INTERVIEW: Arrow’s Echo Kellum on what to expect for Curtis
It’s no secret that my favorite character on Arrow has always been Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). I have to admit, though, that this past season another character starting giving her a run for my adoration – Curtis (Echo Kellum). Arguably, the same things appeal to me about both characters – their intelligence, problem-solving skills, “gee-whiz-this-is-so-cool” sense of wonder, and their hearts and humility. I remember when Felicity was just getting involved with Team Arrow and how she was so amazed with everything she saw, enthralled with Oliver, and got tripped up on her words and sometimes her feet. Over the years, she understandably became less enthused and less awkward as she grew with the team. That left a big hole for the “person next door super computer nerd” and in stepped Curtis – basically Felicity’s gay male counterpart.
Adorkably charming, we can see the excitement of working with Team Arrow in Curtis’ eyes, just as we used to see it in Felicity’s. He has also provided some much needed tech support as well as comic relief for the team while Felicity stepped back a bit last season secondary to her tumultuous relationship with Oliver.
Thankfully, for all the fangirls and guys out there, I can attest that Echo is every bit as charming in person as Curtis is on Arrow. Check out the video below where we discuss:
- The upcoming 100th episode 4-way crossover with The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow
- He’s stoked to work with Cisco in the crossover as much as possible – he knows Cisco and Curtis would get along great (Carlos Valdez)
- He’s a fan of The Flash
- Curtis will have a bigger role in the upcoming season
All new episodes of Arrow start on Wednesday, October 5th on The CW.