “A Real Wake-up Call” Episode 502 — Pictured: Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Sylvie Brett: I’m hoping that all the Sylvie Brett awesomeness in this season premiere is a sign of great things to come for the paramedic this season. While her ambo partner Borelli was lashing out in reaction to the death of his brother last season, Brett is keeping things light in this ep. First she entertains the firehouse with some firehouse fiction she has discovered online. (I think Otis and Cruz’s reactions throughout this whole storyline was my favorite thing about this episode!) The author of these steamy stories is a mystery, but the Firehouse 51 crew can’t help but seem to notice that the stories and characters have similarities to them. While Herrmann, Cruz and Otis are convinced that the author is receptionist Connie, Brett figures out that it’s none other than Mouch! As a lover of trashy romance novels and recognizing that his stories need a more feminine voice, Brett proposes to Mouch that they team up together and get published. Then, after Antonio Dawson comes to their rescue while they’re on a call, Brett can’t help but remark to Gabby that her brother is in really good shape – we saw you checking out his guns, Brett and we’re not talking about his police weapon. (To be fair, we also noticed him admiring the way she gave a victim, his C.I, a reality check en route to the hospital.) If Ms Dawson was already freaked out by that, she definitely was when her bro and friend started flirting at Molly’s right in front of her – Antonio basically inserted himself in between the two friends and turned all his attention to Brett and her “magic hands”, haha!

CHICAGO FIRE — “The Hose or The Animal” Episode 501 — Pictured: (l-r) Oliver Platt as Dr. Daniel Charles, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Stella Kidd: I don’t know about you but after Kidd’s ex-husband Grant didn’t come at them with the kitchen knife in the show’s opening scene like I was expecting him to, I couldn’t help but be on edge all episode just waiting for him to jump out like a villain from a bad horror film! Don’t forget we knew that he was sitting in the other room in the dark like a creeper whilst clutching a kitchen knife as Kidd and Severide were getting it on in her apartment in the closing moments of last season’s finale, but Kidd didn’t even know he had escaped from Chicago Med! It’s not until after Severide leaves the next morning that Kidd checks her phone and discovers the message from Chicago Med‘s Dr Charles. Of course then she hears noises in the apartment but only discovers her unstable ex’s discarded hospital bracelet. She still doesn’t realize that he was there while she and Severide were together!! She seems to play off that he’s harmless and “wouldn’t hurt a fly” but we see him lurking around throughout the ep. It’s not until she’s taking the trash outside at Molly’s, that he finally approaches her and pretty much loses it – calling her a whore before lunging at her with that damn knife! After awkwardly rejecting Kidd’s offer that he could stay with her now that he’s looking for a new place. (“I’ve seen a lot of highway accidents less horrific than how you just handled that,” remarked Cruz), Severide happens to stumble across them and fights Grant off. But not before slashing Grant in the throat and the episode ends with Grant lying on the ground bleeding out… Uh-oh.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Big Friends Big Enemies” Episode 404 — Pictured: (l-r) Patrick Flueger as Adam Ruzek, LaRoyce Hawkins as Kevin Atwater, Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: This week’s Chicago P.D. ep opens up Lindsay and Ruzek working overtime and patrolling a concert. As they wait for the gig to end, they’re talking about Lindsay and Halstead now living together and Ruzek is under the impression that she’s getting cold feet. Lindsay points out that it’s only been four days and she’s only working extra shifts so they can pay off the mortgage quicker, not because she’s avoiding her partner/boyfriend. (The Chicago P.D. Facebook shared a cute Linstead deleted scene from this week’s ep that pretty much confirms their relationship is stable and they’re very happy together. If you haven’t already seen the clip, definitely check it out because it certainly made this fangirl’s heart swoon. #DetectiveHalstud) Besides, Ruzek is the last person Lindsay would take relationship advice from given his track record. Before they can banter more, shots are suddenly fired and the two cops race outside to see a guy in a black SUV still shooting and also running people over on the street. It’s not long before Voight arrives on the scene and initiates a “Plan 3”, which involves notifying Homeland Security and the FBI! While they initially suspect that it’s terrorism or a hate crime, the Intelligence unit eventually deduce that it’s gang related and the war is far from over. When they finally find the shooter and Lindsay quietly cuffs him, they’re shocked to discover that he’s just a kid in junior high!

