Comic Con
Interview: Arrow’s Stephen Amell on season 5
We sat down with the Arrow cast this year at San Diego Comic Con to discuss last season and what’s to come this fall. It’s kind of crazy to realize that this is the third year that I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet the actors in the press room – it doesn’t get much better for an Arrow fan! Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen, the Arrow) rarely minces words on twitter or in the press room and as usual, he told it like he sees it, giving us some idea of what to expect for the coming season.
Some highlights of our discussion:
- He would prefer if the 100th episode wasn’t a crossover, but it is going to be. He wants to see someone in that episode that we “haven’t seen in a while”
- Oliver’s most important relationship on the show is with Star City and this upcoming season will come back to focus on that
- They are shooting some “awesome shit” in terms of action scenes for the first few episodes
- His “wish list” for the show “begins and ends with Victor Garber”, but he hasn’t gotten to work with him yet.
Watch all new episodes of Arrow starting next Wednesday, October 5th on the CW!