Gotham’s season two finale double take
The monsters are loose in Gotham, Jim Gordon leaves to mend his and Lee’s broken hearts and oh yeah, looks like Bruce Wayne has an evil twin, but that’s not even the best of what happened in the season two finale of Gotham.
Peabody versus Fish Mooney: Through out the episode, Peabody and Fish went head-to-head, mostly a ploy for Fish to touch and compel Peabody to obey her. Fish even employs the “yo momma” tactic to engage Peabody – “You’re momma may be 13, but I am Fish Mooney. bitch?” Clearly she’s creating a tag line. Eventually, Fish is able to compel Peabody and makes her escape.
Dr. Strange cries like a baby: Dr. Strange actually cried and ran away from Fish Mooney and left Peabody to defend herself. He’s then caught in the cross fire between Mr. Freeze and Firefly, but it’s not enough to kill him. However, it was enough of a distraction for Selina to rescue the boys before the bomb goes off. But they can’t just leave, no, Gordon has to go and slap Strange till he wakes up in an effort to get him to defuse bomb. Which was pointless, because Strange just cries again about the bomb going off is better than his monster escaping the facility and he runs away. Maybe he’ll take Fish’s advice and become a pimp. Though, I wouldn’t work for him.
Which leads to Gordon and Fox to defuse the bomb, even though neither one of them have a clue as to how to do that. Of course, it’s down to the final minute, and Peabody who wakes up on the floor asks for water. Maybe it’s the stress of trying to save the city, but Gordon and Fox thought that pouring water on the bomb panel was how to stop it. Coincidentally, it does work, but Peabody was really asking for water for herself. Because when you wake up from being knocked out, your throat is a little dry.
And not to be left out, Penguin, Butch and company show up late to the party with guns a blazing. Penguin had sent Barbara to find out what she could about the GCPD going after Strange and when she reports back with the details, off the boys go. After shooting down the monster bus, Penguin calls out for Dr. Strange, perhaps he wants to return the sanity certificate, but it’s Fish Mooney who approaches him. Like most people when they see a ghost of someone they killed, Penguin faints, falls to the ground and is left there, without the help of any of his henchmen. And he’s still laying there when the monsters run from the bus…
Lingering questions we have heading into season three:
Will Dr. Strange be brought to justice?
How will Harvey Bullock adapt to being the captain of the GCPD?
Will Gordon come back with Lee or alone?
What will Bruce discover about the secret council and it’s control of Wayne Enterprises? And will Alfred be able to reign him in and keep him safe?
Selina told Bruce that she has him wrapped around her pinkie. Will Bruce finally man up and make his move on Selina?
With all the Arkham basement monsters on the streets, which familiar villains will surface next season?
Oh man, September can’t get here soon enough!