CHICAGO P.D. — “Big Friends Big Enemies” Episode 404 — Pictured: (l-r) Jason Beghe as Hank Voight, Li Jun Li as Julie Tay, Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Kim Burgess: Burgess and Tay are once again a team this week (Yay!), assisting Intelligence with leads in the hopes of finding answers about this week’s case. While questioning potential shooters or targets, Burgess is shocked to discover Atwater’s younger brother, Jordan, at the home of one of their persons of interest. Unimpressed, she drags him home and stays there on guard until Atwater arrives home once the case is solved. Burgess and Atwater share a sweet moment where he thanks her and she tells him she always has his back and that goes for his family too. It’s scenes like these that make me miss all the Burgwater awesomeness from season one!
Trudy Platt: After the horrific events of last week’s episode, Platt is already back at work (and nursing a nasty shiner) and after Tay informs Atwater about Burgess finding his brother, Platt reminds him he has a job to do when he hesitates going with Voight to the hospital after victim TK comes out of surgery.

CHICAGO MED — “Brother’s Keeper” Episode 204 — Pictured: S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Sharon Goodwin: The Chief Administrator certainly has her hands full this week! She gets called into a serious meeting when Dr Choi has a case with a patient regarding resuscitation and who has the power of attorney in the situation. While Dr Choi and Dr Rhodes get a bit emotionally involved with the case, it’s Sharon who keeps calm and is level headed in the situation. There is also an outbreak of an antibiotic superbug with two patients being admitted to Gaffney Chicago Medical Center and so Sharon calls in new doctor Dr Robin Charles from the Epidemiology department and yes she’s related to Dr Charles – she’s his oldest daughter from his first marriage! Sharon is not just Dr (Daniel) Charles’ colleague, she’s also his friend so she checks in with him about how he’s going with his daughter being not only back in town but also working at Chicago Med. Back to the superbug case – it turns out it was spread around due to faulty hospital equipment – something that the manufacturers have asked Sharon to keep on the downlow much to Dr Manning and Dr Halstead’s disbelief.

CHICAGO MED — “Brother’s Keeper” Episode 204 — Pictured: (l-r) Jeff Hephner as Jeff Clarke, Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Maggie Lockwood: Maggie firsts pops up in Chicago P.D. this week, informing Voight and Atwater that their victim didn’t make it. As for Chicago Med, all this time I’ve been expressing my hopes that we learn more about Maggie and get to Marlyne Barrett shine on the show and it seems that season I’m getting my wish. (Hurray!) Following on from last week’s episode, we continue to delve into the head nurse’s personal life when she brings med student Jeff Clarke with her to “The Farm”. The Farm is another section of the hospital where they keep coma patients. Maggie reveals to Jeff that she visits The Farm regularly every week, in particular a patient named Cindy. Maggie formed a connection with her when she was brought into the ER and had an aneurysm. At that time, Maggie’s mother had just passed away and so when one of Connie’s last words were “Maggie Pie”, a nickname that Maggie’s mom used to give her, it couldn’t just be a coincidence. Since they couldn’t track down any family for Cindy, she was moved to The Farm where she remained on life support, and Maggie visits her regularly to update her on her life and happenings in the hospital (and paints her nails). After their visit to The Farm, an inspired Jeff manages to track down Cindy’s sister. Unfortunately, his well-meaning gesture backfires as the sister decides to remove Cindy from life support. When Sharon breaks the news to her, Maggie rushes off clearly upset. Later on she says goodbye to Cindy, with Jeff and Sharon there to support her. At the end of the episode she is at Molly’s alone, as is Sarah Reese, and so the two end up sitting together in silence. With Maggie usually so upbeat and lively, it was a bit unnerving seeing her so down and defeated.

