PERSON OF INTEREST: 100th Episode Roundtable
Season 5, episode 10 The Day the World Went Away (the 100th episode of the series)
What a crazy, intense, and emotional episode!!! Rueben, Karen, and I give our thoughts below, but please chime in with yours in the comments!
They killed Elias, but for reals this time
Rueben: I was stunned by this because he survived so many other times where his life was on the line, but I guess his time had come. But he will be sadly missed; and was a great ally to Finch and the team.
Karen: NOOOOOoooooooo!!! It seemed so pointless too! One of his guys turned on us, and they absconded with Finch. It led to Root coming to his rescue, and I may not forgive them for that.
Cay: It was shocking after they “just” had saved him, but I disagree, I don’t think it was pointless. It was a good death for him, not pointless – back at the apartment complex where he first really came into Team Machine’s lives, and he died protecting Finch – a good redemption story and a much more fitting death than being sniped in a car like at the end of season 4. Elias’ interactions with Finch this season also were important to set up Finch’s later actions.
That shootout
Rueben: There has been a lot of shoot-outs lately in the show with the body count building left and right; but I have a feeling this is only the start now that Finch has threatened Samaritan and asked the Machine to get him out. Root and Shaw sure put up a great fight that’s for sure.
Karen: I just watched a show where they checked what can stop a bullet, and almost NOTHING can stop a bullet – including car doors, tables, etc… and that crept into my enjoyment of the car chase shootout. However, it was pretty awesome nevertheless. I loved that Root used five shots to take out the enemy after their gatling gun was so unsuccessful.
Cay: As for bullets, it depends on the caliber, tip, etc. But it did seem to be a case of the bad guys not being able to shoot well, but you’ll have that in pretty much every movie and show. Both Samaritan’s forces and Root and Shaw had an incredible amount of firepower with them. I found myself wondering why ShotSeeker wasn’t sending half the NYPD in their direction immediately, although maybe Samaritan is interfering with it again.
As grand and over-the-top as the whole shootout was, it could have come off as really fake. Bullet-stopping ability and bad guy marksmanship aside, I think there are few characters who could pull off shooting a massive rifle out of a sunroof while driving backward with your high-heeled boot. It should be absolutely ridiculous, but somehow, with Root, it worked. We’ve seen her and Shaw do similarly badass things.
The evolution of Harold Finch
Rueben: I think what Elias said to Finch has come true – that his kettle has finally boiled over and what he does next will be beyond any of our imaginations.
Karen: He’s lost patience now, and it’s only a matter of time until he makes his finishing move. I know the show is a big chess game, but I feel like he’s now playing Mortal Kombat – FINISH HIM!
Cay: This was really Finch’s (and Michael Emerson’s) episode from the first scene. Everything we’ve seen in the previous 99 episodes brought us to this point – where Finch could finally not take anymore. Having him finally in police custody, after all these years, exactly where he told Elias he always thought he would be. And then being reminded about his record – treason, his fingerprints all over homicide scenes – were those numbers that he tried to save early on, or something else? And then when he switches from talking to the agent to Samaritan – just chilling. And then the final act of turning the Machine completely free in an act of desperation – so powerful!
Rueben: I had a really bad feeling that this would be her swan song, but I was also hoping against hope that that wouldn’t be the case. That being said, though, the Machine selected Root’s voice for its own so there is that. But it will be very hard to say goodbye to Root, as it’s going to take awhile to come to terms with her death.
Cay: It’s no secret that Root was my favorite character for the past few seasons. I *knew* that all of Team Machine couldn’t survive, and it seemed too early to kill Shaw when she’s just gotten back to the team and with the likelihood of season 6 unknown at the time these episodes were written and filmed, I assume that Reese and Finch will survive the season, so Root was a very logical person to be killed – she had completed her redemption arc, and she died doing her best to protect Finch, and the Machine. It was a good death, for a purpose, and it suited her character – it wasn’t just for shock value.
The part about the Machine taking on her voice is just perfect – hard to imagine her wanting anything more than that. It also gives new meaning to the “Root” voiceover that started off the first episode of this season – I’ll have to go back and listen but it makes more sense now knowing that it was the Machine talking, not Root.
As an aside, this is the second time Amy Acker has had her character killed off only to become a god – it happened on Angel as well.
Favorite lines/scenes
Rueben: The flirting between Root and Shaw while they were facing down all of those Samaritan men was priceless!
Karen: Agreed Rueben! Loved that Shaw called her on it too. Very funny. Also, SO. MANY. BULLETS.
Cay: The Root shooting out of the sunroof scene, and Finch at the police station – it was so unexpected, so intense as it became clear what was happening and who he was talking to. There were so many great lines in this episode, many of my favorites are below.
Overall thoughts
Cay: WHOA, yeah, the title was apt. It really feels like the world went away after watching that episode! It’s hard to imagine how they could top this episode in scope and emotional heft in the final 3 episodes. The writing, the acting, this episode is one of the best episodes of TV that I think that I’ve ever seen.
Rueben: I, too, have to wonder how they will top this episode (which was a great 100th for them, by the way), but a tough one to follow. I can’t begin to imagine where the last three episodes will go from here.
Karen: Wow. Just wow. What an amazing episode. I still cannot believe this show is going away.
Memorable Quotes (so, so many this week!):
You built God, Harry. Who am I to question your judgement, or Hers? – Root
We’re going to end up the most principled corpses in Potter’s field – Root
I didn’t give the Machine a name because I thought that one day it might want to choose a name for itself – Finch
That man is not your professor. He’s an architect of the future – Root
Excuse me, what about my grade? – student
You failed – Reese
Grab some guns, Sameen, you’ll feel better if you shoot someone – Root
I’m just protecting a number, Harold, it’s what you hired me to do – Reese
Actually, Sameen, I’ve been hiding since I was twelve. This may be the first time that I feel like I belong – Root
I swear to God, you flirt at the most awkward times! – Shaw
The really big gun…and a hair scrunchy – Root
As long as the Machine lives, we never die – Root
Watch Person of Interest on Tuesdays at 10/9c on CBS!