INTERVIEW: Violett Beane
There might not be a new episode of The Flash until fall but we had the chance to interview Violett Beane who plays Jesse Quick to tide us over.
Born in Florida she moved to Austin at a young age and got into theater. She appeared in The Leftovers before starting her arc on The Flash.
-How do you enjoy being part of such a tight ensemble cast.
I actually prefer it and I think it’s one of the reasons the show is such a success! Because it’s an ensemble of people, there are more characters to care about and more storylines to follow instead of just one lead character. Also they’re all such fun and happy people to work with!!
-Was it easy to jump in to an established circle? I’m sure they were super nice because they seem it, but I always wonder how it feels to be dropped into a sitch like that.
Yeah it’s always a little difficult at first to find your place in any community of people, and coming into a show in the second season is no different. In the beginning of a show all the castmates hang out and do bonding type stuff, so you miss out on that. But I just tried to stay open and positive and eventually I started making connections with the other members of the cast and crew!
-Did you research your character at all? If so, is she hoping to grow into the future if the writers take her character in that direction? Personally, I’d love to see the whole stable of speedsters (Jessie Quick, Wally West, Jay Garrick (the real one)) along side of Barry, so if she gets to live in the speed force – yay!
I didn’t originally know who I was auditioning for because it was all very hush-hush, but once I booked the role I went to a local comic shop and picked up some issues featuring Jesse. What I like about the show is that while the writers create a lot of new storylines and change some of the characters around, they still pay homage to the original stories and I think that’s what keeps so many fans watching. I can not wait for Jesse Quick and to see all of the speedsters running together!
-Did you have any idea where they were going to go with her character from the beginning or did she learn along the way like us viewers?
Honestly, we don’t know much more than the fans do! Our shoot schedule is a couple episodes ahead of what’s being aired and that’s all we get. Jesse’s introduction into the show was a very slow one so I had no idea what they were intending for her character, and I still don’t!
-Can we talk about The Leftovers for a moment? That show is one of the best shows on TV – Ever. How was filming that?
It was such an experience! It was the first major project I had ever worked on and it was for HBO who only does BIG. And I mean BIG. There were 4 cameras always rolling, giant cranes, a huge amount of crew members, amazing locations. It was kind of crazy, but so fun, and I met one of my best friends on that set. I only wish to take everything I’ve learned now and go back to HBO to work on something else!
-You have some indie projects coming up as well – do you have a preference between movie and TV? They must film at such a different pace.
I do have some more independent projects coming out. A film that is very dear to me, TOWER, is touring at a ton of film festivals around North America, and so far has been doing really well. It’s a documentary about the first major school shooting in history at University of Texas, and I play Claire Wilson, the first person shot, who was 8-months pregnant and lost both her baby and her boyfriend. It is a very special film and I hope it makes its way to as many people as possible. Film and TV are kind of different in terms of shoot schedule and depth of character. I love doing TV because it gives you a lot of time with your character, where as with film, you don’t always get the opportunity of multiple sequels. But I’m open to both!
-Tell about us about the music video you directed. Is that something you want to get into more in the future?
So a couple months back my boyfriend and I decided to shoot a music video in an abandoned house we came across. My boyfriend Paul has a band called Eyelid Kid and we decided to put it to one of my favorite songs of his “Landscape”. I directed, edited and starred in it, where I play a deranged orphan girl who only has two dolls to keep her company. I enjoyed directing– I think I wanna try it again where I’m able to just focus solely on the directing part and not worry about the makeup and costumes, etc.
-Do you have a favorite charity?
I am a huge advocate for Planned Parenthood because I respect and want to protect the right to choose. Women should have access to health care if needed and shouldn’t feel judged or prosecuted for doing so.
-Favorite fan interaction?
The actor who voices Jesse in Spain tweeted at me not too long ago with a picture of her and her bunny! I thought that was awesome because I’ve always wondered who dubs over certain actors in other countries.