CHICAGO MED — “Brother’s Keeper” Episode 204 — Pictured: (l-r) Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning, Nick Gehlfuss as Will Halstead — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Natalie Manning: Nat thinks she’s being all stealthy with her new relationship with Jeff Clarke, sharing “secret” glances and smiles at work, dropping him off before going to park her car and pretending she wasn’t just kissing him a mere 5 minutes ago, but everyone knows that they’re together – even Dr Halstead. Speaking of Halstead, he seems to have moved on from Dr Manning and is enjoying getting to know pathologist Dr Nina Shore. Those two are pretty cute together if I do say so myself, and it looks like by the episode’s end Nat is realising what could have been. It doesn’t help when new doc Dr Robin Charles tells Nat that she thinks her and Halstead make a cute couple and good team. Awks! I do enjoy seeing the friendship and banter between Nat and Halstead and I like that she values his opinion on cases and tends to seek his advice a lot. This week, Nat is treating a young cancer patient. She’s a regular patient of Nat’s and has been brought in with a fever. It turns out that she has an antibiotic resistant superbug, which is now good since her immune system is already down due to her illness. Nat fears that it’s her own fault that the superbug is spreading, thinking that if she had picked up on her young patient’s symptoms earlier she could have stopped it. Halstead repeatedly tells her it’s not her fault and they don’t even know if the young patient is the one who is spreading it. Still, Nat is pretty hard on herself in this ep so it’s a good thing they figure out the actual cause by the episode’s end. Speaking of episode’s end, we get to see Nat show off her violin playing skills again when the hospital staff have a little musical jam session on the roof that night. It’s great to see the show refer to and bring back things that were revealed in previous episodes and seasons!

CHICAGO MED — “Brother’s Keeper” Episode 204 — Pictured: (l-r) Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton, Brian Tee as Ethan Choi — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
April Sexton: Dr Choi and Dr Rhodes are treating an elderly man with demensia whose son and young girlfriend are at a disagreement at what the patient’s wishes are. Ultimately the son as next of kin has power of attorney and he insists that the life-saving surgery the two doctors are suggesting is not what his father wants. When the patient takes a turn for the worst, Dr Choi is convinced that the patient said “Save Me” and arranges for the surgery. April, who was also present at the time, didn’t hear what Dr Choi heard but tells him that their job is to save lives.

CHICAGO MED — “Brother’s Keeper” Episode 204 — Pictured: (l-r) Rachel DiPillo as Sarah Reese, Oliver Platt as Daniel Charles — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr Sarah Reese: When a patient is admitted with bowel obstruction but freaks out at being touched and is eager to get out of the hospital asap, Dr Charles is brought in to consult. Noticing the patient’s awkwardness, he decides to bring in Dr Reese and have her take the lead on the case. Considering how socially awkward she can be at times, I was particularly impressed by how Reese handled the patient, not pushing him to talk and just sitting with him and making normal conversation until he felt comfortable enough to open up. She soon discovers that he’s taken heroin, which is most likely what is affecting him. However, the plot thickens when his “mother” arrives and he begins to clam up much to Reese’s frustration – I thought this woman was a bit young to be his mother and while my intuition was correct I totally didn’t see the next twist coming – she’s his pimp! The patient had taken heroin because he’s a trafficker. Sensing that the patient is fearful and doesn’t want to leave the hospital, Reese does her best to try and stall his release but it’s not enough to stop the pimp from dragging him out of there. It’s a hard lesson for Reese to learn that you can’t save everyone, even those he may want the help and so we see at Molly’s by herself at the episode’s end, before joining Maggie to commiserate in silence.
Shout Out of the Week: This week, I’m giving it to Chicago Fire’s Sylvie Brett and Chicago Med‘s Dr Sarah Reese. We saw all different elements to Brett this week – from her clueyn-ess in getting in on Mouch’s firehouse fiction, her ability to switch from sweet to firm when dealing with patients on the job, to being a single woman unafraid of some good ol’ flirtation even if it is with your friend and colleague’s older brother. Like I mentioned before, I’m hoping that all the awesomeness in this ep is a sign of great things to come for the paramedic this season! As for Reese, I was quite impressed by the way she stepped up the game and found her to be quite mature in this episode. She’s really coming into her own this season and it’s great to see her take charge and also try and relate to her patients and be more confident.
Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. Chicago Justice will debut mid-season. All four shows air on NBC.
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