Comic Con
THE FLASH: Tom Felton on Living His Flash Fanboy Dream, Evading Spoilers & My Phone Case
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this here before, but I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. Huge. I’ve been to Wizarding World in Orlando, twice. And I cried when I got there, twice. So when I found out Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy from the HP movies) was joining The Flash for season 3, I crossed my fingers that he would be at Comic Con, and that I would get to interview him.
Guess what. He was. And I did. And it was delightful.
I haven’t edited the video below, despite the fact that it begins mid-sentence (he’s answering the question of whether or not he’d been to Comic Con before), then he pretty much disappears (confession: I originally wrote “disapparates”) from the video while he takes our picture for his SDCC scrapbook. Because if you’re a Potterhead like me, then you want to see every second of Tom’s glee about joining The Flash.
At about 1:55 in the video, he says he likes something of mine – he’s referring to my phone case, which is the Marauders Map, and yeah, I was totally trying not to be a fangirl while also being completely thrilled that he even noticed.
Speaking of fangirling – Tom is a fanboy for The Flash/Barry Allen. You’ll hear him talk about the mutual admiration society happening on the set, as well as cleverly avoiding spoilers about his character and talking about the first scene he shot. Take a look.
The Flash returns Tuesday, October 4 at 8/7c on the CW.