BLINDSPOT: If Beth Roundtable
This week’s episode title is simpler than usual, and it seems like the best guess for the anagram is “The Fib”. Which fib this refers to is obviously up for interpretation as there was no shortage of potential subterfuge in this episode.
We continue to see some major trust issues within the team as well as some pretty significant anger issues (we’re looking at you, Reade!). If that wasn’t enough, we also get an undercover mission at a swanky gala!
Check out our thoughts on the episode below (spoiler: we’re a bit mystified by the mythology), and be sure to add yours in the comments!
We saw Jane (Jaime Alexander) get rather energized for Sandstorm’s cause for the first time.
Rueben: It was only a matter of time until she started to see things for Sandstorm’s point of view especially given that she’s in the middle of a very difficult and tenuous situation. And given what Roman showed her, it’s hard not to be moved by what went wrong at Lake Aurora.
Leah: I find it disturbing. It’s just one more tilt towards her original self. I am not sure we want that “Jane” to show up.
Roz: Oy vey. The end is coming if Jane’s going to side with them more and more. I’d rather not see Jane go off the rails (more than she already does).
Lisa: It’s not looking good. I really liked “Taylor” Jane. Now we have no idea who she will become. I’m with Roz. I really don’t want to see her go off the rails.
Nothing like a good undercover mission at a fancy party!
Rueben: Well, we’ve got to see them all glammed out, right? And, what better way for Jane to take out a suspect than to be in high fashion and heels. I thought it was quite interesting too that Jane responded to the box that Weller presented to her, thinking they were going undercover as a married couple again, only to have new earbuds in the box.
Leah: I am all for any op that let’s Patterson out in the field and requires massive makeup and formal wear. They looked good and kicked butt while being all fancy.
Lisa: Yay fancy parties! I love seeing them all dressed up. And can we mention Jane’s hair! Her hair was super fancy. I love seeing them kick ass and being glam!
Roz: I’m all for fancy parties. I’m all for Patterson out in the field. I’m not on board with garrotes to the neck and Reade’s trauma coming through in unexpected ways.
Clearly Reade’s (Rob Brown) abuse subplot is not going away
Rueben: Yep, and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better in light of him beating that first suspect up, hitting that older man at the museum and then sitting outside Coach Jones’s house.
Leah: I like the idea of Reade having a story of his own, but for some reason I’m having trouble getting on board or caring about this. That sounds terrible, but….
Roz: I wish Reade’s first big story didn’t have to deal with so much childhood trauma, but it’s good to see him doing something other than brood over Weller’s sister.
Lisa: Yeah, I’m glad he’s not pining over Weller’s sister anymore, but I hate to see him change because of his childhood trauma. He’s a good guy and this storyline is going to get dark. I feel bad for him.
Cay: ALL of the individual character subplots have been DARK – Weller’s dad killed Taylor Shaw, Jane’s whole existence is dark, Patterson’s boyfriend David was killed, Zapata’s involved in all sorts of not good things, now Reade…
Thinking about the show mythology, why do you think Sandstorm put all the tattoos on Jane? What do they stand to gain by all those other crimes being thwarted?
Rueben: I wish I had an answer for that, but I just don’t. It’s been quite interesting to follow along with the show, but I’ve not been able to piece all the tattoos or their true, underlying purpose together at all. We know there is obviously an end game planned by Sandstorm, but why they want the FBI to figure all those other crimes based on her tattoos totally escape me.
Cay: Yep, that’s me, too. When I take the show for what it is – a unique case of the week, then it’s really awesome, but when I try to think too much about the “how”, then suspension of disbelief becomes a lot harder!
Leah: Jane is the strongest. She was the one it had to be. She is crazy, smart, bad ass and also vulnerable. I’m pretty sure Shepard has a board somewhere that lays out all of the dominoes that need to fall (the cases the FBI solves) in order for her plan to work.
Roz: I want that answer so badly but I don’t know if we’ll get an answer soon. There’s something much bigger at play than we all know and it has to be something big to take such a complicated and protracted route.
Lisa: I agree with Leah that it had to be Jane, but I still for the life of me can’t figure out the purpose of the tattoos. I know it’s going to be a big reveal and I can’t wait to figure out what it is.
What is Zapato up to now?
Lisa: Ugh. She’s definitely up to something. Practice what you preach Zapato.
Rueben: This seemed to come out of left field going to Keier for an off-the-books “mission.” To what end?
Leah: Who know. She preaches no secrets but always has one of her own.
Cay: Yep, she’s my top choice for the mole by a mile, but she’s probably too obvious a choice, so it will be someone else we wouldn’t expect…like Patterson (which would crush me!)!
Roz: Lord knows. It’s probably not going to be good for Jane, though.
Favorite scene?
Rueben: It was brief but I liked that the whole team, dressed to the “9’s” at the museum fundraiser, and Patterson was giving them – specifically Weller – a hard time about checking out the art while they were there.
Leah: I loved the Jane and “suspect” fight in the Asian Art room.
Cay: Heck yeah, that sword fight in the museum was definitely my highlight. It was short, but awesome and I like what they did with how they filmed it – the knife flying into the wall, etc.
Roz: I loved the button with the reveal that Sandstorm’s been after Kurt for more than twenty years. I’m all for opening up the show’s possibilities tonight.
Lisa: I agree with Rueben. I loved Patterson giving them a hard time and they looked so good!!
Watch all new episodes of Blindspot on Wednesdays at 8pm on NBC!