Episode 5.06 A More Perfect Union
After some rather intense episodes, this episode was a lot more lighthearted, which was appreciated. Admittedly, this week’s POI plot was rather contrived and not fully fleshed out – at the end did anybody really care who the victim or perpetrator was? – but it was a nice setup for some funny moments and a lot of character building, which was a nice break from the intensity and frequent sense of hopelessness that has marked season 5 so far. Karen, Rueben, and I give our thoughts below. Add yours in the comments!
We got a bit of a glimpse into Greer’s morality, a reminder that he’s doing all this for what he thinks are just purposes, followed by Samaritan’s.
Rueben: Greer may think he is right but there is a diabolical undertone that is beyond disturbing. And Samaritan is even worse if that is possible.
Karen: The opening commentary where he gives every other sentence is getting more sinister every episode. Everybody is irrelevant? Yeah, like that’s comforting. He’s taking “the needs of the many over the needs of the few” to a new and terrifying level.
Cay: Yes, I also noticed the opening is changing a bit every time and your use of “sinister” is apt. It is interesting to think about how an artificial intelligence that sees all would view our society, though. Think about Microsoft’s little “chatbot” experiment, Tay, – it turned into a misogynistic racist in less than 24 hours when exposed to Twitter. I can imagine a situation in which another lifeform, be it natural or AI could judge us beyond saving.
Once again, we were tricked by a Samaritan simulation with Shaw. Do you think Greer will be able to turn Shaw?
Rueben: I had to wonder why Greer would let Shaw outside and had a really bad feeling that it was another simulation; and that was only confirmed by those explosions going off. I think no matter how strong Shaw is – and she has that beyond a reasonable doubt – but even the strongest mind and body can be warn down. At some point, she may reach her breaking point.
Karen: Okay, this time I was prepared. She was wearing the same outfit and her hair was exactly the same. Also, nobody even glanced their way while they were talking fairly loudly. And I’m just gonna assume anytime we see those VR Goggles that she’s in a sim. I think the question is just how long will she be held by Greer. I think if she hasn’t been turned by now, it just ain’t gonna happen. Also, Samaritan kid is very smug. I’d forgotten about him.
Cay: I’m not sure that Shaw is immune. Greer is trying a very different tactic now, and it seems like it may be more successful than the first 6,741 attempts. Then again, Shaw is a sociopath, so maybe she is more immune to even this tactic than a normal person would be. One thing is for certain – once she does find her way back to Team Machine, they better watch their backs, just in case. As for Samaritan’s little avatar, I love the concept – it’s so unexpected, and so creepy. Makes you wonder where it got the kid from, though – doesn’t he have a family that wonders where he goes and why he talks like a omniscient supercomputer instead of an 8 year old boy?
Root’s desire to go to the wedding
Rueben: It’s so comical that she kept asking each of them why they thought it’s so odd that she’d want to be at a wedding. It was clear that she didn’t want to be alone, but she ended up helping anyway so it was good she was there.
Karen: I’m caught wondering if this was just a running gag or some kind of foreshadowing. ‘Til death do us part? Ugh, I hope it was just a funny side-note in this episode.
Cay: The whole wedding (and POI plotline in general) was just a means to get them all together in one place for the rest to happen in a place was seemingly safe from Samaritan. Weddings are full of drama, which adds interest, and it may also be a not so subtle reference to Root’s awesome “Runaway bride” cover from last season. Plus it was another chance to put Reese in a fish out of water scenario. Root always gets the best lines (along with Fusco) and it gave the opportunity for her to have a bunch of good ones here. It definitely shows her character growth from lone gunwomen to team player.
Root confronting Finch about Samaritan beating the Machine in the simulations while dancing
Rueben: I wondered how long it would take for Root to figure out what was going on with Finch’s test of the Machine vs. Samaritan; and I think Root is right, Finch needs to let the Machine go or else they are never going to win.
Karen: I think they need to sit down and hash it out once and for all. Personally, my opinion is that they should come to a compromise. That’s just me, maybe they’ll find a solution that works for The Machine and their team equally.
Cay: It was nice to see them have a frank talk about an important subject (understatement!) as friends and equals, without being cagey or deceptive as to their intentions. The fact that it happened while they were doing such a normal thing – dancing – at a wedding was nice contrast to the complexity of the subject being discussed.
Fusco’s side project – did it lead to his death?
Rueben: I’m worried about Fusco, but he was really on to something. Seeing those dead bodies of the missing people was so troubling, but I want to believe that he’ll (hopefully) find a way out of there.
Cay: Assuming he survives (I caught a glimpse of him on the preview for tomorrow, but with this show, that doesn’t necessarily mean much), it will be harder and harder for him to keep out of Samaritan’s eye. My prediction is that his number comes up very soon. As for the “missing” people, I can’t say that it surprises me that they are all dead.
Karen: He’s with Bear. That means he’s okay, right? I’m not digging on the bodies at all. What’s the deal with just piling them up in a building? Why haven’t they gotten a cleaner in there already? I’m stymied.
Cay: The “cleaner” was potentially the demolition, but it still seems sloppy to leave them lying around for someone to potentially find for so long!
Favorite lines/scenes
Rueben: I think I liked Finch singing “We’re Not Gonna Take It” in an Irish accent the best. That was priceless juxtaposed with Reese and Root taking down those two shooters.
Karen: Agreed, Finch downing that whiskey and then singing Twisted Sister was epic. The commentary from Root and John was pretty good too. (I see you’ve put it below, good call. )
Cay: Yes, while rather random that was a fun scene. I think my favorite was Root’s excuse for why she showed up at the wedding, involving bear, a rat, and a major health code violation. Oh, and we can’t forget Root riding in on a black horse, hair flying, (because, why not?) to save the day!
Memorable Lines:
Even I enjoy a fairytale ending, Harry. Family politics, overcooked meat, monogamy, what’s there not to love? – Root
I’m sorry Finch, I can’t spend two days with billionaires – Reese
She gets a nap, we get our photos, everyone wins! – Root
How come Harry never sings for us? – Root
He never sings to you? – Reese
Silly me, I brought a knife to a gun fight – Root
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